When will Japanese games stop depicting women as nothing but eye candy? Sony is already doing it.
When will Japanese games stop depicting women as nothing but eye candy? Sony is already doing it
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I don't know they want to make less money but hay what ever.
But tlou sex
But these aren't real women.
Also, most guys who play those games aren't interested in RL women because they have their waifus in the game
Horizon and TLOU2 BTFO any Japanese games in sales, though. Now, I await the lies and cope.
did you intentionally pick two games that were huge flops and sold way less than expected for your shitpost?
what about elden ring?
How? Literally how? Two of the highest rated and best selling games of all time.
>they actually didn't sell that well
Meds.. now.
>Elden Ring
Ubishit trash, you mean? Still hasn't sold a tenth of what any first party Sony games has.
>If she's eye candy, then she's nothing BUT eye candy! Men are incapable of wanting to fuck women and seeing them as more than a warm hole at the same time!
The great feminist fallacy, built on actual sexism.
I fucking hate the West so goddamn much
It's ok, chud, we hate you too.
Women want monopoly on male sexual release. When nerds and undesirables have sexual outlets that exclude real women, real women lose out on many financial and social perks, lowering their value. Female independence is dependent male sexual dependence.
It's so weird seeing so many women dress up as sexy female characters from video games and make money from it, while at the same time, seeing other women whine about the mere existence of those fictional characters. And I'm almost certain some of those making money off of it now were screeching about objectification years ago.
Couldn't at least find an article from this decade?
This is an element, and so is trying to dictate to men what they must and must not find fulfilling from a partner. No, feminists, placing demands on women doesn't make your opponents the same as you. The difference is that men are willing to make sacrifices to make themselves more attractive to women on their terms, such as getting strong and acquiring a stable income. You snicker and screech at the idea of being a good wife on a man's terms.
Chudley, oh! Why don't you go to Russia with daddy putine? Hmm? You've lost your influence here btw.
You people really are the masters of taking two wholly unconnected things and trying (and failing) to make them connected.
The SJW feminist that censored that korean game that went EoS (Hyper Universe, or something like that) became a Twitch tittystreamer.
The toxic gamewrecking cunt only objected to vidya titties because she's an e-prostitute preying on simps, and vidya is competition to her earning beta simp bux
The real reason all of them want to turn vidya i to nothing but fat ugly pigs like aloy js because they view imaginary women as competition for male resources.
And you're the master of voting against your own economic interests. Now, as the saying goes, "fuck off back to pol", please chuddles.
When will Japanese games stop sexualising children?
Just spent five minutes in Lego Skywalker saga murdering Rose and Holdo over and over again with General Grievous.
Good times.
>The real reason all of them want to turn vidya i to nothing but fat ugly pigs like aloy js because they view imaginary women as competition for male resources.
Sounds pathetic, desu.
I'd love to refute this but sadly there's a fuckton of examples of that shit happening.
it's just reality, women are only good for eye candy with very very very very few exceptions
I'm so tired of being horny.
how your post is new news to anyone is baffling but it is indeed true
when will you call your mother and tell her you are a pedophile?
when the west stops raping actual children
please stop false flagging. youre just making things worse
I need you to understand telling your mother your fetishes isn't a normal mother-son conversation.
Elden Ring outsold both of them.
Ok? So go knock on your neighbors door and tell them you masturbate to drawings of little girls. Ask them how "based" that is.
>Sony is already doing it.
>April 16, 2019
Why wait? It’s already in your post.
Basedbois and fempigs can off themselves at any moment.
I'm afraid that isn't socially acceptable, either.
Just like a CEO corpo to pretend to listen to something and insist on changes that have nothing to do with it with a roundabout argument failing to properly address any of the points properly.
Why do you troons always project
>Ok so I vote to ship in browns to compete for jobs and keep wages low an rents high
>And vote for higher taxes that steal my money and raise the prices of goods and services
>But you, uh, um, er
Remember who you are.
>human women can't comprehend the difference between 2d and 3d
Fuck that sucks bro.
but are they the same women complaining? If so I do believe that's a double standard but this sounds like "I saw a text comment from a literally who and it now represents my assumption of all women"
>Two of the highest rated and best selling games of all time.
Troons always projecting, put down the copium and take your antipsychotics.
So this is why dating sims aren't popular in the west... How do we fix that?
permanent bans for anyone posting bait threads, twitter threads or reddit threads
>How do we fix that?
I don't see it happening.
There's a very real sense in the US (less so but still present in Canada and Europe which is also "the west") that if you're playing a dating sim then something has gone catastrophically wrong in either your personal development, your love life, or both. In any case, the sort of life circumstances that might lead to even the faintest interest in dating sims are viewed as problems to be solved, and much of the potential audience for dating sims have internalized this idea making them feel "weird" about even thinking about playing them.
And Sony is getting absolutely thrashed by Nintendo and Microsoft this generation.
That to say, Microsoft isn't much better. They've blocked one or two games from coming out on their platform. But at the very least they don't have a reputation for forcing Japanese games to censor for domestic exclusive releases based on American standards. That's actually disgustingly ethnocentric.
Are you a fucking idiot. They both sold significantly below their projected sales target. It's not about number big = good sales anymore you fucking cave dweller
Men need to stop white knighting and simping. Protecting your wife or sister during a break-in is great, but rushing in to defend some bitch in a situation where you either don't know what's going on or where she deserves it is what's been shielding western women from having to conduct themselves like decent people. Handing a shitty woman the keys to your life because vagina is a stupid idea, too. Stop pretending to have different tastes in women than you actually do for the sake of social approval, too. Women need to know what you want.
Women need to realize that in our society, they're the architects of their own misery. Romance is a give-and-take where the two sides want different things from each other. Men don't want a husband with tits, and they don't want feminism or massive egos, either. If the good men are so desperate to have someone who isn't you that they'll literally fly in a girl from half way across the world in order to have a good wife, it's time to ask if maybe you're the problem.
Both men and women need to begin attacking the family courts. They're the ultimate enablers of shitty women, since they allow them to jump from man-to-man, using the courts to turn them into something that's not far off from a slave. That's why the family is collapsing. No-fault divorce needs to become a thing of the past. No more alimony. No more child support. No more socialist incentives for single mothers. That's the biggest thing that we can do to destroy this status quo forever.
>horizon only sold so well the first game because it was shipped in every PS4 bundle on the market and gifted to little tommy on Christmas packaged with a PS4 and 2 whole other games
>only 1/3rd of people have beaten the actual game meaning an overwhelming majority quit before they even finished playing HZD, much less have interest in purchasing forbidden west.
>forbidden west looks like everything bad about the original game still not being fixed upon with them just adding more enemy variety which doesn't do anything but cover up the main flaws of the game
kek. I can't wait for how hard Sony continues to shill this series in hopes it'll stick as a flagship mascot if they just bundle it enough.
And this will help make dating sims more popular?
You responded to my post about women trying to browbeat men into letting feminists dictate what does and does not fulfill them.
>Stop pretending to have different tastes in women than you actually do for the sake of social approval, too
Okay, but I don't want to hear it when I stop pretending I don't like larger women, or when I put personality over looks in general. But I'm guessing you only meant a certain kind of social approval.
Look up "anime is sexist" on youtube, and these are the first results lol. Japan's time is over, we westerns will now stop their horrible sexism.
Just make them anthro everyone wins
Feminists say that a women dressing slutty irl is just her "expressing her sexuality" and "breaking stigmas about sexuality". But, a sexy game character is objectification because it was made by men for other men to look at. What's your opinion on this?
>Women want monopoly on male sexual release
sounds about right. so getting robowaifus might be an uphill battle
When the west stops producing fat black crippled landwhale characters.
his post was literally an explanation of his perspective on that
Do you agree with him? I agree because if shit like dead or alive is harmful to men's perspective of women , then why wouldn't stuff like onlyfans be as well? It doesn't matter if a real women chooses to do it because objectification theory is based on the perspective of the viewer (seeing someone as merely a sexual object), no upon the creator's intent. Thats my take anyways
Who cares?
Meant for
thank god all the devs release on pc now so sony censorship doesn't matter
Feels good to be reminded why I jumped ship to PC. The end of the PS4 era really is the last Sony console you should have owned
You will hear it, but you should stick by your guns. Make it so that they're tired of trying to dictate your standards (beyond wanting your girl to be good wife and mother material; it's not healthy to like abusive people, and it's cruel to the kids), whether that someone is a feminist who wants you to have no standards at all beyond "she has left wing politics" or an idiot who tries to tell you that you're somehow brainwashed if you don't like skinny women.
Make it normal for men to be honest about what they want from women. That's more important than whatever the tastes of the era are.
>Women should have the option to be vapid sluts with no social consequences whatsoever, teaching little girls to be stupid whores is empowering
>But drawing a titty makes you literally Hitler and is bad for children because cartoons are for kids and sex is bad unless it's authorized state propaganda