post your synchron festival decks (extra deck users needn't apply)
Master duel
Other urls found in this thread:
>asians woke up
>the chinaman desires a royal eldlich
Every true draco card should be perma banned.
I gave up and am now using a stun/burn deck. I'm close to 10k medals.
And so synchro summoning has been defeated and everyone lived happily ever after. Fittingly, the last duel was ended with my opponent ramming his speedroid into Granel in a true display of ZETSUBOU.
Just delete true draco from the entire game.
Based zetsuchad
Fuck motorcycles and fuck whites
This is Ten Thousand Dragon, the posterdragon for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Say something nice about him.
what will hundred thousand dragon be
Hello sirs! We would like to announce our new U.A Team for the Synchro Season: Suicide Squad!
Thank you for your service Aporia, Synchros are truly a plague
I have literally never seen this card in game
Ojama support
I have only seen 1 suicidebro all day
There are not enough of you
Can you post your deck?
Mine's a fucking mess and I want to clean it up a bit
The Stardust loaner cuz I'm lazy. It's crap but I'm getting some wins
What's better, Gravity Bind or Level Limit Area B? Running a lot of low level monsters to try and take advantage of it.
oh no
I just reached the end of the gem line a few hours ago. I’m in Gold. Met 3 other suicide bros & 1 suicide mirror match. I used this deck in the link, it’s not 100% OTK but my matches usually leave me with low enough LP for a tuner to kill me next turn.
Looks like you get a free win.
Based. Meklord sure have come a long way since 2013
bind under the rare case your opponent is playing superheavy samurai
Chinks woke up, time to stop playing everyone. Fun is over.
Here you go. It's been working surprisingly well considering I threw this together myself. Opponents that don't play synchros can be troublesome but it even handled those quite well. This was in Gold rank though so it might be another story in Platinum.
The fun hasn't been here all day
Bind will let you still swing for damage, but some high level monsters will have 0 defense letting you destroy them with weaker stuff. Depends on your deck.
Well it's gonna get even worse then.
Why is he banned again?
Now a day there are monsters that are totally immune
Same guy from >595440214
I’m sorry I messed up the spacing.
Wow, free dust. Thank you, legacy packs.
>free dust
>he doesn't know
Oh wait, I can't even dust it. FUCK THIS.
Can someone edit this into Chuck Sneeder
I’m sorry bro
Bind it is, thanks bros
Finally I have some use for this card I got in a legacy pack. Can't attack me on your turn when you special on your extra deck and can't line your back row. Kind of sucks against no extra decks
>Is an actual Synchro deck
>Stops combofags in their tracks
>Promotes interactive gameplay
Behold your savior!
>didn't even put the first form anime dragon synchros in the ticket packs
>Take my regular Platinum Endymion deck
>Just remove Extra Deck entirely, no other changes
>Mogs 95% of opponents in synchro festival
I almost feel bad. Almost.
Not him but thanks, didn't think about Protos.
Going to cheap out and use Jizukiru for the Kaiju though.
Debating on whether to craft Nib or not.
Why tf aren't trueniggers banned?
Woops that ain't protos. What the hell is that UR beside the Triskelions (Not Nib)?
Whats a good deck that can dumpster synhcrogeeks and floodgate faggots
Also doesn't use the extra deck
I actually crafted my first Nibiru for that deck. It came in clutch quite a few times so I really didn't regret it.
Guess I'll Nib it up then, once I have 15 more UR points (just crafted One for One, figured it would be a worthwhile investment because I have 4 other decks that can run it).
Konami knows how to make a fun and enjoyable event. Well at least in a different universe anyway.
hahaha cool royal foil bro
That's Gizmek Okami. He was handy a few times but I'd consider him optional.
One for One is definitely a good investment. Getting to your Nucleus is vital and it helps setting up our GY for Triskelion.
because skill drain is legal
>they didn't even fully translate the game
Alright, I'll save my UR points then. I'm going to put my One for One in my regular ranked Meklord deck too, just have to decide what to cut since it has a slightly different gameplan due to being able to dump Armies easier. Raigeki? Idk.
Because True Draco decks would be complete with him, as the total floodgate piece.
I fucking hate the legacy packs.
why is block dragon legal at 3 copies
I’m so glad I decided to wait until the event is over to reach Platinum. Half way through my gemmies and went against zero (0) True Draco decks. I don’t mind Timelords or Mekklords because they are 5D’s archetypes.
Raigeki is handy but I think you can substitute it with Lightning Storm if you're on a budget.
Do selection packs have better odds for URs than Secret packs? I get that its harder to pull a particular UR from a selection pack (since you're pulling from a pool of 10, instead of 4-5), but it might be worth it if it gives more dust.
sorry wang, i don't have a ching chong wazushi in my deck
No wonder why you're so bad at the game
That card really turns the game around
Do you know why i love this card?
because it's actually a balanced high risk-high reward card that rewards resource management and being actually good at the game instead of the usual low risk-high reward deus ex machina cards in modern yugioh