>god tier in pve
>god tier in pvp
How would you nerf it without going overboard?
God tier in pve
>god tier in pve
Nah. Its A tier at best. Moonveil is god tier at PvE, especially in comparison to that. Only three bosses ive encountered have melted to RoB, whereas i can 2 hit a vast majoriry with moonveil.
I should give mine since I raised the question: Lower WA damage but increase the bleed. The thing is Corpse Piler currently is a oneshot attack, if you get hit at the start you're already dead thanks to the followups. However, if the attack itself isn't an instant death wave, then upping the bleed proc keeps it viable.
Also, unless you're using CE to give yourself the item, RoB is partially balanced by the fact that you can't even get it until 80% into the game.
make the weapon art cost 50 fp
wow so hard to fix
>Nah. Its A tier at best.
I would go overboard :)
It doesn't need to be nerfed
Think of the normal uchigatana
Put double slash on it and you have basically a weaker version of rivers of blood
They intentionally designed some weps to be stronger and some weaker
is how it is
Have it kill the user irl
Buff STR/DEX scaling universally
Lower bleed buildup against players
Remove stagger on bleed
Remove status ailments building up through rolls
Actually attempt to balance FP costs instead of just making them all random numbers like it seems they've done
remove the fucking ridiculous doubled range of the weapon art, that is the source of the vast majority of its power
if you think that'd completely kill the weapon then at least vastly reduce it, there is no reason you should be able to do that kind of combo from a safe distance
While it would be nice to have separate balancing between pve and pvp so that shit doesn't get nerfed universally just for being good at duels, they'll never do that
The only thing that needs tweaking is the weapon art. It's double slice with longer range and more damage with no drawbacks. The blood splash effect deals physical damage in addition to bleed buildup so it's pretty strong even vs enemies immune to blood loss.
Add very minor self damage and significant self bleed build up on the weapon art. If you take away the ability to spam weapon art, it’ll be far easier to deal with.
Bleed is now dot. Same damage it does now, but over a 5s period. Cannot be bled again until the previous one ends.
The "drawback" is you get it with like 3 bosses left in the game, as the devs would see it
I think that's fair. By the time you get it, the game is pretty much ending.
By switching the dark souls 2 servers back on so I can actually have fun with pvp again, instead of this shitty rocket tag meta in ER
>god tier in pvp
I literally just hit RoB users once as they get into range then mash them to death as they keep trying to mash back through heavy frame disadvantage. It doesn't matter what weapon or playstyle I've used, I haven't been killed by one yet
Yeah. I fucked up though, it's 4 bosses
>Fire Giant
>dual final boss
Ash of war builds bleed on the user :)
>dodge RoB wombo combo
>still die because bleed procs through rolls anyway and leaves me open
REMOVE BLEED remove bleed
I would agree if it wasn't so easy to have a friend transfer it to your fresh character with a red sign. Then you can terrorize all the sub 100 zones where people have basically no bleed resistance and red moss isn't common yet.
I'm pretty sure they've already had things work differently against invaders and human-type enemies before
Regardless a simple route they could take (because I'm sure they would never take the time to fine tune these things) would be to increase player resistance to bleed. If they still want the enemies that can cause bleed to be dangerous it wouldn't be much to ask to increase it on the few that exist.
I gave myself it with CE, it honestly takes quite a while to be amazing when your stats are still low, that fucker depends on your scaling real bad. The one thing it always melts without question is NPC invaders
Also Malenia, Mohg, Flaccidcox, and possibly even Rykard, Radahn or anything else you might have skipped.
>Dodge gay madness laser and take no damage
>still triggers madness stun because these useless chinks can't design a game to save their lives
Yeah but I mean bosses you NEED to fight to beat the game
>Dodge gay madness laser and take no damage
More like
>dodge gay madness laser
>wait no actually I didn't because this game uses fucking delay-based netcode
You dont need to fight any boss if you use ziplines
This isn't as much a drawback as you think because you can STILL DROP WEAPONS, TALISMANS, AND ARMOR
There's no trading NPCs like the crows even, so you've got people downtrading Rivers of Blood to their friend so they have it when they absolutely shouldn't have it at all.
There's no reason at all for weapon dropping, especially when dropping hacked weapons/armor to get other players banned is infamous.
You dont even need to drop the items you can just hit people with an editted spell to put hacked items directly into their inventory
That means people giving up items that you can't just get another one of under normal means. By that logic it doesn't matter since you can just give yourself it at the start with CE like I did
shorten the range by 6 less feet
Here's how you nerf bleed
>make it do half as much damage on bleed procs
>double the bleed resistance on armor
>make it guaranteed like madness if the bar fills up
Would literally fix all issues
Nerf bleed all around, decrease base damage, increase scaling arcane and dex, with discrepancy penalties, as in if dex is 5+ levels higher than arcane, you dont receive as much damage as you would if both stats with ~4 levels of each other, by factors of a base 45 dmg, starting at level 25 onwards so as to not nerf the shit out of the base of the weapon but also requiring more stat investment to be all around (better than before dmg wise) but bleed will still be nerfed to 5% dmg per proc that causes bleed protection for 6 seconds on the opponent. Sword would be similar stat wise with +20 more levels than what's meta now, but nerfed because bleed will be nerfed.
Dont say you got this shit from me.
This but only against players, make it behave as it currently does against NPCs
>with discrepancy penalties, as in if dex is 5+ levels higher than arcane, you dont receive as much damage as you would if both stats with ~4 levels of each other, by factors of a base 45 dmg, starting at level 25 onwards so as to not nerf the shit out of the base of the weapon but also requiring more stat investment to be all aroun
Pretty sure FROM has never done that in a game ever
I member when katanas had spear tier counter damage for no reason in DaS2 because glorious nippon steel. Funnily enough everyone running insane bleed has made the consumables that increase the resistance to it and talismans a lot better, at least way better than previous titles.
I used RoB for my second playthrough and it is comical.
-Every hit staggers
-Bleed proc staggers
-Can output 6 strikes in the same time as most weapons take to swing once
-WA is instant
-chaining the WA
-minimal FP cost
-MASSIVE area holy shit
-multiple stacking talismans that increase damage based on bleed procs and multi hits
-multiple items that buff on bleed build
-can further stack incant buffs
-deals fire damage and physical so you can reset frostbite too
-hosts can bring 6 of these things to the table during an invasion
Nothing else has this kind of absurd support while also being the strongest weapon in the game on its own.
At least
>Reduce bleed proc damage %, at least in PvP
>Make the WA require a stance input
>increase time between the first 3 swings and the next 3 (stance reset like the moonveil)
Done, still the best weapon in the game.
Best bleed weapon to left hand w/ RoB? Pure ARC by the way.
>chaining the WA
You forgot the best part
>you can delay the second part of the WA so if the enemy rolls you can catch them instead of them dodging erverything if it all had to come out at once
My solution would be to basically make it a chained Bloody Slash. Keep the damage and bleed buildup the same but give each activation step of the weapon art self-damage equal to Bloody Slash (0.05 x Max HP + 50). Meaning that if you have 40 vigor you can still shit out damage and bleed but if you perform the whole three-hit weapon art you're eating 367 damage.
>-multiple stacking talismans that increase damage based on bleed procs and multi hits
>-multiple items that buff on bleed build
Why does bleed specifically get so much additional help and damage buffs, its already arguably the best status to use on bosses and PvP
Maybe that one really long one?
I think the reason they won't do that is specifically because Blood Slash deals damage due to you using your own blood as a medium. Corpse Piler doesn't, it's just splashing around the blood the sword already has on it
I hate how bleed has completely invalidated DEX builds. There is no such thing as a DEX build now. Everyone may be using "DEX" weapons, but they're all pumping ARC to proc status effects as fast as possible. I miss seeing people use curved swords, rapiers, flails, twinblades or scyhtes, but nope, everyone's using some form of katana due to them being optimal when trying to proc a status effect.
Another rivers or blood or a cold katana (fire damage resets the frostbite)
Moonveil is still good for Int/Dex rather than Int/Arc
Because Miyazaki actually believes that fast weapons with special effects are somehow more skillful to use. Read the item description for, say, large club.
people use Bloodhound's Fang with dex builds because it has no Arcane scaling
This but unironically
Yes it does. All weapons with a status effect like bleed, frost, madness or scarlet rot scale with ARC in how fast the status proc bar fills up. With a high ARC level and under certain setups, you can cause an instant proc of a status effect with just a single hit.
I mean its actual hits, not the bleed effect
The main reason are pc fags. The souls community died with pc releases.
RoB is still less cancerous than pre-nerf Hoarfrost Stomp
Not without arc scaling on the weapon.
Is Morgott's Cursed Sword a good secondary bleed weapon?
Most weapons don't really need to scale with ARC damage wise to be good. Bloodhound Fang is actually better with high ARC than high DEX because the damage you get from the DEX scaling is minimal compared to the damage you'll do with the constant bleed procs with high ARC. One of the most broken setups in PVE is dual wielding Bloodhound Fang and Morgott's curved sword with 60+ ARC. You'll literally be bleeding anything in one or two hits.
When dual-wielding? Probably not since it's a CGS
Make other stuff stronger. Don't nerf it.
>moonveil better than RoB
Not him but it's true for anything bleed doesn't work on like stone enemies.
I don't know what that is because I don't touch gay ass weeb katana bleed weapons. Now give me (you)s telling me how based I am.
So what, like, 2 bosses?
There's actually a surprising number of optional bosses that want you to use crushing damage
Delete PvP from the game, that would immediately end all crying over balance.
Why bother with status bullshit when you can instantly shit out the damage all at once in an arc that comes out so fast it's nearly unavoidable and with basically no charge or recovery time?
Moonveil has the advantage that if you hit them with the sword as well as the beam, it does a ridiculous amount of poise break. Most bosses will go into their grounded state in 3-4 attacks
And all of like 1 of them is any challenge at all, full grown falling star beast and maybe the one in sellia crystal tunnel.
>Cross Naginata
>Mohgs Spear
>Scavengers Curved Sword
Offhand any of these with it and shit gets retarded.
Katanas do bleed damage, you can think of the rest