Why does the "peak" of modern AAA graphics look so bad?
Why does the "peak" of modern AAA graphics look so bad?
>glitches happen in a cutscene
This is THPS8 bad
Graphics only impress sub 90iq American.
Gameplay is all that matters.
what the fuck are these designs lmao
>white men bad
>stronk sheboon of color saves the day
it's so tiresome
A white guy saves the Earth.
Another white guy set up a system that preserved data which allowed the Earth to be saved a gain.
A single 20 seconds of a 60 hour game is not the entire narrative
There's like no charm or anything that makes this game stand out. It looks like Anthem and every other AAA game.
>>white men bad
this, but unironically
>we want diversity in our games
>except the bad guys theyre always white men
what does americans mean by this
and the worst part is horizon plays worse than it looks lol
It looks weird. The uncanny valley faces and odd costume design aren't helping.
I couldn't get far in the first game because of how weird the characters look, and they're worse now
Most of Forbidden West looks incredible.
It's less of a graphics issue and more that whoever is doing character design sucks ass.
>2.79 MB, 852x480
>Why does this look so bad?
Gee I wonder.
The bad guy in that game is a white woman. More abstractly the real villain for the franchise is a computer AI with no humanizing traits at all, let alone a sex.
That game wasn't made by Americans either.
One of the major antagonists of the game was a black woman.
Seriously why does he look so weird.
If you think the resolution is the reason it looks bad you are beyond help
let me guess. you didn't buy it or play it. and you don't own a ps5.
and yet you talk about gameplay of games you hadn't played. what a retard.
Why does the protagonist just stand there and watch as the incapacitated white man is impaled by the negress?
i played it alright and its doo doo
Is stabbing a defeated opponent in the back as they are on their knees the heroic thing?
Am I supposed to feel bad for the guy getting stabbed? Because I do.
1000 year old genetically modified space creep.
Because that white man killed the black chick's boyfriend in the same manner, so the black chick's is just getting revenge and the protag doesn't mind.
Do 2 wrongs make a right? Is that the lesson our heroes learned?
She is the protagonist and he is an antagonist who just tried to kill her.
Can't wait for Horizon 3.
Who cares? Dude was trying to kill every living thing on Earth. He had to die.
Those roles are generally defined by actions. From the webm it looks like some women kill a guy that wasn't able to defend himself.
I wouldn't call him the protagonist but they most definitely look to be the antagonizing element in the video.
Yeah bro imagine how we feel
It's a video game, user. All problems can be solved by stabbing them.
>feels bad for a murderer being executed
go back to California.
I haven't played this game obviously. I know that redhead is the protag of the series. She just stands by as someone gets stabbed in the back.
The framing is all wrong if she's the hero.
>guy that wasn't able to defend himself
He spends the entire bossfight trying to impale you with a nanomachine spear.
And that's why you shouldn't base your opinions of things solely on 20 second webms posted on the internet.
I don't see that in the webm. What is presented makes the heroes look like villains.
I'm gonna cut you off right now and tell you I am not going to play this shit game.
>the game is shit
>i know it is shit because i fell for user on the internet posting things out of context
>strong black woman kills a white man
yea this isn't going to trigger autistic screeching on Yea Forums
More like you don't make your protag look like she sides with someone thats willing to stab a defeated opponent in the back.
Californians are soulless and don't understand why this is so fucked up to everyone but them.
Its impressive that the developers captured the aesthetic of actors standing on a green screen set in what is entirely CG.
>I don't see that in the webm
I don't give a damn what you see in the webm.
I am telling you what happens and you are looking at an acorn and saying it can't be an oak tree.
I know its shit because its a franchise no one cares about. They'd care if it was good.
The amount of packins show me the original didn't sell at all and this one didn't sell at all either.
>no one cares about
>threads about it every single day
so killing a guy that killed one of your friends and was laughing about it is a bad thing not to Yea Forums now?
They decided to make Aloy the bbg? Bold move to try and make waves but I don't see it paying off.
The game wasn't made by Americans.
As long as he could impede Aloys progress he wasn't defeated.
He could impede Aloys progress as long as he was alive.
Short answer is shitty art direction
Long answer is shiiiiittyyyyyyy arrrrrt diiiiiireeeeectiiiiiooooooonnnnnnnnn
Stabbing him in the back as he's on his knees? Yeah that will always be seen as bad. Even going full Judge Dredd right before and sentencing him yourself and then executing him would be more honorable than doing it as a prison shiv unawares.
This was a good boss fight and the one after it as well
She does the same thing to him that he did to her boyfriend literally
Yea Forums is so easy to bait, one image or WebM and they fall for a narrative about a game but then a different game can do the exact same thing and the narrative won't catch on because a certain company made it lol
take your meds dumbass
Yes, we treat individual situations as individual situations. Its the normal thing to do. You needing that explained to you is... troublesome.
fuck off you are trying way to hard
Its really cool knowing the good guys are only AS GOOD as the bad guy was. I definitely want that in my heroes.
>Gameplay is all that matters.
Not in a video game.
>we treat individual situations as individual situations
he literally said if it was the same situation.
Your stance is that it is not ok for guerilla games and sony to have this situation appear in a game, but if say Square-Enix did it it would be fine.
Do you want to maybe take a moment to process what is being said here and rethink that position?
Karmic retribution.
An eye for an eye, Gods law.
>gameplay doesn’t matter in a video game
What the actual fuck
Reminds me of that Guardians of the Galaxy game. Except shit.
what kind of baby anime logic is this the guy was going around killing people kill him so he dont do it again
That isn't what he said at all, learn English.
Are you imagining things or are you unable to understand English?
the fuck is this post
Because the people with passion and talent just worked on the cute robots, clearly.
Anyone who spends any length of time here knows white men bad
Original post:
>Gameplay is all that matters.
>Not in a video game.
Implication of the reply:
>Gameplay is not all that matters in a video game.
Gameplay matters, it just isn't all that matters.
Learn english if you are going to post with people that speak english.
yes bro tell him its ok he just killed random people and said he was going to kill everybody on the planet but we are the good guys let him go
Lack of artistic direction
Only concerning themselves with asset quality, but never stoping to think of how stupid shit looks once on the screen.
They also fuck up lighting, face models and animation, depending too much on mocap for the two later ones, just like before sticking to "muh realism" but not stoping to look how retarded the end product looks
As far as visuals go, art direction > graphics.
With the lack of sales the devs can't afford english speaking shills, please understand.
100% this. There are old games that I'd rather look at than newer games because the art direction is just so good.
You try and sentence him you utter clownshoes. You don't stab him in the back while he's on his knees.
Try him on the spot and then execute him on the spot, but inform him that is what is about to happen. That is how justice is done. That is how the heroes should be framed in a heroic instance.
They fucked it up massively.
I kind of don't want to know the context.
Also, it looked like the dude was packing abnormal quantities of lipids in the thighs.
does he has a cameltoe or am I blind and resolution in the webm is just bad?
a goblin slayer faggot makes a retarded post nothing new here
But he's right you grafixfagging smoothbrain
>nooooooo you have to be nice to the badguy that wants to kill everybody
stop pretending thats not you faggot
You didn't play the game nor do you know the context you whiny faggot.
>execution is nice
"no", its the honorable thing. They look like the villains.
I can see why these games didn't sell now. You deviate from the Hero's Journey and you fail every time.
>twitterfag mad that I used the default "he" instead of "xe" or "xir"
Go back
Correct :^)
He's not me faglord