HE DID IT. JUAN FANTASIA SAVED PVP! What's your favourite Job in PVP so far? Mine is Bard.
>yfw "Preserve the balance if you can."
dragging out that first MSQ with Tataru was gay as fuck.. fuck her and fuck all reddit faggots who like her
dnc and nin, hard to pick my favorite between those 2
It's pretty clear that the A Team designed the Alliance Raid this time around and they gave the two retarded interns that nobody likes the EX trial.
What a fucking whiplash in quality.
Does PLD Intervene stun work in pvp? I don't think it actually stuns. PLD feels like shit
So are the Gods evil or what? I was really disappointed hearing we're going to kill them and the description of them sounds like they want to control everything like assholes. Seemed like a total missed opportunity for them to be a one off raid when they are the actual divinities mentioned since 1.0 and who everyone in Eorzea worships.
>Lahabrea is an actually difficult solo final boss now
They really did A Realm Reborn Remaster this patch, huh?
MCH > BRD >>>> DNC
MCH has crazy good damage for a ranged job and will probably be nerfed. SMN has really good damage with the dash>stun>hammer time and bahamut has ridiculous range.
Dropped MNK for PvE because of the EW changes. Picked it back the fuck up for PvP after trying it out.
Phoenix dance > Enlightenment > Dash > Phoenix dance > Phantom Rush/Meteodrive feels like a fighting game combo.
anyone have a macro to copy my pve job hotbars to pvp? first time doing pvp and every ability is greyed out on the bars right now
>Next patch is 2.X patches
>mfw Nabriales
>mfw Steps of Faith
Why would you want to copy your pve hotbars to pvp since none of those skills work in pvp
I've been too addicted to Gunbreaker to try anything else.
cats are retarded
>speedreading the raid cutscenes
is zenos the mystery nigga at the end?
No they're not evil. Just go do the raid user.
Sage, slamming people with high damage aoes from a distance feels very cheeky, even better when i'm doing it in their face. Managed a comeback in overtime by getting a triple kill during the scramble in the payload circle.
That's just his Reaper avatar.
His pact voidsent. Zenos is dead.
>Byregot - Spriggan
>Ralghr - Hawk
>Azemya - ?
>Nald-Thal - ?
>Nymeia - Fish(?)
>Althyk - Owl (Athena parallel)?
>Oschon - Deryk/lil monkey fella
>Llymlaen - unkown
>Nophica - ?/possibly a goobue
>Thaliak - Golem(?)
>Halone - ?/possibly hoarhound
>Menphina - rabbit(?)
what animals have we actually seen in the area?
>Y'shtolafags cucked and Hrotged forever
Its over, isnt it?
I did not expect Not!Golbez for sure, one of the most shocking things I've seen in the MSQ so far just with how blatant it was in its fanservice lol.
I expected some Voidsent demon lord that would look like Hell Emperor Mateus from FF2 but nope, literally just Golbez.
No, its (you). His voidsent is free that means he is 100% dead, giving it a chance to finally remerge with you.
Althyk could be the fish, what with his bottomless Ewer
>Enemy team doesn't guard the storm
>Chain assassinate at least 3 of them
Probably gonna stop working since I just hit gold, but at least the matches should even out now.
can someone please tell me how nu-pvp works thanks
>play cc as AST
>I cast one spell
>a samurai teleports to me
>dead in one GCD
Remember to believe in yourself during the alliance raids.
>ffxi cuck
This thread will soon be ruined but I like ninja.
is the tooltip for pvp intervene an error? I've never seen it stun anyone
>All the "Try finger, but hole" in Alliance chat
fuck healers and fuck every mmo that has allowed them to slow their pvp pacing down
you guessed wrong but used a cheese ability
How are the tanks looking.
Message to all ranged fags, this includes healers and casters, kill yourselves, you are nothing but subhuman bottom feeders with no skill. Holding S and mashing your microcock on the keyboard is a not skill
For me, it’s WHM.
I hadn’t done any PvP until this patch, so I’m probably fighting at the very bottom of the barrel, but I’ve won every single game I’ve played so far and I feel incredibly valuable to my team. Keeping someone alive means they’re not choking down a res timer while the opponents are, and so we keep pushing. Even on maps where we don’t outright win, we still win through Progress.
Took me some getting used to that my heals have cooldowns, but with two heals, shields, mitigation and CC, I feel like I can get shit done.
Tanks don’t seem very valuable though, not sure what the go is with them.
you were caught lacking
stick around at least one teammate
>willingly playing any melee that doesn't have stealth or tanking abilities
holy retarderoni
jesus fucking christ, this mhigger is just too hot
>play cc as AST
there's your problem
Can you add custom text to your adventure plate? I've seen a few on twitter but I'm wondering if those were photoshopped.
I mean I'm not running ahead or anything, but the burst is *insane* for how little healing you have now.
It must be. I noticed it too and tested at a dummy and it never stuns. PLD feels really useless
xiv only has marginally more skill requirement than a moba or the tamagotchi phone game. idgaf. and no, savage is not skill based, its memorisation based.
>can't pvp on a free trial toon
PLD can stunlock, WAR is really fucking rude and helps single people out/initiate teamfights, DRK is the ultimate rat, and GNB does nothing.
>enemy team gets thrown up
>i take the leaf
>plunge and Eventide them when they land
I love the new (classic) Dark Knight.
Bro AST sucks in PVP. Double cast is a good concept but it literally has nothing else wtf
What happened?
They changed the PvP?
It's what you write in the Search Info
Yeah, I would have gone for a different finger but I was out of time when I saw the arrows. I tried to pop sprint way too late.
Because your unique healing spells aren't supposed to be your primary means to heal and are supportive abilities instead. You need to rely on Recuperate, Guard and Purify to not get fucked.
Also, Sprint gets cancelled whenever you perform an action so it's actually very hard for someone pursuing you to keep up the pressure if you simply run away. If things are looking dicey get the fuck out of there and use an Elixer.
As a healer, SAMs/RPRs are the biggest faggots in the game. NINs/MNKs/DRGs are pretty cool though. Tanks, healers, and casters are all faggots. ESPECIALLY BLM. DNC is gay too. BRDs/MCHs pretty cool though. Especially MCH. BLU is based but I wish it had a presence outside of gimmick runs, but it never will.
>muh button bloat lmao
>keeps shit like shoha 2
Completely changed, all Jobs got more complexity while getting simpler to play on a basic level due to less buttons, and can also do insane shit compared to their PVE counterpart. New gamemode has been added that is ultimate kino.
>Don't have to move around during AOEs anymore
>Don't have to save 20 kenki and can just dump kenki
SAM changes pretty based.
Sex with Lyse.
So how long does it take to run Praetorium now?
I wonder if it was something that was lost in translation and was about casuals bitching about remembering to press Kaiten, making it "bloat" in that context.
remember summoner is still balanced around having a rez
It's just as time consuming and boring as before, it just has a simpler layout and the bosses last a bit more before rolling over.
based fuck kaiten the button, should've kept the animation.
People are sleeping on Scholar since it doesn't have a big burst damage ability, meanwhile everything besides Broil has some sort of buff/debuff attached to it and it really excels at crippling and collectively draining the enemy team's resources since Deployment Tactics doubles as Bane.
It's honestly insane how much better the "battlefield tactician" job fantasy is delivered here.
Crystaline Conflict sucks. There, I said it.
It's a zergrush with bad skills. Even Feast was better and it didn't feel like Simon Says.