I look like a twat but +2 int tho
hi mettlemesh from the /vg/ community known as /dsg/
>posting outside of /dsg/
Trying to make a Dragon Knight character.
Doesn't that hat increase mind, not int?
pretty good matching
try and stop me, ya fuckin losers
My frenzy-fu
Pic related is my thoughts on the contents of this thread thus far.
I like big sticks
My Bleed Warrior
Yeah, not gonna buy Elden Ring. Why? Every time I started a new Dark souls game or tried bloobourne on release, I end up ruining my life.
Got expelled from college 2x due to addiction to Dark Souls 1/2, lost my first macjob due to Dark souls 3, lost my first(and so far) only non macjob due to Bloodbourne. This isn't even factoring in the mental hospital stays.
The only reason I didn't end up permanently homeless due to bloodbourne was bc I ended up in a halfway house. Yeah... I just got a new job recently and don't want to lose it thanks to getting caught up in the soulsbourne life again. I even had to quit using reddit because it'd just feed my addiction.
post your own, mr critic
Not mine but saved from another thread.
Lets see yours then, dipshit
dang, I wish my slide-fu was this good
damn that really looks like mel gibson
dicking around early game
make way
The Sanguine Noble set bugs the shit out of me because it's so wide. Legs look skinny and non-Sanguine hood options give your character a hunchback
Glory to Caria
It makes sense that a nomad mage would use frost spells. The ability to summon water on command would make them extremely important to whatever tribe they're a part of.
(i just wanted a logical justification for why my arabian swordmage uses adula's moonblade)
good hat choice.
Thanks, took fucking forever to grind it
I'm probably sticking to the Ronin chest for the rest of the game. Finding a decent headpiece is the tricky part
Ronin chest ties together so many sets it's unreal
low level invader so i can't do much about fashion. genuinely proud of my work with the sliders though.
Not giving a 10/10 just means you're a brainlette
Fruity knights are kino.
I also love making murder hobos
My two tarnished
I've mostly finished my low level madness build, the secret is the Rot Dog you get in Caelid, he inflicts scarlet rot and tanks hits like crazy. Armour seems moslty useless at level 35, especially poise, I went for cosplay and focus resistance.
I rushed my 4th talisman slot at the capital and found Godfrey's spirit to be extremely easy to just jump attack to death. Picked up a few items in and past the capital just by rushing through. You can get some really good armour doing early questlines, the volcano manor invasions or if you can stand it, the Black Knife a bit further on for the PvP stealth feature. It shows off your cute face too :3
Im keen on any recommendations to improve this from any other Madness bros. Flask is Leaden + winged crystal or suicide bomber depending on where im invading.
just a mean sunovabitch
you're far better stated than I am. as time went on, I mainly geared myself up to fight high level twink furled fingers since almost every host has one. i might need to put in more work to kit myself out like you have so I stand a better chance.
The Banished Knight helm is so sick and looks good with so many different chest pieces. It's a shame its altered version has that ridiculous ponytail though
sometimes I use this instead of the chain coif
what's he thinking about?
why the fuck he went to the lands between when he could be home sipping a nice brew while reading hentai
i like cannon fodder mercenary band aesthetic.
holy shit user
str/int gravity waifu
I've lost interest to do ng+..
godslayer/godskin build fashion tips?
Good taste
Godskin Apostle good goes good with many chestplates, has it's own flesh cape
No katanas yet I'm proud
>many chestplates
such as? i'm not seeing it senpai
sorry for being a fashionlet
This is real?
Man I wish we got more helmets with opened visors like Njalls.
10/10 fashion, although the dual flails bother me.
a skeleton!
Passion of the Crucible Knight
cathedral chest and legs with the silver circlet, no gloves cuz I ain't got equip load for that shit
*crucible, i'm dumb