Is preferring the Bluepoint remake of Demon's Souls the perfect litmus test in determining whether or not someone has...

Is preferring the Bluepoint remake of Demon's Souls the perfect litmus test in determining whether or not someone has shit taste/a shallow interest in videogames? This is addressed at people who have obviously actually played the original and understand the comparison.

>technically is worse, has more bugs
>ui looks worse
>character designs look worse
>atmosphere is worse
>art direction is worse
>sound track is worse
>visually looks far more impressive
>just in general completely and utterly shits on the artists original intent, but it looks better graphically (hardly a fair comparison in reality because you're comparing something made in 2009 to 2019, but demon's souls didnt exactly look good for the time period anyway)

Knowing all of this and still preferring the remake just without a shadow of a doubt proves to me that you have double digit IQ.

Attached: bluepoint.png (1188x689, 1.17M)

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>technically is worse, has more bugs
this part I do not get. It's a fucking remake how does it have MORE bugs?

not only is the Bluepoint remake of Demon Souls superior to the original, so is the Bluepoint remake of Shadow of the Colossus.

Why? Other than
>muh graphix

it doesn't. He is literally making this up on the spot. It's not even a usual meme lie that most video games have where the haters repeat a consistent fallacy. Nobody claimed it was buggier than the original game until literally 5 minutes ago.

Likely the preserved source code is for an earlier version and Bluepoint didn't bother to debug it.

You're trolling but I genuinely do think the SOTC remake is good.

>all the dupe bugs still exist
>far easier to clip out of bounds and exploit level geometry
>infamous coin bug that somehow made it through all levels of testing

I worded my post in a way to elicit a response, yes, but that is my unironic belief as well. Post-irony is the best space to live in. Authentically be yourself in a way that is intentionally offensive to those who would oppose you. Letting them know, not only are they wrong, but that you do not care for or value their judgement, is based beyond belief.

Back in the 90s we used to just call that being a cunt. Not knocking it, but you didn't invent anything.

>it has the same bugs as the original
>it has more bugs than the original
pick one.

I'm just having fun you stupid faggot

I think all the Bluepoint games seem better until you actually compare both games side by side and then you realize just how much of the remake is actually worse once you go beneath the surface. SoTC is less egregious of an example than DeS, but the most notable issues are with the animation, volumetric fog, and lighting.

So am I, don't be so touchy cunt.

The original soundtrack was so good. Especially the more pure instrumental boss music.

Fucking blue point shit was generic fantasy music found in any game

>then you realize just how much of the remake is actually worse once you go beneath the surface
nope. Unironically this doesn't happen. The more in-depth you go the better BP remakes look. It's only when someone posts a meme like the gargoyles or one cherry-picked boss that, on the surface, it looks like the BP remake totally missed the mark. But when you view it as a full package and how cohesive it's design is, the better it looks and the one or two elements that at first appeared like they didn't belong become tolerable, if not outright preferable.

No, it's loving Witcher 3. Demons souls isnt very relevant

You know I don't think I ever got an answer, did running firestorm work in the remake?

>literally stockholm syndroming yourself into liking an inferior product
one way to look at it I guess

>The original soundtrack was so good.

it really wasn't. really amateurish

original looks good only on crt because low fps doesnt affect motion clarity

>cherry picked
I dunno, when there is literally a completely butchered art asset in every single direction you look it becomes pretty hard to forget the distinction.

>original looks good only on crt because low fps doesnt affect motion clarity

wut lol

original sotc. ppl who prefer remake are newfags

Bluepoint doesn't know anything about art direction. And the people impressed with their remakes either didn't play the originals or are ignorant/stupid enough to rate new thing better than original design.

the crt part...doesnt make sense

It's impressive how badly they fucked up the aesthetics of the remake. It's such a "bigger HAS to be better!" situation.

>in every single direction
Nope. You cannot post more than three "butchered" assets in the DS remake. All you can post is some shitty memes that, as explained, only hold up to critcisms when totally isolated from the game world.

No it totally does. Low FPS on a CRT has higher motion resolution than High fps on an LCD. 60fps on a CRT is close to 144hz on an LCD.

hahah...dunno where you got this idea man..."motion resolution"

I kinda doubt anyone fell through the ground in the original since I never saw anything like that.

Then you genuinely have bad taste.

are you fucking retarded? motion resolution absolutely is a real thing. It's how many lines can be seen when using a standardized test pattern. Outside of video games this is a real thing in the broadcasting industry. Televisions are measured by their motion response when using black frame insertion to mimick CRTs motion clarity and they do this by recording a literal measurement of motion resolution. It's a scientific measurement just like pixel resolution.

The Bluepoint remake is why I just don't take videogames seriously as an artistic medium and why I don't bother arguing with people about it.

In what other industry would it be acceptable to take an original product, completely butcher the original design intent, and expect people to like it? It is literally the Original Trilogy remaster tier where Lucas just threw a ton of garbage CGI and weird garbage into the original movies and released it, but visually it technically LOOKS better. People rightfully called that complete shit because it completely undermined the original.

You make the same argument for Bluepoint and people will just call you a retard
>bro you just hate new games and love old ones
>it looks way better, why are you nitpicking about that shit?
>who cares bro it is more accessible to people now so they can experience it (how the fuck is this a measure of quality?)

The same people who would laugh in your fucking face if you preferred the butchered remake of the original trilogy, or literally any piece of art in any other medium that achieved the same level of negligence, just support rampant garbage consumerism because of muh graphics.

I just don't take this shit seriously and I hate this industry. As much as Sony pushes for this "videogames are art!" thing they really clearly do not give a fuck when it comes to Bluepoint and what they do.

see for an example

you don't understand how what you're talking about applies and are making up concepts that don't exist

you can't get "motion resolution" that doesn't exist out of a game. absurd concept

yes you absolutely can. Objects in motion will have blur. The less blur they have, the more motion resolution they have. I am not making it up and neither is CRT user.

To the average consumer, more technically impressive on the surface level = better in every single medium. Sucks, I know.

Yes and it will look even better on PC next year

Attached: Demon's Souls PS5.webm (1918x1080, 1.56M)

you have no clue what you're talking about. you're trying to apply concepts in ways that they don't apply

samefagging from your phone isnt going to help your cause

I am not an average consumer and I do take video games seriously as an artistic medium. The remake is better. It's literally the same game but improved.
>muh butchered
>muh original vision
it's not butchered and the original vision is kept intact. You would know this if you spent more time with the game than just some shitty memes posted on Yea Forums.

Based anti autist

how does it not apply? Motion is motion. A test pattern and and a video game both move exactly the same way on your screen.

Do you know abut Do you know why it's used by professional monitor reviewers? You are literally insane.

Attached: file.png (689x392, 43.5K)

the red flags will never not get me, just missed the mark so badly

>Complete overhaul of designs, art style, music, atmosphere
Completely, thoroughly delusional.

The remake is objectively worse and you can't take art seriously if you don't just start laughing when you hear the music, sound effect, and voice changes. The remake is literally a joke made by hacks. Fancy graphics don't mean shit.

this has nothing to do with what you're talking about. you're alleging that playing games on a crt somehow makes you able to perceive more motion, which is zoomer crt fetishist bullshit

>The remake is better. It's literally the same game but improved.
Still waiting for literally anyone in this thread to post a reason why the remake is better other than graphically.
Again, it's just demonstrating why it is the perfect litmus test. The only people who like the remake only care about the graphics and have no care about anything else. Which is completely fine, you're free to like what you like, but it is the hobbiest equivalent of preferring capeshit to any other form of cinema.

it's not a complete overhaul at all.
it's not objectively worse and your notions about what is and what isn't art are completely fucking retarded.
I am alleging that playing games on a CRT makes you able to percieve objects with less blur when they are in motion when compared to an LCD, which is objectively and scientifically correct

Attached: file.png (1033x1433, 1.02M)

i watched oneyplays play this stuff and the entire game looks like the product of the graphics card industry, i.e looks great technically but all the designs are slapped together by some random artist from because there's no artistic vision behind it. Like, take the weird blue spirit fog coming out of tower knights ankles after you slapped him, you can tell they just picked a new particle effect from the latest library and slapped it on there. It's not bad per se, but it just demonstrates the mentality with which the remake was made.

i dont give a fuck about the remake vs original, i want to know about what the fuck crt user and anti-crt user are arguing about

>Muh Intact vision
If anything, I expected much more and more solid changes from the remake
They slapped a fresh coat of paint to a notoriously unfinished game when the project could have at least delivered where the level design was rushed, or the last archstone

Attached: 1600373959313.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

>which is objectively and scientifically correct

no it's not, depends completely on the displays being discussed

>you now remember how Bluepoint shitted on Bethesda
SOTC remake is great btw...PC when?...

Attached: uqEMM33H7F0.jpg (836x798, 144.1K)

anti-crt user somehow doesn't believe that display technology affects motion clarity. He is having a mental breakdown because he is learning about something new for the first time and it's really screwing with his head that he didn't know about it before now.

It is objectively worse you shit eater. You're just shitposting.

this is all i had to see of this game to know i wasn't gonna buy it

Attached: crestfallen warrior.png (662x368, 441.36K)

It really makes you think about those games held up as classics like Shadow of the Colossus or Metal Gear Solid, a bunch of the people praising these games don't understand what makes them so good and are only parroting the opinions of people who get it. Like if anyone praises Dark Souls Remastered or the Demon's Souls Remake I just stop taking their opinion seriously, they don't get it and never will.

every CRT has better motion clarity at the same refresh rate than every LCD.

lmao same
>look, free nigger!
no thanks keep him

The remake is way better than the original and that's a fact. You guys are just contrarians and Fromsoft fanboys.

Will anons learn this time around?

>want a remake of demons souls since it came out because i wanted to see the 6th archstone
>finally get a announcement of a remake
>oh fuck
>oh fuck...
>see the trailer
>doesnt even have the 6th archstone
>holy fuck but we get the penetrator armo-
>that fucking neck
>now we will never EVER get a faithful remake
they literally did not do a single thing right

Attached: neck.png (330x194, 111.78K)

>>now we will never EVER get a faithful remake

why do you need remakes of games

this wasnt even a thing in the golden age of gaming