What are your stances on cutscenes in videogames?
For me 40 mins it less is the gold standard. Games should focus on gameplay only.
I'm not opposed to them outright but it depends on the game
I dislike them in my Metroid games, but I don't mind them in SotC where they're short yet very sweet
really it just depends on what the game is trying to do, in a game like Jump King they don't make much sense and wouldn't add much to the experience, but if a game is trying to tell a compelling story it's sometimes necessary to have that clear direction that only a cutscene can provide
Kojima can fuck off however, that is where the line is crossed and you start to question why it's a game at all when player engagement is stripped away so often and for so long
>trying to tell a compelling story
Games should cut the hollywood pandering and go back to gameplay focus.
>b-but I need context
Why? Fun doesn’t NEED context. If anything context is moviespeak for “Please take away my control, this is too videogamey”
>Games should
see that's the issue, games needn't be anything more than what the creator wants it to be
I have my preferences just as you do, but I wouldn't say yours are incorrect and that games need to be my way and no other, there's space for lots of different types of games and the world is richer with variety
as for what you said regarding fun, fun can be derived from any different things, arcade games like Joust are fun and there are people that have fun playing RDR2, nobody is having 'wrong' fun here
you already said that there's a sweet spot of 40 minutes, but I could just as easily say that that's totally wrong and a game ought to have 0 minutes of cutscenes, just like in the golden age of the arcade, but that would be stupid
Fun needs context, you child
Yes they should.
I didn’t see a refutation of what I posted.
Should games be movies like Uncharted and God of Snoy because the creator wants them to be cinematic? Moreover, when other devs play these games and are influenced by them, they’ll believe it’s acceptable to make moviegames with ‘gameplay’ and 8+ hours of cutscenes.
I want games to be games first and foremost. Simple as.
Fun IS the context. I don’t NEED Yoshi to explain why he hates the Boos in a 8 minute diatribe. Or for God of Snoy to take away my control for the 80th time to present a story no one asked for.
13+hrs of cutscenes in HFW, while the gameplay is terrible.
Way to miss the point.
>Should games be movies like Uncharted and God of Snoy because the creator wants them to be cinematic?
who are you or I to say what games should be? should I dictate what games you're allowed to play and enjoy? it's a free market
and you describing them as movies and saying God of Snoy only shows your personal bias against those types of games, which goes back to my point: you have a clear personal preference and there is nothing wrong with that, just as there's nothing wrong with those that prefer more cutscene-heavy games
there is no right or wrong here, your binary thinking is autistic
>I want games to be
yes I know what you want, but what you want isn't necessarily right. I want games to be exceedingly high quality all of the time with no marketers meddling with development, but what of it?
you come across as the type of person that has wet dreams of authoritarian control with your 'this can only be this, everything else is objectively wrong and people can't enjoy what I dislike'
I’m the dude who often played and likes games, that’s who. And I don’t like the cinematic direction games have been going to the detriment of the gameplay.
Stop with the theorycrafting Einstein, justifying moviegames is quite the thing honestly. What is the last game you played?
Not the guy you were talking to, but you are making a huge exaggeration to make your argument seem better, even the short "princess has been kidnapped" of games like Mario and Ghost 'n Goblins are context, they are really short but I think they give just enough justification to motivate the player, and they are better games for it.
>Motivate the player
The gameplay should motivate the player, not the cutscene.
Lemme ask a question. Think of 2 of your favorite games. If you could remove all the cutscenes/interruptions and have the gameplay happen from start to finish, would you still have fun playing it? If no, well then there’s your answer.
>And I don’t like the cinematic direction games have been going to the detriment of the gameplay
alright you win
I don't like games that have ANY cutscenes, so to me DMC3 and Viewtiful Joe are absolute fucking dogshit and in my perfect world they wouldn't exist, and any developer daring to put a cutscene in a game would be sent to a gulag for having a preference or creative ideas that don't directly align with mine. clearly, this is the way games are meant to be because my tastes alone is objectively perfect
now go and die you movie loving faggot subhuman
You are the movie lover not me fren. I value gameplay over everything, because that’s what will bring players back in the end. Not 8+ hours of cutscenes or an ‘emotional story’ but fun, challenging gameplay. That’s what I want for videogames to go back to. They’ve lost their way and that’s inarguable.
>no refutation
>Starts whipping into a frenzied whirlwind
I accept your concession.
no I'M the gameplay lover here, you're a movie loving faggot that enjoys games with cutscenes, whereas I, the true patrician, enjoy games such as Terraria which have no cutscenes
games should have zero cutscenes, because, well, they just should because that's what I like and games should be the way I like them
developers should be forced to make games the way I like because their creative ideas are worthless, people don't deserve to play many different games and have different preferences because other people are wrong, like you
Are you idiots even in disagreement about the point you’re arguing about
>Think of 2 of your favorite games. If you could remove all the cutscenes/interruptions and have the gameplay happen from start to finish, would you still have fun playing it?
One of those has no cutscenes to speak off or story so no big deal.
The other rely heavily in it's story elements so the game would be worse and I wouldn't have nearly as much fun.
Still I don't see your point, I think both of these games are great and I had a lot of fun from both of them, they motivate me in different ways and I appreciate that.
I’m the gameplay lover shitposter.
You are advocating for moviegames as seen here >Still haven’t refuted
Conession status:Reaccepted
They should always be skippable.
There's a sweet spot for games where you have about 10-40 minutes of custcenes where they're extremely well done, this is the ideal IMO.
Some games that do this are Shadow of the Colossus, Silent Hill 2, and Dark Souls. Cutscenes in Silent Hill 1-3 are actually so good you look forward to them every time they happen. SH4 kinda ruins this by adding in a bunch of mediocre ones.
I'm trying to make a point and explain to him that his thinking is extremely autistic, in that he can't see that people have preferences just as he does, that nobody is wrong for liking what they like and people can make whatever the fuck type of game they want
the idea with was to demonstrate the absurdity of his rationale but I doubt any of what I said is sticking, he'll just keep saying
>I dislike
>I think
>games should
without realizing these all show a personal preference and nothing more
you're a smallminded brainlet autist
I think that games have abused the simple premise ‘we want to tell a story’
That’s completely fine. However certain studios have perverted this fien claim into hollywood pandering. Constant unfunny quips, explosions everywhere, taking control away from the player constantly, etc. You can’t tell me this is acceptable. Any gameplay enthusiast hates the very being and concept of a moviegame. And devs have been taking the wrong inspirations from these moviegames and turning franschises people loved for their LACK of story into a game that REVOLVES around the story(and whose gameplay is worse off for it)
Surely I’m not the only one whose noticed this?
As long as the cutscenes are interesting and don't pop up too frequently I don't care how long they are.
If it's time wasting bullshit filled completely inane dialogue that prevents me from being able to play the game then I get pissed off.
Pokemon Legends Arceus was the worst in that regard
I think around 40 minutes is good too if the game is 6-8 hours. Cutscenes shouldn't be more than 10% of total game time. I like it when cutscenes basically just give you a break for a minute or two after finishing a level. When there is more than that, it just starts to feel like too much time spent not actually playing a game. I don't start up a game because I want to spend hours sitting and just watching stuff happen.
>Surely I’m not the only one whose noticed this?
no user you're a genius, wowee! user says games should be a certain way and not another way, holy shit this is huge
They clearly are, the guy posting metroid pics is just using reductio ad absurdum of OP's arguments, OP has clearly stated that he doesn't like games with a lot of custscenes (40 minutes being the cut-off point); metroid guy says that it's up to the developers and it's not good that all games be the way OP wants them to be; OP says that games shouldn't be movies and that he is the real gamer who likes games; then metroid guy is just trying to one-up him with his own logic by saying that NO games should have custcenes at all, and if they do you are a movielover (using OP's arguments to it's most absurd extreme).
They can make whatever game they want. And I the gameplay lover can rightfully call it a moviegame(which it is)
Sure that’s my personal preference, but seeing (such as yourself) people justify the existance of God of Snoy and Uncharted is laughable. The more moviegames we get, the less Viewtiful Joe’s we get out of this industry. Lovely, gameplay focused games that are great to play and replay.
That’s MY stance.
No, but I don’t see Yea Forums comment on it despite most of this board staunch hatred for games like HFW.
I see more than not Yea Forums hating on great games like Viewtiful Joe or DMC1 while moviegames like Uncharted barely see nearly as much visible hatw.
I'm justifying the existence of God of Snoy and Uncharted only in that they have a right to exist just as much as any other game, I don't believe in censorship or limiting creativity, anyone can make whatever they want and I'll decide whether I like it or not
>The more moviegames we get, the less Viewtiful Joe’s we get out of this industry
this is objectively not true. do you think that Neil Druckmann secretly desires to make a new Crash Bandicoot but is being forced by Sony to make movie games?
he was never going to make a game like Viewtiful Joe because that's what he wants to make
if you told Druckmann to make a new game like Viewtiful Joe, he would tell you to fuck off and to make your own game and that he can make whatever he wants, and he would be right
I agree with the fact that people trying to turn games which were gameplay first into story heavy games is not a good thing. I was disagreeing with you on how games with story shouldn't exist at all and how even a small story can help with context, I think they definitely have their place for people who want that.
But I feel that's not a new trend, to make it clear, do you hate games like uncharted and the God of War games that focus more in looking cinematic and are influenced by hollywood movies? Or games with long stories in general, like RPGs and the like.
I like it when there aren't a lot of cutscenes and you get most of the story during actual gameplay by just using good design for levels, enemies, etc. That seems hard to do and it's when game stories are at their best but it's underappreciated compared to dumping in cutscenes.
Metal Gear Solid was a mistake. Not in itself, but the wrong people took the wrong inspirations from that game and paved the way for the moviegames we have now.
MGS was actually entertaining the whole time. Turns out when your story doesn't have 10 different plot twists, a terrorist hijacking, and group of evil villains, and a deadly virus, having that many cutscenes is pretty fucking boring
And i would tell him he’s a jewish moviegame hack who poisoned this industry. I already acknowledge the ‘right to exist’ argument now get a new one or concede.
and he would call you a bing bing wahoo cuhrazy loving toddler autist, so now what? almost as if you're two different people with different preferences
crazy how that works, isn't it?
>bing bing
What are two of your favorite games?
I didn’t caring about gameplay and gamefeel made you an autist.
Okay, I get your point now. I though "movie games" were you talking about all games with long cutscenes, because if that was the case, then RPGs would be the worst moviegames ever in regards to how much cutscenes and text they have.
You sound like you have autism
I don’t.
At least i haven’t been diagnosed.
>anyone that likes vanilla ice cream is destroying the name of ice cream, they are wrong
>only chocolate ice cream deserves to exist
>in my utopia, everyone would be forced to like vanilla, because the ice cream I like is perfect and correct
No what I believe. Moviegames and 8+ hours of cutscenes have ruined videogames simple as.
>posting chud unironically
Go back.
look at you try to bait me into listing my games so you can attack me personally as opposed to the argument/s
you completely missed the point, tired of arguing with a literal dipshit now anyway so have fun with your is-ought nonsense and binary thinking for the rest of time
I’m not baiting you. Honest dude.
I’m genuinely interested in how a gameplay enthusiast is justifying the very antithesisof vidya.
>I’m genuinely interested in how a gameplay enthusiast is justifying the very antithesis of vidya
the irony of a 'gameplay enthusiast' such as yourself being okay with games like Viewtiful Joe and DMC3 despite the fact they have cutscenes, it's like you're unaware that the cutscenes strengthen both of those games despite them both being gameplay heavy
do I really need to answer that question when you already know it? it's painfully obvious to fucking anyone that has played a game that a cutscene can make a game better, otherwise we'd have nothing but arcade games
You're 100% shitpost baiting him.
But keep going this is top quality cringe.
There should be an intro cutscene and an epilogue cutscene and thats it
I’m okay with them because if I removed all cutscenes and interruptions they would still be the great games(albeit flawed) games they are along with DMC1.
Lemme restate: I am fine with games wanting to tell a story. I’m not fine with games perverting this concept into making a pseudo-movie with lacking gameplay(see Uncharted and God of Snoy)
You ironically enough miss my point.
I liked DQV(my favorite in the series) however it would’ve been better if it had cut out some cutscenes and focused more on fine tuning the gameplay(which got kinda boring honestly)
>A cutscene can make a game better
Logic taken directly from Resetera
>the game taking control away from you constantly is good
It’s only okay if the story is a novelty and not a huge focus(anything over 2hrs is a focus)
>We’d have nothing but arcade games
Arcade games are based. You sayin Space Harrier and Pacman would’ve been better with more cutscenes?
I’m not baiting him dummy.
You’ve been on this site too long. You can’t tell genuine questions from irony, your brain has been rotten.
>Imagine being this adhd riddled that a 2 minute cutscene triggers an autistic fit about the state of games.
>Imagine disregarding the metric ton of completely action packed games with zero cutscenes to focus on the latest AAA graphic release.
>Imagine trying to bait people into a non-argument to feel a sense of accomplishment with a "winning argument"
Top kek son
>game's story takes place over one night
>game can be beaten in one night
Then you're underage
Anyone over 15 could figure out the response to this shitpost and why action only games cannot carry a whole industry
Not an argument.
Go back.
I never said nor implied that action games could carry the industry.
I DO believe however that GAMEPLAY focused ones CAN. Look at Metroid, and how an entire genre sprung up because of how good it’s gameplay was. There are countless examples to choose from in EVERY genre.
Moviegames set the industry back not foward, and more of them are being made.
You're not fooling anyone you tourist.
you are so far less intelligent than you think you are, it's amazing
when you get the chance and the thread is over just take a careful look at the replies to you and really try to understand them with a more open mind
the impression I have of you after this thread is that you are a very naive midwit teenager, and there's nothing wrong with that, but you've gotta be more open to being wrong or at the very least misguided
I’m not a tourist
Go back.
Of course you're a tendie. Surprised your attention lasts long enough to post here.
It’s amazing how you miss my points consistently.
>You’re nowhere near as smart as you think you are
Right back at you, Einstein.
I’m just ready to assume you’ve been arguing in bad faith.
>maybe if I repeat the same reddit tier insult, I'll be accepted here.
Don't throw your back out digging this hole.
I’m not a tendie, just citing an example of how gameplay focused games can push the industry as a whole forward.
Thief is another great example, which many stealth games are inspired by to this day.
you're the one flinging shit calling people redditors, snoys, resetera users and so forth, you're a narrow-minded peabrain that can't debate worth shit
Castlevania carried the genre, and that had focused cutscenes to drive the later entries ie. The ones that sold well.
babby figured out buzzwords and barely appreciable talking points and thinks he's hot shit
end it soon user
You mean that thief franchise that hasn't been relevant for 15 years? The one who's latest entry was putrid garbage? Yeah not a great example.
>No one has refuted me ITT
Dunno, seems pretty skilled to me.
if you genuinely believe that I feel sorry for you
>this mad
>barely appreciable
You didn’t read any of my posts shut up.
If you genuinely believe that I’m wrong then tell me why games should have so many cutscenes when gameplay has been worsening over time. They have a direct correlation.
OP singlehandedly reminding me why debate is pointless