Youch. We probably won’t see another Oddworld game after this

Youch. We probably won’t see another Oddworld game after this.

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i thought services were supposed to save gaming.

Literally nobody was going to buy an oddworld game in 2022. literally about 25 years too late

it was really that bad?

but I thought Epic exclusivity would save their franchise??

>implying believing yellow jews ever

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Another dev crying that their game supposedly would have sold 1 game per download. Just like the söyfag from bend.

Lorne Lanning is a greedy faggot. He's been holding new Oddworld games over the fans heads for basically a decade at this point. Each time he released one of these remakes/remasters he held the fanbase hostage saying they needed to sell to get a new game, but has still never actually done a new game. There was never going to be, so fuck him.

Gamepass works, PS Plus doesn't.

they don't get paid for it or something? how does it work?

Guardians of the Galaxy probably took over 50 million if not 100 million to make. Microsoft pays them 5 million, 10% of the budget or less. Yea not a commerical failure at all, gamepass saved the day.

No it doesn't, you're just a gaslit moron or a shill.

good riddance, Soulstorm was an absolute mistake
it made the foolish attempt of trying to bring on new fans whilst not giving the very loyal and niche fanbase what they wanted; it succeeded in neither, it brought on no new fans and the core fanbase either hates it or is mixed at best
who the fuck asked for crafting and a shitty mobile game UI in an Oddworld game of all things?
who asked for a DOUBLE JUMP in an Oddworld game?
Lorne should really just give up and leave unceremoniously out of the industry, and maybe try other venues like film, animation, comics etc, since he clearly has no idea what he's doing with video games
personally, I think the original, Oddysee, was the peak of the series, and while Exoddus was a great game it was a misstep in a few ways. the series has been downhill ever since they began

it is exceedingly bad, I could write a book on every single issue it has
there isn't a single minute of gameplay I can watch where I don't pick up on something being wrong and/or inferior to the original two games

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>Oddworld Inhabitants negotiated the payment expecting Soulstorm to sell between 50,000 and 100,000 copies at launch. However, it ultimately moved more than 4 million units during the month it was free with PlayStation Plus.
Their mind is so alien to me.

the "hello" from the menu is ingrained in my memory

That really is all you need to see to know how fucked the art direction is in the new one

I remember that hour(?) long interview from Lorne about how good the next game would be and how much thought had been put into it. Sounded cool, didn't buy it (or the game). Not surprised it didn't turn out to be great... decade-later reboots never are.

>put out game for free
>a lot of people download it
What the fuck did they think was going to happen? That people would buy the game they have free access to?

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it was never going to reach mainstream success, Oddworld had its time on the PS1 and for a while with Stranger, but it's been largely forgotten
the core niche fanbase is still there however (though now extremely fed up of OWI), and games like Inside and Little Nightmares 1-2 prove there is a desire for cinematic platformers
Lorne made the mistake of trying to please everyone by chasing trends and it backfired terribly, it reviewed poorly and was a commercial flop after years of development, essentially a huge waste of time for all parties

Lorne's passion is infectious and he's an excellent speaker, he's a lot like Todd Howard or Molyneux in that way, but he's been blowing smoke for decades now

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also for anyone interested in seeing what true fiery passion looks like, here's Lorne at his artistic peak surrounded by top-tier talent:

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>finally make a new mainline Oddworld game
>go with soulless 3D
>shitty 3D at that

>get funds but you need to make the game free one month
>"I'm sure some people will try the game for free but a lot of buyers will arrive soon after!"

>called Soulstorm
>not a sliver of Soul in sight
What did they mean by this?

yeah I mean oddworld's pretty niche, I guess it's not that surprising

By buying a game you are more committed to play through it, experience it, share your feelings about it to others, etc. If a game is on a service the quality doesn't matter, it's just part of a bigger product that someone is buying. Basically game quality is more important when it's a standalone product, so everyone should be against this service bullshit.

what the fuck were they thinking? how does a game with soul in the title lose it all?

What the fuck went wrong? Did the game have new director? Did the artists just leave Oddworld Inhabitants?

It is so painful when the devs themselves don't understand the appeal of the game they have made. Be it Majora's Mask 3D or New n' Tasty.

This shows it all so simply. Oddworld games shouldn't be the most deepest gameplay wise. They shouldn't be movies like the fucking trailer that came before. Oddworld is A FUCKING WORLD THAT WE WANT TO SEE. LORNE LANNING YOU IDIOT WE DON'T WANT TO FUCKING SEE FANCY CAMERA EFFECTS AND BLOOM. WE WANT TO SEE THE NIGHT OF THE WORLD AND PLACES WHILE LISTENING
I have no idea what is going on his head when he fucks up so bad. I genuinely think that random user who played Abe's Oddysee as a kid would make a better director for an Oddworld game at this point after looking through the OG's concept art.

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I've read an explanation earlier today but it was in pastaspeak, feel free to use gtranslate

In short, they expected the game to be put on ps plus in january '21, when there weren't many ps5 owners and it was foreseen only around 100k people would have downloaded it because of that.
Then thanks to the cough they ended up releasing the game in april, when many more people had the console and could download it.
That still doesn't explain the 100k -> 4M difference, but it's what they're blaming.

spoiler alert: the game is a piece of shit

>a Fuga poster in a odd worlds thread

Guess we are just suckers for 90s games. Hope to see you in July threads

based, but yeah I'm not too sure, I think Lorne just wants Oddworld to be this IP behemoth that's both artistically rich but still has huge mainstream appeal, but those things are almost mutually exclusive
it's why the new The Dark Crystal show got cancelled after just 1 season, despite it having so much passion and soul
it's not rare for a creator to miss the point of their original work years after it's released, I see it in the industry all the time, old developers come out of the woodwork to give it another shot but they've lost all sight of what they were famous for and their ideas just suck; see Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky (Arcanum, VtMB, Fallout) making The Outer Worlds
>Did the artists just leave Oddworld Inhabitants?
sometime between Exoddus and Munch, yes. Farzaad and Steven Olds left ages ago and they were the artistic powerhouses of Oddworld

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>when the price of a product is reduced to zero it doesn't make money

>make munch and stranger xbox exclusive
>make a shit remake of oddysee
>make soulstorm EGS exclusive on PC
lanning loves to fuck up

I just want Squeeks oddysey... not this edgy remake shit

he literally cancelled an RTS Oddworld game because Bobby Kotick told him not to while he was in a men's urinal
that's not even a joke

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Abe looks so fucking weird now

>During an interview with Caddicarus at EGX 2017, Lorne Lanning told a story about meeting Bobby Kotick (former Activision CEO) in an LAX bathroom. After mentioning to Bobby they were considering an RTS type game, Bobby adviced Lorne not to do it as the RTS genre was dying. This eventually became one of the reasons for dropping development on the game.

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Listening through the Soulstorm OST and I don't know what to think. It doesn't feel right. Like at sometimes it sounds okay, but at other times it feels over the top or too mellow to even hear properly. Nothing like main theme of the Oddysee
Comparing to
I am genuinely depressed over Oddworld. I don't hate Lorne or anything. I am just so disappointed and frustrated that he lets the potential of his world to go down the drain. The powerlessness you feel for having no control or voice over a thing you adore is horrible.

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Wasn't planning on buying it anyway.
They are lucky they got $2 per download

Also doesn't Sony give any money to the devs if the game goes to PS Plus? Seems like horrid deal for devs. Or do they get a horribly minimal cut like $1 per download?

they pay a lump sum up-front

I feel you user, Oddysee is my favorite game of all time easily and I fucking adore it to bits, I constantly recommend it to people and even have a pasta for that specifically
if anything though, Soulstorm just makes me appreciate the original two games even more, I'm so glad they exist and I think gaming and my life would be much more dull without them existing
at the very least we might get some quality fan games out of the RELIVE engine
and even if the series is dead, the torch is still being passed along with other talented devs that no doubt hold Oddworld in their heart just as fondly as we do

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It's probably like Game Pass and the Epic Store Free Games. The devs get offered a set ammount of money for the deal, not per download.

Holy Cope lmao

This is actually really cool

Isn't the whole story behind Oddworld that Lorne wanted it to be a film series, at this point he really should just make movies. He's not growing this IP any bigger than it already is through games at this point.

Well I hope they got even something decent. Don't blame people for not buying it since
>Looks odd and mediocre
>Alienates old fans
Yes I did it on purpose.

We can only pray. May the good stay in our hearts.
Oddworld just has so much potential. I would buy a game where I could just explore the world, no enemies or stuff.

All game series I love are completely changing or get raped. FF, Crash, Zelda(Still good but still)... TF2 gets no updates, Metroid Prime 4 is vaporware, FF CC Remaster was a disaster and had mtx, Chrono Cross had HORRID Remaster, Chocobo GP is badically a mobile game with all the mtx and season passes but still costs money, Baldur's Gate 3 is still unfinished, all Playstation Japan Studio games are dead, Gran Turismo 7 has mtx...
All I wait now are DQ, indie games, and fucking Nintendo games. And eroge stuff.

H e l p

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>muh lost sales
I never intended to buy it. I just claimed it because it was ''free''.

So what's the issue here? The developer is mad because a bad sequel was downloaded for free 4 million times instead of giving him 0 sales anyway because it's a bad sequel?

Thats exactly it.

he had a background in CGI and his future partner at the time had a CGI & film background; Sherry wanted to make Oddworld a film series but Lorne was insistent that there was a gap in the market for film-quality animations, backgrounds, art, stories and CGI in games
his desire was to tell a 5 part story and turn the Oddworld games into what's known as the Quintology; each game would follow an entirely different character
the design goal was to make an IP on the level of Star Wars which was his main inspiration, to make a game that was 'nutritious' as he puts it, a game with a message; the elevator pitch for the world was 'The X-Files meets The Muppets'

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>Epig exclusive
Hahahaha, no wonder they didn't make money back. Anyone sensible pirated or ignored it.

game pass actually causes people to buy more.

Seethe, cope, dilate, have sex, kys yourself

>companies come out all the fucking time to say how much dosh they make when their game in on goy pass
>some stupid seething faggots on Yea Forums call them wrong

the remake fucking sucked

Makes sense
>Negotiate deal for immediate dosh
>Negotiate assuming 100k downloads due to the PS5 being brand new and nobody having it
>Game gets delayed for months, more PS5's are sold
>Game downloads 4 million, meaning they should have negotiated for more

I'm very suprised PS+ doesn't have like, a popularity based thing going on and is instead using this oldschool sales guesstimation

This reminds me of the old stories of companies having to guesstimate how many cartridge copies they'd sell and print and order that many

dark crystal was canned because the retards had a crew of 3000 people and because of corona. otherwise the series had glowing reviews EVERYWHERE

worked out ok for playstation, it was really only the devs getting screwed here

>I'm very suprised

A big problem with Oddworld in the modern day, in my opinion, is political. And let's not pretend Oddworld is not political, it is. It's enviromentalist and anti-corporate, but it is so in ways that feel cliche and tone deaf. Leftism has long moved on from Bush era libertarian liberalism. Now the corporations are the Left's best friend and environmentalism is just a means of control. The modern left wants a utopian future free of carbon, not a return to monke state of nature.