>Pre 2010
>Everyone had a microphone and enjoyed talking shit online in games or shooting the breeze
>No talks online anymore
What happened? I miss the days of Halo 2 lobbies
>Pre 2010
>Everyone had a microphone and enjoyed talking shit online in games or shooting the breeze
>No talks online anymore
What happened? I miss the days of Halo 2 lobbies
>say word
>Money stolen
They’re all in their own discord servers
I don't think consoles are bundled with microphones anymore.
Afraid somebody might mis hear "nigger" and lose my library.
Not kidding btw I have like 300 digital games.
No one talks online anymore outside of cliques because you might say something that could be merely interpreted as offensive so some faggot reports you and you get banned. I've heard multiple accounts of people on here getting banned from Overwatch just for using voice commands after killing someone like Dipstick for Junkrat or Yay with Mei. The sad part is, the people that are thin skinned are the minority of the population but companies cater to these weaklings out of fear of looking bad.
>ps3 lobbies, circa 2008
>didn't owned a mic, didn't knew english
>pc lobbies, current year
>decent english, no one to talk to
kill me
I don't want to get banned so I don't talk, don't write and don't interact.
>say Homophone that resembles a slur
>get my money stolen and banned
geez,I wonder why
>>say word
>>Money stolen
>>say Homophone that resembles a slur
>>get my money stolen and banned
>geez,I wonder why
>People on Yea Forums of all places being honest for why they were banned
Why would I speak? Only faggots do multiplayers
I say nigger 100 times a day, sometimes it slips out.
This happens everywhere. You can get banned just for killing admins to many times in community servers. People will happily report you for saying negro even tho it literally means black in the Spanish language, using it in context to describe something as black, as a Spanish speaker. I myself have gotten banned just for calling someone a prick.
I think everyone here is wrong as to why there's a silence now, I still say racist shit all the time in holdfast broadcasted to like 100 people and never got banned
party chat, teamspeak, and skype ruined online gaming
Zoomers are too far gone with the constant PC culture shit they grew up with. Can't banter with the little dudes because they take it so personally. Also how ubiquitous Discord has become has a lot to do with people not talking in lobbies anymore.
I miss the shit talking phase in CSGO
When they removed the half-time lobby voice chat the game lost part of its soul. Was so fun shit talking people at half time and it eventually just progressed into everyone blowing into their mics or screaming.
>when you could talk to the other team during halftime and after the game
best era. more games need to let you shit talk the other team on voice while in game
You get banned and possibly even banned from the whole platform (if youre on console). And if someone is a streamer, they'll get their hoard of niggerfaggot fans to dox you and ruin your life. Enjoy your quiet unfun fag hugbox, leftys.
You can get your own headset for under $20 nowadays. I got my gaming earbuds with mic for $5 and works great with my PS4.
Its more of a culture issue. Zoomies scared to talk to strangers, and banter is 'problematic'.
>banned for racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and ableism
gee i wonder why
Not worth the fucking risk. You say anything that even resembles something on their naughty list you're fucked. You'd be surprised how many vindictive losers literally record audio from their matches
Party Chat killed it
It's great as a black man. I can get white boys banned basically on command if I rile them up a little lmao.
grow the fuck up, retards
Party chat, mostly. Online gaming is very atomized and tribal, most people only play with their friends and don't interact with anyone outside their bubble. Matchmaking systems are conductive to this behavior (i.e queueing as a group)
I say a lot of gamer words and don't want to get banned so I just don't talk.
>being rude to complete strangers
A lot of us aren't pieces of shit.
>dude it's just bants!
Most people don't enjoy "bants". You just seem like an asshole to everyone else.
Bro you can't use the r word, that's abelist and will get you banned.
you cant call people ANYTHING. go outside your delusional bubble, retard.
Do you feel the need to insult strangers in real life too? Why do you have a compulsion to be a rude faggot just because you're behind a screen?
I got banned on Counter Strike for something someone a white boy and I got banned.
Fuck talking on the mic in 2022.
shit-talk is an integral part of competition
drop the shit-talk and the fun drops drastically
if you're so weak that a surface level jab at gaming ability is a massive insult, consider rope or a career in academia
I got permanently banned for saying H at a Killing Floor 2 dev (and I managed to get a refund for it).
Afterwards they used some of their janny connections in other Steam Forums to gag me from talking in completely unrelated forums who I had to report to global moderators to get unmuted and moderation immunity from those dickheads in those product pages.
As for why people don't use voice chat in modern games and hide in discord
WhO KnOwS????
No, im passive aggressive just like in real life.
>agrees to tos
>breaks tos
>is suddenly surprised when he gets punished
Saying H at a developer for being bad at their own game isn't against steam, nor KF2's ToS, which is why I received a refund.
You know what IS against ToS? Intentionally using your position as a community moderator to engage in predatory behavior against steam users.
Cry about it, and you won't get your money back either nerd.
if the law makes everyone a criminal, then the law is unjust
>play overwatch
>constantly spam voice commands
>even t-bag on kills
>get fags mad that they type in chat
>lollmao @ them
>they t-bag back when they kill me
>they type in chat whatever dumb faggotry like "haha owned you"
>i laugh
>t-bag them even more
>they leave the game
>never got banned or warned
>level 5 social thing points
You did the literal exact same thing during the 360 and PS3 days but the only way you got banned back then was if you did some heinous shit like threaten to kill someone while proving that you doxxed them. You faggots can't tell the difference between banter and personal attacks so you suck the ever loving fun out of every online community by being a hidden bomb that no one wants to touch so everyone just stays silent and in private voice channels. You are a literal contributor to lack of online socialization in games. Kill yourself faggot. No one will miss you when you're gone.
seek help incel
Get fucked incel. No one insults me in games and gets away with it. I will continue to instantly report you faggots on sight. I will also continue to write at least a paragraph in the report's description on your incredibly unsportsman like behavior to increase the chances of a permaban. I cum every time I look up a user I reported and their profile comes back as "No Longer Exists".
I can't hear my team mates but they can hear me
Why do you people even come to Yea Forums if you hate the incels, chuds and everyone else? You retards will never be actual women and you make it so that everyone in your daily lives has to walk on eggshells to not possibly upset you and throw a shitfit. The only people that like you guys are other faggots such as yourselves, functional adults don't get mad at random people on the internet calling them a mean word like fag. You people are a blight. Kill yourselves.
You will never be a woman. No one loves you. Your enjoyment comes at the expense of other people. You live to get random strangers banned from videogames. You are pathetic. No one will ever love you. Kill yourselves.
Because it sucked 99% of the time. No one actually used voicechat to coach other players and carry on intelligent banter like in the keyboard days. Communities of any game that wasn't a top seller pretty much dissolved because of this. No premiere communities like doomworld, the-elite.net, or haloruns.com sprung up from Gears or CoD, just early YouTubers chasing clout. Even e-celebs at the time could barely scrape together active clans or interesting personalities to make weekly content, and most of their channels died as soon as their games did.
>projection and self hate
Yikes... You should really seek help incel, for real...
not that user but you're clearly the one projecting
Because I'm not interested in talking to strangers online in voice chat.
In all likelihood most people who may have headsets will be in their own party chat with friends, and don't really want to talk to randoms.
Just play the game, I don't want to hear some ESL babbling because they want to practice their English at me, or someone telling me to kill myself.
I have the pass
>no u
Why do lefties love censorship so much? Even now some are scrambling and shitting themselves that Elon is going to make it so that ""hate speech"" is possible on Twitter and it'll be like Yea Forums. If your ideology relies on censorship, restriction of ideas, defacement, slander and fear of cancel culture, it isn't a good ideology. How are you people so mentally unwell that someone calling you a fudge packer eats away at your from the inside so you take time and effort out of your day to try to get them banned? I remember years ago seeing a TF2 video where someone was threatening to kill a womans daughter, making her cry and it was fucking putrid. That man should 100% be banned. But you people want people to have their accounts expelled for just calling you a faggot. It's ridiculous.
Because their ideas literally don't work without extreme routine maintenance.
Like the premise behind gender as a personal identity and not observational characteristics based on sexual phenotypes, which is just the nonsense with american parallel black culture that's been cultivated over the years. It's all phony, and people pointing it out is an existential threat to it and it's usefulness as a political tool.
Sorry for the whataboutism but when Russia banned depictions of homosexuality in media (to the point where EA couldn't sell the dlc that let gays get married there) I saw a bunch of people on here celebrating and saying it was unironically good. Doesn't that come under the same banner?
Too many sensitive pussies.
Also if I'm talking to people I'm usually just in discord with friends, not really interested in talking to the absolute mouthbreather normalfags that have clogged up my favorite games.
To answer your question that resulted in deafening silence, is the answer is that nobody cares and
>media laws in Russia
You do raise a very good argument, I am not going to ignore that just for the sake of wanting to say "I'm right, you're wrong, deal with it". But the thing with homosexuals isn't them being gay in itself, it's their faggotry, if that makes sense. LGBT+ people are getting called groomers for a reason. There is currently an active push to make pedophilia an accepted thing, even calling them MAPs (minor attracted persons). Rise in LGBT+ propaganda has lead to an increase in people getting their dicks chopped off and even young girls have mastectomies, all for various reasons. Some because now they think it is socially acceptable, others because they're lonely and it will give them a group to be able to associate with, some just because they want to go with the current trend. All the while completely destroying their one and only body for the rest of their life. Banning gay shit is a way of stopping people from thinking that this garbage is normal and is okay to do.