What did Mayl see? Could it have been a Megaman Battle Network thread?
What did Mayl see? Could it have been a Megaman Battle Network thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
She got a bonner after looking to her pics
Uoh belly erotic
>this retard got to jack into mayl's virgin pussy
How did he make it?
She yawning at your micropenis
She saw me break a Dark Aura with my Megabuster
She saw my tiny coq
It's over...
>no collection
>no celebration
>shanghai is pozzed
>all other fangames suck ass
>only thing people want is pedo porno
>tfw discovered yesterday's roll-chan thread only 3 minutes before it got deleted
she saw rommi's sketches of her
By saving the world 6 times
All these battle network threads are just bait to lure out Rommi, right?
no, mega man girls are just that based though rommi does make me look forward to the threads
why are there so many pedos on Yea Forums lately?
sadly it seems like it
every now and then we have a "ok" thread but that's rare
i'm not going to lie though I enjoy his work and he seems pretty chill and can take a joke unlike most of the fags on Yea Forums nowadays
You're funny, user.
I bet you're so new you don't even remember there used to be a loli board.
>20XX AD
>No Wifi
Life is hell
I don't know user
I would be ok without having wifi if that meant I could have my own personnel net navi
>no loli outside of Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is full of gore/scat threads and the loli thread gets spammed with gay porn regularly
this is why we need that board back
If only, user, if only
it's just get ruined with "real" cheese pizza
I dunno, it's been years since I've seen that being posted in Yea Forums
maybe so but "give a user a mile and they'll shit all over it" a wise man once said
In BN2 Lan had a wireless adapter for his PET
Plus Lan is kinda retarded
My headcanon is that the invention of NetNavis severely held back wireless technology. The government is deliberately holding that tech back because NetNavis + wifi is way too big of a security risk.
What is everyone BN rankings? Also where is Shanghai.exe on that list?
Not much going on
I wish there was another big fangame or a Starforce dx style hack for one of the BN entries
Can't even replay the games right now since my time is limited until my vacation next week
By Megaman Battle Network you mean cute muscly shota in bodysuits right?
3=6>2>5>1>4 and I haven't beaten Shanghai.exe yet but I don't hate it so far
BN was fun when I was like 12. Not so much now, though.
Biased for 5 since it was my first
Haven't started shanghai yet
I can agree with you somewhat but I really enjoy the battle system battle network has (granted once you learn how to break the game it kind of ruins the experience)
>5 being that high up
that's a rare sight
what's make 5 your favorite (beside being the first one you played)
This, I'd rather just play an actual mega man game.
Needs more bulge
would a BN collection even sell well?
it seems like no one but a few dedicated fans care about the series.
Nips still love it
No, the series was mostly a spin off to appeal to more to children of that current era. JRPGs in general are pretty low brow and aren't very fun, and I'd think people would realize it's not as great as they remembered if they played it again.
This is why the decision-making in this site has always been stupidly fucking retarded.
>grr I need to contain these dirty pedos I know I'll send them to the nightmare realm so they can SUFFER hahahaha
>w-what why is there so many pedos invading other boards wh-wha they're even using plugins now? niggerman save me!
I'm bracing for the mod butthurt they know I'm right.
BN is faster paced than most jrpgs
Excluding 4's repeated playthroughs only 5 takes a long time
Every other game can be beat in 3-5 hours
>shanghai is pozzed
Literally how
I'd say Shanghai.EXE is about or a little better than 2(that is to say, I think 2 is a good game and so is Shanghai). The king is still 3 for me personally.
>BN is faster paced than most jrpgs
But its still tons of exposition, walking around in boring empty places, picking up random items that are just laying there purely to pad out the game, boring random battles that are just filler, etc. My brain is off 99% of the time in JRPGs. I don't see the appeal at all.
Play One Step From Eden!
>what's make 5 your favorite
Gathering a squad of navis is really cool to me and I like that they grow stronger as the game progresses
Obviously I enjoy liberation missions but still appreciate that the normal internet stuff doesn't completely take a back seat
Even with a couple dipping points I think the game has a nice balance of both which I can really appreciate since something like 4 balanced tournament and normal internet really badly
I really like BN5 souls for the most part (Colonel soul is a bit too gimmicky but ehh)
I've found a niche for about every soul and pic related is my favorite BN transformation period alongside Tomahawk soul
>Full synchro that works with null chips which is really good
>Don't lose the synchro when you get hit
>Tornado shenanigans
>Get a unique animation when you're in full synchro mode
>Really nice buster too
Love this soul like you won't believe
The soundtrack of BN5 also elevates the game for me especially the GBA version
BN soundtracks are always good but damn I think the soundfont or whatever it's called used for 5 is nearly perfect
Some of my favorites
Chip selection isn't super ideal but I don't think it's terrible and still has a lot of fun stuff in it especially since I know where to find more via liberation missions
Just want to say drillarm is very good and wish it was introduced sooner
Overall I like it a good amount and played every version/release
I can understand why people don't like it and even I can admit it is flawed
Sorry for writing like a mini essay it's almost 3 am for me so it's time to stop
Roguelites are worse than JRPGs and the battle system is trite
I love the focus on actual synergy instead of struggling with chip codes & elements.
look at one step from eden. That shit sold.
An actual good remake from capcom they could sell a lot of shit.
But i dont trust the japanese in terms of competency anymore. They just make a lot of good OCs but very very bad at programming or just always makes the same every single game over and over again.
in other news, I'm free
post loli tummy
>look at one step from eden. That shit sold.
no it didnt
dont know how legit this site is but 4m$ is a lot of money for an indie developer.
oh wait. 1m net revenue. Still a lot of money.
nah, those are usually started by irresistible shotas
I started playing Battle Network 1 the other, wish me luck. Just beat NumberMan.
Bookmark this. Just open a map the moment you get frustrated with the level design and the game is okay.