Certain Affinity, devs who worked on maps for Halo 2, Halo CE: A, and Halo Reach join on to work on Halo Infinite.
Halo Infinite News
Why play halo?
Fortnite and Apex are free.
Who cares? Shitfinite is dead.
it's already dead... season 3 better have like 10 new maps, forge, campaign coop and campaign expansion or it's OVER
343 has botched Infinite so badly, the reigns are effectively being handed over to Certain Affinity, who, by the way, is also responsible for fixing Master Chief Collection and making it an actually playable, fun, and enjoyable experience.
Just cut 343 out entirely at this point and make CA the new Halo studio.
So is Infinite's MP you chud incel.
They're announcing this months after Infinite's release. Lol. Well, maybe we'll get some content a year after this announcement, then
MCC >>>>>>>> poopoopeepee >>>>>>> farts BRAAAAAAAP >>>>> Shitfinite
sorry lameos
I still don't understand how a 700 person studio struggled so hard to make this thoroughly average game, WITH delays... the graphics are below industry standards for AAA games, less multiplayer maps than most FPS games at launch, campaign has literally just one environment, launches missing most of the standard Halo features like forge or coop campaign, and now they need ANOTHER studio on top of their 700 employees to MAYBE unfuck everything
343 is a disaster
>Halo Reach
Please no
>Please understand, we prioritized bleeding you dry over making anything worthwhile or rewarding and changing that is haaaaarddd
If they're on the same level of Spire and Boneyard, then yes.
> It's a repeat episode.
Being forced to have it work on the Xbox One. Literally the answer. This thing was hobbled from the first day of production by being forced onto hardware that sucked when it launched.
It needs a BTB map that's actually fun.
Better luck next Halo faggots.
dumb anime copetard
I'm convinced this is the worst possible studio to have given Halo to
At least they're not nuBungie
343 put in BLM and Women's History Month shit in MCC. I don't play Destiny but as far as I know at least Bungie keeps that game going
MS should close down 343 and just hand the franchise to CA. They cant fuck it up any worse than 343 has.
This is not an excuse when Forza Horizon 5 (for example) launched on time and on Xbox One.
>I don't play Destiny but as far as I know at least Bungie keeps that game going
They sell you content for $60+tip and then later on remove that content from the game without refunding you. Fuck them.
Too little, too late
>singlehandedly murdered an already dying series.
She had help!
MCC is the reason games aren't art. Shit quality products.
>join on to work on Halo Infinite.
They worked on Infinite already. You can see them in the credits.
This is apparently just officializing they'll continue the work a.k.a the upcoming battle royale mode.
This but I’m more interested in the campaigns though.
At least firefight has the flood now.
>release between the worst battlefield to date
>release between one of the most boring cods to date
>still fuck it up
literally all they had to do was make a content filled polished experience and they blew it
Why would you ever give a shit about a 3v4i campaign after 5 and Infinite?
Maybe content will come out instead of the 343 "release and then take six months" pipe-line.
>battle royals
>he liked Halo 4
New direction shits on anything this series has had in years. No more Prometheans, no more boring political lore that belong in novels. Infinite future campaigns is going all out on the Banished, Offensive Bias, the Flood, and the Flood’s evolution the Endless. Here’s the real question why would I be interested in anything else especially when Halo’s multiplayer is garbage.
MCC sucks
best of all, it was free and still didn't take advantage
they could have even thrown in some battle royal to jump in on current trends but they didn't even do that. I'm not even a fan of BR games but if I was looking to capitalize I'd go after anything I can get
>muh one direction
>muh banished
>le protheans are le bad :((((
Who cares what it looks like you flaming faggot? It plays like shit. The story is shit. The company is shit. You're shit.
3 > Reach
and as long as they keep elaborating over what Reach did, Halo will go nowhere
3 has better maps, better gameplay everything feels better, the artstyle is better, it's a shame they doubled down and tripled down on Reach and beyond
Halo Infinite’s campaign is the most fun the series been since Halo 3. Don’t know what you’re smoking.
>New direction shits on anything this series has had in years.
every fucking 343 studio halo game story is shit
Halo 4 is shit
Halo 5 is shit
Halo Infinite is shit
I don't care what you subjectively think is less shit than others, you're comparing shit with shit
Those are Bungie’s maps, CA made the anniversary map pack levels and shit like Condemned
Hopefully this is finally the end
>Halo Infinite is shit
Just because Halo’s multiplayer is baby trash doesn’t mean the campaign of Infinite is shit, best campaign since Halo 3.
Why play halo?
Splitgate is free
Does splitgate have regenerating health?
How did AAA games launch with 10 hours of content, like how Idiocracy can society become until the average person can't afford a $60 game with $2000 cosmetics anymore? I just don't get how there's still so many consumers willingly paying for a few hours of fun.
Full of bots, not the best netcode, game isn't even optimized, worst artstyle than Halo 1 2 and 3, controllers too strong, weapons don't feel as good, portals are cool
It's literally a year too late. If they rush out some new maps, even if they're the best maps the series has ever had, who the fuck is left to play them? There's like 5000 people left playing daily, and that's a high estimate.
They’ll come back on Xbox.
Infinite really was a good game, it just missed out on all the potential it introduced due to laziness. Imagine if Bungie made Forge but didn't implement custom games for whatever reason. Forge is really good but they were just lazy and didn't want to do anything with it so it's just something to play with alone by yourself with no game modes. Infinite is like that in almost everything, they just didn't want to keep working on it for whatever reason.
The game is free, and the majority opinion that the game is really fun but just needs more content. Looking at the (steam-only) player counts 3 weeks before a 6 month dry-spell ends doesn't tell you much about the game's future.
It's over pal. Time to move on
Halo will have bounced back by the end of this year
Ubisoft did manage to bring R6 Siege back from disaster but even that game didn't have the drastic drop off Infinite had. It's definitely a longshot
screenshotting this post
It’ll definitely bounce back on Xbox, it’s questionable on PC but who cares about that since PC players were never Halo’s target audience.
My computer runs call of duty Cold War and assassin's creed odyssey at higher than 1080P with almost everything on high. In Halo infinite on the lowest settings in 1080P I get 22 FPS. It literally looks like an Xbox 360 or early Xbox One game, and I can't run it at a playable fps. I boot up far cry 5 and it runs at 45 fps and looks like a next generation game by comparison.
343 are console developers, not PC developers, it shows.
Well it’s the only way to play the old games so we really don’t have a choice
343 hires contract workers and has to let them go after 3 months or something due to Microsoft policy.
Why they didn't just get permanent employees is beyond me
>Full of bots
Probably fixed next big update since they just made a blogpost about what created this problem and what they're doing to fix it.
>not the best netcode
I guess it's because you're playing with high ping players since I never really had a problem, but since I keep seeing this then I hope it'll get fixed for you.
>game isn't even optimized
It's 14gb while it used to be far more, and you can run the game in high pretty easily
>worst artstyle than Halo 1 2 and 3
True, but I believe they're remaking every maps to get a believable and coherent artstyle
>controllers too strong
>weapons don't feel as good
Personally I felt like they were better handled comparing to Infinite
maybe a driver issue? my computer is 6 years old and I can at least do halo on 1080p at low at 60fps. any call of duty past the new modern warfare is unplayable for my 970
Then it is shit