Why did Granblue VS die so fast?

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it's a fighting game

It has the literal worst netcode ever.

>Arcsystem works

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>Fighting game
>Based off a non-fighting game franchise
literally doomed

Came out right at the beginning of the pandemic with shit netcode.

no one plays fighting games

the end

>Horrible netcode outside of Japan
>Granblue bonuses only for JP PS4 version, none for US sales or platforms
>Pretty much made the single player mode just 'grind for cosmetics/power level' and the multiplayer is -just- Vs matches and nothing else towards it.
DBFZ does a lot more, and doesn't gimp your experience because you didn't want the PS4 version. GBF is pretty bare bones, with pretty basic fighting while also being just overall -worse- online.

>marketed as a fightan for non-fightan players
>wasn't actually casual at all
>meant for physical tournaments
>releases at the start of the coof
Serious fgc niggs didn't get it at first because lol casual, then by the time that lie was put to rest they didn't want to play because you could only play online since all the tournies were shut down.

>marketed as a fightan for non-fightan players
>wasn't actually casual at all
What the actual fuck am i reading lmao do niggers now try to imply granpoo was some deep and hard to play game? wtf?

Gachafags dont care about about gameplay so why would they play this?

Covid+bad netcode+overpriced dlc

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They tried to make a 1v1 game for casuals and wasted valuable resources on single player content and coop boss battles. Casuals don't want fast constant action where they have to think. They want shallow open worlds where they can just mash one or two buttons every 5 minutes against enemies too slow to really react

They kept nerfing anything fun

>Why did a fighting game die?
Because it's a fighting game

These. The average gavha loser is too dumb for fighters and will never evolve beyond mashing.
Granpoo was dumb for a fighting game, but is extremely deep and smart compared to your average action and rpg game. Compare Granpoo to Elden Ring combat and Granpoo looks like Digital Grotesque II

it wasn't deep or hard but it's a footsies game with a character like launch Katalina in it. If you didn't have a even basic understanding of footsies you could not fuck with her neutral at all and if you could confirm 2M droit even 50% of the time you were deleting people left and right on whiff punish. Kat, Gran, Lance etc. had insane plus frame situations doing basic shit, high damage, good oki..list goes on. I don't think the game was casual by any stretch of the imagination once people learned it.

The controls are ass

unironically covid
if that was all it took DBFZ wouldnt have come back from the dead over and over

My problem with the game at launch was the walk speeds you couldn't really bait someone to whiff punish much unless they sucked and there weren't a lot of good counterooke moves like s.lk in SF games

I wish relink wasn't vaporware

The absolute dogshit roster.


yeah this adds to why Kat was insane because of 2M and 5H just being insane neutral buttons in the first version. get hit by one of these into EX droit even slightly towards the corner and you just died lol then if you didn't die she knocks you down and used meaty 5A which recovered in time to block DP so she just put you in jail. Hell not even thinking about Kat but launch Charlotta existed so even if you don't want to talk about where the skill ceiling ended up the skill floor had her monkey ass running around where she just EX blanka balls you all day

>but is extremely deep and smart compared to your average action and rpg game.
This is like all fighters user even most casualized ones are still a lot harder than most genres including PvP focused games apart from maybe some RTS games,CS,some MOBA's or old arena shooters so basically games that require knowledge and use of mechanics more than on a basic/med level,have micromanagement and are heavily dependent on good decision making for success.
This honestly sounds like Strive with different flavour lmfao.


GBVS died in the name of functioning fight game netcode

It's a shame it's dead because I really love the character designs, especially the spear chick

yeah launch was basically what if the top 5 where all Giovanna and just mashed c.S as their blockstring but you don't have barrier to push her out or dissuade them from doing anything so they just run it until you get thrown or hit. they ended up changing this heavily obviously but the cough already near murdered the game by then anyway

its a fighting game, and it was expensive and never on sale until after it died.

Honestly this. How the fuck do you such a massive roster of cool characters to choose from and you decide to fill the fighting roster with fujoshit and joke characters. I was hoping Hallessena,magisa, izmir, altair or yuisis, and instead was disappointed with a roster that didn't even have rackham or eugen.

It's like SFV at launch with a different flavor. For whatever reason devs thought making characters have 1-2 retard moves that acted as "I win" buttons like Dark Souls was going to attract casuals. All it did was alienate their playerbase and kill off the game.

Attached: 175px-SFV_Ryu_5MP_vt1.png (175x184, 61.37K)

>bonus shit for a different game
Stop abusing journalist buzzwords

>spinoff fighter cashgrab

shit character selection
bad netcode
shit balance

This, you need in the roster the kens, the ryus, the sol, the potemkin, the zangiefs... so you have opponents to play against with, if you fill the game with waifubait then only autismos play and then you find nobody actually plays the game anymore

pc didn't have granblue codes in it
it was a fighting game
it was poorly marketed

no one cares about rollback or any of the other shit
the no codes thing seriously killed the steam release

You retarded dumbass seanig? If anything the game not having enough waifus was a bad thing. Don't forget about the dlcs like Uno and Eustace giagflopping one after another

who the fuck that thought that was a good idea
they should have added grea

Netcode mainly. I have friends that I'd love to fight against but they won't redownload it until it gets a rollback patch. I really loved the game and it didn't deserve such a fate but the developers did it to themselves by going 2 years without addressing the main problem holding the game down.

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Trash netcode. Buying whole roster.

why did the fighting game genre die?

It didn't. You just got filtered.

fighting game + its based off some shit nobody fucking cares about. DNF will suffer the same fate

Magisa definitely deserved a slot, she could've been like Nine or had shit like a Morax install. She's perfect for a fighting game and a big booba witch would've been popular

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Any fighting game not named Street fighter or Tekken is destined to die. This is why airdasher devs constantly shit out new ones for their retarded subhuman fanbase to consume.

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>It didn't. You just got filtered.
no its clearly dead

>all majors were japanese thanks to corona
>dripfeed content
>had the gall to sell Ken as DLC when Ryu is already in the base game, plus other bad DLC choices (Belial and then Belial AGAIN)
>is a fighting game so most people quit after a while with only the most dedicated remaining
I have zero hopes for a sequel

>It didn't. You just got filtered.
Where is the fighting gayms??

Fighting games are a dead genre
GBF is a dead franchise in the west

Why do you retards constantly post steam charts in these threads like that means anything?

because steam is the only platform that matters
console players don't and have never mattered

Keep up that cope.

>>>fighting game

The DLC being like HALF of the game's fucking cut content
And worse being so expensive

>Put it on wishlist
>Still no sale
>Still no sale
nah I aint paying $60 + DLC + tip for that

stop making games and arena fighters with good ips, make an actual game, literally any other genre

fucking hell they could have made a moba or something

Base game is 20bucks and doesn't include any interesting character.
DLC is 40bucks, Djeeta is DLC by the way.
Playerbase has died out.

I'd unironically play this because it's one of the few fighting game with actual co-op challenges. But right now it's too fucking expensive for its non-existent playerbase.

>Was overly expensive for years
>Shit netcode
>An IP that only Japanese mobile gamers cared about
>Meh gameplay
>>>Fighting game

Fighting games are like MMOs or multiplayer shooters, they live and die by the player base and community so the market only supports a small number of them at any time. The player base requirement means that there must be a large minimum number of active players and there are only so many fighting game players at a given time.

10 second queues for SF and GG isn't dead. It's very alive and more active than your average BR or hero shooter, it just doesn't have TF2 bots.

Oh yeah make a MOBA that will die just like any fighter

>10 second queues for SF and GG isn't dead.
try that outside of america