Post your actual criticisms of this game. Prove you aren't a blind fanboy.
Post your actual criticisms of this game. Prove you aren't a blind fanboy
no online
no way to flex
It's good because I said so
1. suckiro
2. parrying sucks
the different large attacks enemies can do (grabs, sweeps, and mikiri counterable thrusts) should have had different indicators such as different sounds or visual effects instead of all being the same, because there's no point in them existing if they all look and sound the same and rely on you watching the enemy anyway
other than that i have no complaints the game is extremely good
The game has the best 1v1 combat in the souls series but it has the worst combat vs multiple enemies. Bloodborne hit the right balance.
The ninja tools are inconsistent and rock paper scissors. Some bosses are extremely overtuned because they have a huge weakness to a particular ninja tool, so if you don't go out of your way to try different tools out they're overly difficult.
Despite the game telling you "fire tools are effective against beasts" many beast enemies are immune to fire tools... despite the game giving you items that you need to use to hit ghosts, some ghosts are unaffected by said items.
too short
You should be allowed to switch combat arts mid fight. In general combat arts should have been stronger against bosses, 90% of them are useless. There should be more of an incentive to explore the enviroment and there shouldn't have been any recicled minibosses.
Other than that, it's easily a 9.5/10 game.
It doesn't have DLC or a sequel.
It's short.
No multiplayer
Almost zero replayability. Prostethics are not significant enough in terms of combat to warrant a whole new playthrough
You only replay it after a few years when you have forgotten most of it; by that time you remember how great of a game it is
I think a huge amount of the combat techniques are superfluous to Ichimonji Double and the Mortal Draw.
it has a shitload of replayability. you just sound like a zoomer who needs "content"
back in the day we played mario brothers over and over not because of all the new "content" but because we enjoyed the fucking game.
Emblems are a shitty way to limit the player. Early in the game when you're dying a lot you run out of them fast which is when you need them, but later on when you're good you will never run out of them.
Most the combat arts that cost more than 3 emblems are not worth it compared to the tools. Espeically that one combat art that does a crazy +5 hit combo. It costs so much but it does so little.
Mortal blade is a little too slow to be worth it even though it's hyped up lore wise as such a powerful weapon.
I still think its a 9/10 near perfect game, and those are more nitpicks that haven't stopped me from putting 250 hours into it.
no customization
boring simplistic combat
feels like a glorified rhyhm game
>we played bing bing wahoo on loop because we were literal children with nothing better to do
Sounds about right
>needing content to justify reply is for zoomers
>TFW zoomers conditioned by jew gaming companies to expect DLC with each and every game release
Sekiro doesn’t need DLC because it is a complete game dumbASS .
I have no criticisms, I'm a proud Sekiro fanboy
Best part of the game is the fact that you can't over level to make bosses easier.
Combat was really fun.
No stamina made it kind of easy
I think it's the scariest of the from soft games
This isn't a gripe against the game necessarily but I love how Owl being able to Mikiri Counter you is something that is impossible for anyone to have known without looking up his fight beforehand, but it's so cool and appropriate for his fight that nobody complains about it.
reused areas
reused enemies, specially bad because there are already few enemy types
the game didn't let me kill the second snake I mean come on
there's no way to make headless fights fun
they're not hard they just aren't engaging at all
Snake eyes are way harder than they have any right to be and both of them are located in areas where you can get shot by NPCs nearby if you're not careful.
Bosses are the only fun part, fighting groups of normal mobs feels like shit
Headless are terrible design
forgot to mention that getting all achievements is a pain because you need to farm xp to get all skills
I wish Mibu village had more going on. Feels blatantly unfinished. The gimmick of having to avoid the ground to avoid enemies spawning could have been really cool but the enemies are useless and you can just run past everything even grabbing shit on the way very easily. The monkey area has niggas with guns which forces you to traverse more carefully. The monk area has the strawhat enemies which are probably the toughest regular enemy in the game. Mibu village has nothing in comparison.
I wish that swimming was more fleshed out
I quit after the guardian ape and monk ghost bitch. I was winning, barely, but not having fun. Too much struggle, it felt like anything less than perfect wasn't good enough so I decided to treat it as too stressful and dropped it.
Inclined to agree. Guardian ape first phase is pretty erratic and engaging. The headless phase is just too slow.
0 replayability.
I've replayed it 7 times already.
he obviously means the headless enemies
I remember being dumbfounded when he killed me with it, and it was awsome
You use the whistle and confetti (or the lazui flame vent if you have it). But yeah, they suck and only saving grace is you only have fight the once per save file and can skip them on all new game + since they literally offer nothing then.
I don't think he's talking about the headless ape, but the headless apparitions you fight to get the reusable sugar items. The headless ape actually very easy if you use the spear to pull out the centipede for massive damage after you parry his big attack.
fear/terror is a retarded status.
Headless and Shichimen Warriors aren't fun to fight
Cool, you can replay any game after a while. Doesn't make it replayable. Sekiro is an action game with 0 depth, it's fun the first time around but that's it. Will I come back to it in a couple of years and play through it again? Yeah, it's fun. Doesn't mean it has replayability though. I immediately started a new playthrough in elden ring to make a different build and my first one was 113 fucking hours.
>Cool, you can replay any game after a while. Doesn't make it replayable.
I kek'd
these are all good things lmao
>jap shit
>no builds, you are joe samurai and thats it
>no scythe
>no replayability
>not dark souls
>no scythe
Some very retarded wording on my part but you should get what I was meaning to say. You can come back to any piece of media after a couple of years if you've "forgotten" bits of it and it feels somewhat fresh. And then there is games you can play for hundreds of hours and keep playing beyond your first playthrough immediately. That's the difference. DMC5 is a game where I did multiple playthroughs back to back and I have hundreds of hours in it, Sekiro is a game I will come back to once every couple of years and that's it.
>it's a boss rush rhythm game and the mikiri counter carries the actual gameplay
>using the same sword is boring and i personally enjoy the variety of builds that typical souls games have
>the ability to zip around like spiderman makes the different locales a joke to traverse and undermines any kind of exploration in general... u just run from boss to boss
fighting multiple night jars is a pain
headless are too spooky
spirit emblems shouldn't have been like BB bullets and more like ER open world flasks
By that measure no games except for RPGs have any replayability.
>blazing bull is too easy to cheese by constantly sprinting and whacking its ass, discouraging you from actually learning its parry timings
>arguably same for headless monkey, you can just bait that one attack indefinitely
>fighting genichiro before ishiin every time is just annoying, even though you can get rid of him quickly enough
Other than what people have already said, like the headless fights not being well done, I can’t think of anything. It’s a nigh perfect action game
Nah, take DMC5 for instance. 0 RPG elements (unless you want to count unlocking moves lol) but the depth of its combat system and freedom of player expression it offers makes the game insanely replayable.
My biggest complaints are only having combat art available at a time and ninja tools being lack luster and a bit to niche.
>No build diversity
>Parry mandatory
They decentivised the Sabimaru because of the emblem cost per swing. This goes for other tools as well.
Not enough replayability and customization. That's about it. The game is sweet.
I believe the first half up until Genichiro is a masterclass in gaming progression. It teaches you everything you need to know up until that point and after Genichiro you should have all the tools to complete the game. That is my highest praise for this game.
However, things like going back in time to Hirata was sorely underutilized. It should have had a few time-travel sequences to show Wolfs backstory. There also should have been more vertical sequences similar to climbing Ashina castle.
this but with fist weapons
Having an way to regain emblems mid fight would be the best solution.
Maybe parry a certain amount of times or when doing a fatal attack, you gain some back depending on the enemy.
The sneaking system is optimal for normal enemies, but is at odds with the combat/parrying system that's necessary for the boss fights.
Also, grabs could have a better indicator.
Terror is like legit a bad mechanic.
player character is an ugly old manlet with no customization options
Mist raven and the umbrella are always defensively great moves, and if you were ever struggling parrying a combo then you should have used them. Mist raven in particular is good when you get surrounded or hard to dodge perilous attacks (like Inner Genichiro). Mist raven was also the best way to lightning reversal before they added in Sakura Dance.
Fire crackers build up a lot of posture damage and give you openings to attack which is useful against any boss and enemy.
Shuriken is always a good move to close the distance safely which can benefit you in any fight.
Flame vent with living force is one of the most damaging things you can do in the game. Lazuli flame vent and living force also does a lot of damage plus is like free confetti.
Axe is great for breaking enemy posture and dealing damage. It's also has some good hyper armor.
Whistle is good for luring in enemies one at a time (plus the upgrade can make beasts go crazy and attack each other)
The spear and the sabimaru are really the only two I never really use and are quite a bit more situational. There's only a handful of enemies where the spear retraction is useful (headless ape and some fatties with armor). The one spear does a large sweep which I suppose is nice for crowd control, but you got to put yourself in danger to really use it. Sabimaru is at least very effect against everyone in the fountain head palace and a few minibosses earlier on.
Oh and the the fans suck. You can one hit monks with them, I guess.
fist bros...
How many of you are viewing Sekiro through the lens of the Soulsborne games?