Halo Infinite News

Certain Affinity, devs who worked on maps for Halo 2, Halo CE: A, and Halo Reach join on to work on Halo Infinite.

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Why play halo?
Fortnite and Apex are free.

Who cares? Shitfinite is dead.

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it's already dead... season 3 better have like 10 new maps, forge, campaign coop and campaign expansion or it's OVER

343 has botched Infinite so badly, the reigns are effectively being handed over to Certain Affinity, who, by the way, is also responsible for fixing Master Chief Collection and making it an actually playable, fun, and enjoyable experience.

Just cut 343 out entirely at this point and make CA the new Halo studio.

So is Infinite's MP you chud incel.

They're announcing this months after Infinite's release. Lol. Well, maybe we'll get some content a year after this announcement, then

MCC >>>>>>>> poopoopeepee >>>>>>> farts BRAAAAAAAP >>>>> Shitfinite
sorry lameos

I still don't understand how a 700 person studio struggled so hard to make this thoroughly average game, WITH delays... the graphics are below industry standards for AAA games, less multiplayer maps than most FPS games at launch, campaign has literally just one environment, launches missing most of the standard Halo features like forge or coop campaign, and now they need ANOTHER studio on top of their 700 employees to MAYBE unfuck everything

343 is a disaster

>Halo Reach

Please no