>"brooo red dead is the best game of all time!!!"
>3 hours in and killing fucking rats in an empty ranch
I got tricked again by Yea Forumstards
"brooo red dead is the best game of all time!!!"
Other urls found in this thread:
don't forget picking up flowers and herding cows
I wasn't a fan either
>took 12 years to emulate red dead redemption
PC tards wont be playing bloodborne till 2027 kek
I say this without a single hint of memery, but you did not actually play the game.
It's like watching somebody else playing VR or watching a film on your tiny ass cell phone screen - it just doesn't compare. You're likely not using the intended controller, game-breaking bugs and graphical glitches are increasingly guaranteed the further away the game's release date was from 1995 and in the end you're just playing a glib facsimile of a game. It's objectively not what the developers intended, and any opinion you have about the game simply doesn't matter.
But thank you for at least being open about how flawed your experience was instead of simply making a thread shitting on the game (and not mentioning you emulated it).
not OP, I played it on PS3
it's a shit game.
only read the first sentence of your post
all fixed
>not using intended controller
I am using the xbone controller
cope and seethe
And what if you do use the intended controller and the game doesn't have any bugs during emulation?
Also who the fuck cares.
Also I'm using amd supersampling + 8x msaa from nvidia control panel so the game looks much better than on console.
you legitimately just do not understand the game.
sorry user
>emulation... LE BAD!!!
Here's your 1 (one) free (You)
I implore you to dilate
I will never understand people like you.
>noooo, it's not the same thing!
>despite OP not saying anything about the shit I'm crying about, it's magically going to be different when you play it back on the console!
I played it when it came out and quit after Mexico and never picked it back up. The ride to Mexico was worth the play up until that point, it was a very special moment with Far Away playing. I was bored with it. Same Rockstar formula of hand holding missions and no real freedom. I guess I got burned out on Rockstar games after GTA 4 when I realized they are all the same damn template.
the first time I ever played this game on console it soft-locked on the pause screen
this was years after release, I bought it used for 10 bucks, downloaded all the updates
I promptly resold it for 10 bucks to some classmate
Is this fresh pasta?
It'll take longer than that
tick tock snoy
>This is what consoleniggers actually believe
>I say this without a single hint of memery, but you did not actually play the game.
I say this without a single hint of memery, you are clinically retarded.
I played a handful of games from PS1 and PS2, both on console and on PC through emulators, and the experience is EXACTLY. the same, except on PC you get res upscaling and other neat filters to enhance the visuals, while on PS2 you don't.
>ps1/ps2 emulation = ps3 emulation
You complete the rabbit shooting tutorial in 15 minutes. The coyote shooting tutorial lasts 10. You already have the lasso, meaning you did the herding tutorial -- that's about 20 minutes. Either you are full of shit or emulatorfags are really fucking slow. I am inclined to believe the latter.
>= ps3 emulation
>implying that user wasn't talking about emulation in general
I don't know if you're also a retard, or if you dropped out of school.
Won't miss the chance to laugh at your display of idiocy though.
>heh, that's true, it's obviously the way the developers intended their game to be played and definitely not because of hardware limitations
>hide a shitpost with recursive hiding to hide the retards that bit the bait
>half the fucking thread dissappears
can we PLEASE go back to teaching newfags how to not take bait?
Theres a lot of walking around and cutscenes too
>>>implying that user wasn't talking about emulation in general
He deliberately noted "a handful" of PS2/PS1 games as his only experience emulating. Perhaps you should check your posts twice before smugly making a fool of yourself
playing on pc is just less fun. anyone else know this feel?
the worst Yea Forums meme games I've personally fallen for:
>disco elysium
don't feel bad OP but remember not to trust anyone here.
It's at least 6 years too late for that to work.
Not retarded, so no.
>I'm sure having fun playing at 20FPS! Good thing this game has auto aim to make up for the fact that it's a slideshow!
>killing fucking rats in an empty ranch
When does that happen? I only remember killing rats in a bar in 2.
Maybe it's a me thing but I don't tend to play as long on PC as I do on console, I guess I really can't sit on my chair that long compared to my couch
>bloodborne: nothing
hmmmm, see you in 2030
we already have like 64 thread processors
by 2027 those will be mainstream and high end would be like 256 threads. ps4 has no chance.
*128 threads
>not a retard
>plays fps
Fuck off retard.
>Red Dead Redemption
Those low framerates are affecting your eyes consolefag
funny how it's never people actually playing the intended experience who disparage it
Man, I understand some of the hate that games like BotW get to some extent, like it IS somewhat of a walking simulator after a certain point and becomes quite repetitive and so on. But RDR2? That game is literally a masterpiece. If you don't at the very least like that game, then something's just not right with you. Really, the only thing you can really complain about it is how long it takes to actually be able to free roam, however, that part is pretty fun and by the time you're done with the intro part you KNOW how to play the game. After that you can do anything you want; play online even.
If RDR2 is a bad game (in your opinion) then I'd really like to know what you consider to be a great game.
rdr 1 tard
Played the "intended" (limited by hardware) version on PS3 a long time ago, replaying RDR1 with emulation now.
I'll never go back to the PS3 version.
RDR1 gets disparaged because it has lots of boring parts that make replays less appealing, and those don't magically go away on the "intended" (again, best they could do on that hardware) version.
You're quoting 2 of my posts, dumbass.
In my post () I talked about () in response to (), dumbass.
And that post () absolutely speaks about general emulation, dumbass.
Needless to say, I used my experience with PS1 and PS2 games as an example, dumbass.
And no, I won't stop acting smug because I love to call out people on their retardation, lmao.
you sound mad dumbass
sounds fun
>he didnt play the game using the same exact TV that devs did
you did not actually play the game
>killing rats in an empty ranch
I dont remember that mission
holy shit look at all the seething emulation drones coping at this post
all shitposting aside, how well does it emulate as of now
reckon my 10900k could handle it
I would have never thought a western game made by Rockstar in 2010 wasn't good. What's next, Sony exclusives suck and are not games?
The emulator made a few significant leaps in the last one - one and half years. Things has been quiet ever since (at least afaik) but you shouldn't have any major issues.
Here's a demonstration after one of the aforementioned big updates, RDR runs on i5-9400F+1660S combo here: youtube.com
best config for playing rdr in xenia?
my 3060ti runs almost at the same fps, what?
I can't stay focused on games when playing on PC, i just get distracted and boot up a web browser or some other computer program after 20 minutes.
When I game on a console I'm entirely committed to gaming and can go on for hours.
I might go get my head checked and get on meds, I think I might have ADHD or something.
>I played it on PS3
that's honestly worse
>I say this without a single hint of memery
>glib facsimile
Keep in mind RDR is admittedly a big pile of disastrous spaghetti code. Sam Houser called the development a "recurring nightmare" and had to beg Leslie Benzies to come back and save the game 6 months before release.
Besides, such is the emulation business. I take it you've already done your homework and tried to fine-tune the settings for your rig. Given the source material, it'd say it's a smaller miracle that RDR ended up being playable on PC.
RDR doesn't emulate nearly as well as people claim either. BB will literally take over a decade from now.
>I take it you've already done your homework and tried to fine-tune the settings for your rig
i didnt find any settings to fine tune besides the res scale