Shepard! What can I do for you?
Mass Effect
What do quarian hugs feel like?
I require you to put your feet in my mouth, pronto!
Kill l*gion for me
Bags of red sand.
one order of sex please
Post the chemistry of Talis scent
and basically you’re FUCKING STUPID, how????
>hating Legion
Why? He's a based gamer and he wants you to fill his hole uwu
>Post the chemistry
I prefer Liara.
Im sorry user... embrace eternity
It was really weird that in that one DLC in ME2 that it explicitly stated that she installed vibrators in her suit.
Like. This was the official canon of the game, man. Not your fanfiction.
You Bosh'tet
Make a sequel that unfucks the setting with an at least semi-competent dev team
Mate you can fuck half your combat crew in the base game, I don't see why this is shocking.
top 3 waifus
Guess i have a fetish for accents
Wouldn't you?
>best scene in the game is locked behind Tali romance
We can't stop winning, Talibros...
Mass Effect 2 is one of those games that was made by horny nerds for horny nerds.
literally no other romance option can compete
Based space sañd niģger gf
>kill space niggers
>enslave xenos
>eat all primitives
>uplift asari for sole reason of having blue poon
Most kino empire
I always end up dropping Liara for Tali in ME2
>only possible in the universe where Shepard doesn't accept her as a love interest
Garus bros....
i feel sort of bad for him but being shepard's right-hand man means he'll probably be swimming in pussy for the rest of his life regardless
>he'll probably be swimming in pussy for the rest of his life regardless
That's definitely no small thing but there most likely won't be anything deeper available. It also sucks that despite all your accomplishments and abilities you still live in the shadow of a man even greater than you.
What's your favorite part of Tali? I just love her accent
Still not as jealous as paragon shits over renegade being the canon ending.
Her dance skills.
Tali is pretty much perfect, even with 3 toes.
>too poor to own a gif
>Today, they will pay their tribute in blood.
You DID make the correct choice... right, user?
What is the right choice? I beat this yesterday for the first time last night a d chose the paragon ending... but it seems that the renegade ending is the best choice... but I also needed more EMS-whatever it's called, yet I did every possible thing and still didn't have enough points so wtf ending is the right one?
Maximum assets (something like 7800 in LE) and destroy is the best (and canon) ending
>What is the right choice?
Letting Marauder Shields kill you
Put some thought in the moral and logical consequences. It's better to realize the truth on your own than have it be forced upon you.
Yes, I uninstalled. Why the fuck is the ending a choice? It should have been a consequence of all my previous key choices.
Oh shit, so EDI has to die in the canon ending? Sad. And how do you get the points that high? I could barely get it past 6900 and some change and I did and found everything I could possibly find (as far as I'm aware, anyway). I am on ps3 though so maybe that's my problem.
Honestly, that little bastard confused me... guess that was on purpose but I was so confused by having the three options after all that shit that I panicked and just chose blue. I started an insanity run today so I guess I'll pay better attention this time.
>Let Legion die so both of our people can heal and move forward for me
Pour one out for Giga-Chad Legion, my dudes.
Of course I did. I installed the happy ending mod so I didn't have do deal with that retarded hologram child and so I can give Tali[ a home/spoiler]
Legion's death made no sense. It was just software. Why can't it just upload a copy instead?
Replaying ME2 aka the worst OT one, I have to say I really like how Gerrel and Koris are presented in both ME2 and ME3. The former wants to fuck up the geth and the latter wants to make peace with them so when Tali's father is accused of fucking with them during her loyalty, Gerrel is the "nice one" helping you out while Koris is the "bad one" trying to get Tali exiled as an example to the quarian people to not go to war.
But then they do end up going to war in ME3 and so Gerrel is seen as the maniac that shoots at the geth dreadnought with you inside and who you can punch in the gut afterwards, while Koris is the one still fighting for peace and cooperation before the Migrant Fleet is wiped out. It's a shame their suit designs change between games because I bet a lot of people didn't remember their names enough to realize who they were in ME2 and who they are in ME3.
>I installed the happy ending mod because I'm a loser that reads fanfics*
The trilogy as a whole was; removing Miranda's buttshots is the prime example of how fucked we are. EDI's design wouldn't fly heh in 2012+10 either.
Kill yourself
Of course. I'm not mad about how nonsensical something like Synthesis is because I genuinely forget there's other endings besides blowing the fucking robot squids to hell and beyond.
It really doesn’t make sense when they hammer in for like three games how the geth are SOFTWARE that literally back themselves up in case of hacking. Shit, if Legion dies during the suicide mission then his replacement for 3 is a goddamn copy he made before he met Shepard.
>and chose the paragon ending
There's no "paragon" or "renegade" ending, you let colors decide for you
>removing Miranda's buttshots
I didn't even get that mad over that since it was appropriate and I can go spectator to look at hers and everyone's ass better than before.
Reaper code something unique now something Im a real boy something something noble sacrifice only way
I think the best choice is not making one. I wish that the actual ending was always the Reapers winning because the races of the galaxy spent too much time in denial and internal squabbling. The idea that everything we did up until the defeat was to collect as much information about the Reapers as possible to leave behind for the next cycle to find so they could prepare would be a great ending to a great trilogy. The rainbow ending is garbage and ruins everything interesting about the Reapers who turn out to just be glorified Virtual Intelligences controlled by an actual AI.
>It should have been a consequence of all my previous key choices
It is. It's like asking why can you choose between blowing up the Collector Base or not instead of it being based around Suicide Mission choices.
Endings won't unlock with certain EMS. Hell the first ending you unlock can actually be different depending on your ME2 ending. High EMS Destroy and Low EMS Destroy are completely different too. Reaper Shepard's personality changes based on both your morality and your decision during the Tuchanka arc. So on and so forth.
The only ending that doesn't change is Synthesis and that's because it's the hardest one to get so it's treated as the "special" one.
>user spazzes out as he's confronted by the truth
The game tries to trick you with le blue = good and le red = bad but when you put in enough thought, Destroy always comes out on top.
t. Seething Bioware writing still mad no one like the ending he wrote
Hey, I'm not the one desperately downloading fanfiction in denial
If there's a place where I'd expect sweaty nerds wanting their "muh walk into the sunset" fan ending is in a qu*rian thread. Don't bother.
>Turn Mass Effect into a 4 part saga
>Save the franchise
It's amazing to me that after how meandering 2 was, they still decided they had to have a trilogy.
'ate primitives, 'ate reapers, 'ate AIs, love conquerin'. Simple as.
t. faggot
based, make retards seethe
If the fans make something better than the devs? Yes.
Salarians are based.
what happens