You see. The player in the webm dodged incorrectly because it turned out that the way they tried to avoid the attack didn't work. And because it didn't work it means they did it wrong. If it had worked then it would have been correct.
Elden Ring
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What? Thats clearly just shit game design.
retard isn't even trying to dodge. jumping behind a boss isn't dodging, it's being a retard.
git gud shitter
this is only acceptable if it's your first time fighting the boss. Most bosses have shitty attacks and tracking but you're retarded if you still keep doing this shit after seeing it once
>it's not dodging if you're not abusing i-frames
It is dodging and should be respected as such, but Elden Ring is such a linear and restrictive game i-frames and running away are the only forms of dodging special attacks.
We've reach a point where fromdrones don't even remember the definition of dodge anymore, they just think it means roll i-frame abuse
Hilarious, kys.
>jumping BEHIND the boss attack isn't dodging
>because the boss can instantly hit BEHIND it even though it was already tracking in the complete opposite direction
Yeah, we know. That's the problem.
It's not even the jumping, jumping gives you some i-frames below waist, it's the fucking tracking on that attack. Shit boss.
>Play a fighting game
>someone throws out a high
>can duck it
>can backstep it
>can block it
>can throw out an invincible move
>can stuff it with my own attack during startup
>can possibly jump over it
>Play Elden Ring
>enemy throws out a move
>can only i-frame
>tracks movement
>running away means you can't punish
>ducking only works for very specific highs
>jumping only works for very specific lows
>stun/stagger is an invisible RNG bar
>poise sucks
>blocking wastes too much stamina
This webm has never been beaten by a Fromdrone. It's only ever received canned responses like "filtered" or "why didn't he just attack the enemy instead of healing?" which doesn't really dismantle the issue on display.
I kneel
hey guys where's the character sheets can i join the RP or is it too late
I think this is what happens when you don't disable those "automatically target enemy" settings. It's the same with the camera auto avoid wall setting, it just fucks you over.
>jumping straight into the boss
retard, also jumped too early
what you get for being a jump R2 spamming faggot
>why didn't he just attack the enemy instead of healing
you can't even attack enemies when they're down
Lol more shit game design.
he didnt dodge, he jumped behind her
This just proves that the game reads your inputs. Like a fighting game here, except unlike a fighting game, you have no options to counter.
Positioning should be a viable means of dodging, and it is in the good Souls games (DS1, DS3, Sekiro, BB).
DS2 and especially Elden Ring have retarded tracking where even after an enemy has committed to an attack in a direction, they can turn around in 1 frame to hit you even if you move out of the way of their attack.
It's shit game designing when the only way to avoid a move is to i-frame through it, at that point the game might as well be 2D because it completely removes the meaning of the positioning enabled by the 3rd dimension.
the game is dogshit dude everyone knows that
its mostly fun but its still a dogshit game
Lol. Fromdrones on suicide watch
The webm that defeated Yea Forums.
>the game reacts to your decisions
Oh the horror. Do you also cry when you get punished in PvP for healing lmao
I can assure you, ds2 did not track like how you describe it. You can easily strafe to dodge almost everything
And as I stated, you have no options to counter unlike fighting games. Poor reading comprehension, fromdrone. Try again.
>fromshitter compares with pvp with pve
why the fuck he has lock on if he want to avoid the attack
It wasn't as bad as in Elden Ring but it did have its share of excess tracking.
You can tell that the DS2 director was involved with Elden Ring, where he is credited as co-director.
>AI literally incapable of understanding the high level strategy of not doing anything
none of you retards realized if you have lock on to boss, boss also has lock on to you, i played elden ring without barely using any lock on.
...that's the joke.
That's why you didn't beat it.
I hate how passive the AI is in ER, especially Malenia.
It feels like playing against a really defensive PVP player who waits for you to do anything before countering.
This one is my favorite
>why didn't he just attack the enemy instead of healing?
Some kinds of enemies get their own set of I-frames when they're down.
>stagger malenia with a pot
You being bad does not mean you don't have options. Cope, seethe mald
>because the boss can instantly hit BEHIND it even though it was already tracking in the complete opposite direction
Yeah, that's how lock on works, you can do the same thing.
bitch i beat melania withou using bh step or mimick because i didint found thems, melania was ok without lock on.
No, you can't. If a boss jumps behind you then there is a turn limit to how much your attack tracks.
He did all of those things beforehand and still got hit by a teleport attack. Get fucked, fromdrone. Your shit show is being exposed and you're mind broken over it
She heals on blocked attacks. Fromdrones and reddit spacing go hand in hand.
No you can't. Your character stops.
The exact second he starts using the item an enemy from halfway across the world fucking aggros, but the game definitely doesn't input read item use.
>Break waterfowl dance with pot
Fromnigger gets exposed for using YouTube and Reddit guides when they're in every thread claiming they beat the game without any outside help. Now go ahead and say you already knew about that trick. you niggers are pathetic.
As more people play it and realize how bad it is the froms keep get outnumbered. They'll be back in the dark soon.
>the same webms and angry text every single day
As shit as life can be, I feel solace in knowing that I'll never be as pathetic as these schizoposters. This is a good day.
No, it's not dodging when you get hit, that's called getting hit, she has attacks you can dodge by strafing.
enemies can hear combat, you know. that guillotine throw has a big wind-up, too
at least i'm not a corporate cockgobbler who will eat every shit served by my favorite developer
fromdrones are mentally deranged
Provide an argument. Respond to the OP. You can't.
Coincidence maybe. That enemy loves to hit you up there. It's bullshit
not an argument
Not an argument. Where's your balls, corporate lapdog? Be a man.
Discord trannies arent capable of thinking
You are deranged though. You're grasping at straws so much that you can't even accept a minor flaw with the game. This is what you would call a corporate semen slurper. If I asked you if you were gay would you like about that as well?
Have you stopped shitting your diaper yet?
Concession accepted.
Couldn't give less of a fuck about Elden Ring at this point, just pointing out the absolute mental illness of display
Cheers m8 these things wants to whine forever instead of just adapt to the gameplay
lol based schizo fromdrone slayer
>if I pretend like im not a fromtranny theyll take my post more seriously
Cope Elden shitter.
So you haven't stopped shitting your diaper. I feel sorry for your mother. She's 80! Move out of her basement!
You fags post the same shits for over a month after the game releases
Reposting schizo hours
Stop giving them fuel for defending the bad game design you animals
Post new webms
just like fromdrones post git gud whenever they get challenged. They're like leftists that cry racist.