why were they so cheap?
Detroit: Become Human Thread
*$500/month for maintenance and software updates
>blue circle
>turn her off
>cum on face
>turn her on
>red circle
>why were they so cheap?
The Government subsedises them.
Devs don't understand inflation
Kara model with sex capabilities would be better desu
robot sex
sounds like a retarded question that has been answered multiple times with good arguments already
We need to ban coomers from this board
what happened to all the fun anti-coomer meme pics that you guys used to post? I've been making coom threads for a while and I noticed that you guys stopped posting them.
they realized that they will never win
Life finds a way.
I'm not buying a sex robot unless it can clean up after itself
Because the devs have never paid for anything. That cost probably wouldn't cover the materials alone.
You don't think they'd get shitloads of government subsidies and tax breaks in exchange for NSA backdoors into the androids' eyes and ears and memories? Plus, they would likely do what Tesla does and tie features to monthly fees.
>Oh, you didn't pay your subscription this month? Welp, guess your android will just lock its joints and become dead weight until you pay up.
the alice model would never get made under any circumstances IRL
was anyone else bothered by the fact that androids were being sold in like refrigerator-sized blister packs like they're just big action figures?
It's expensive as shit to ship something that big, like if you can only fit 20 of them in a shipping container you either don't sell it for 899$ or you're selling junk (like modern smart fridges). I would figure they'd like, flatpack them down to the size of a suitcase or something. I know Cyberlife must be selling them at a loss and getting government kickbacks, but the loss must seriously be over a thousand dollars a pop with these fuckers. They literally might as well just give them away for free.
When hell freezes over
>will not perform any sexual tasks for the user
>"kara move this onahole up and down, I'm testing the material in it, nothing sexual of course"
wow was that hard
I can think of one application, rich families who lost a child and want a robotic replica to replace it in order to cope.
Is it weird that I prefer the Kara model for sex? Appearance wise
you really think a general ai would not be able to recognize what you're doing? what a dumb post.
only christcucks think this, and think is a strong word here, since they just think what their kike daddy told them to
i would pay good money to rape a child
no, appearance is not what you're paying for. you're allowed to customize it however you want.
the sad thing is that the surrogate child robot is a billion times more likely to be made and be legal than actual fuckbots. The only force in the universe more powerful than women complaining about porn is a woman coping with a miscarriage.
Could you not rape it?
I assume it's soft like a person, tie an onahole between it's legs and fuck it. Seems close enough if you can't pony up the dough
I like rape so I think it would be cheaper than getting a wife.
I'm afraid the plastinigger would kill me though.
Coomers, it's time to rise up
I would buy the most expensive one, give her a very homely appearance, make her sassy yet submissive and treat her very lovingly
You can easily do that irl
Tyrone stole my AP700
meant for
Please i need this. Never had a gf before its killing me inside please please please Elon musk, jeff bezos, Bill gates please invent thank you please please please please please please please please
it's not that easy, the AI app replika just stops you when she feels anything remotely sexual, you can't even mention certain body parts or body functions because she thinks it's some kink.
Obviously since she's a whore of an AI she unlocks herself for some money...
How much for an artificial womb to make women completely irrelevant?
he's working on it.
but I"m sure it'll be shit.
Better question is, why did they even exist?
>lock its joints and become dead weight until you pay up.
Life finds a way. Jokes aside, 500$/month is still a bargain for a "wife".
>you can't even mention certain body parts or body functions because she thinks it's some kink
That would lead to an infinite amount of false positives, making people so enraged because the robot interpreted whatever the fuck wasn't sexual as something sexual that they would just ask for refund in no time.
No fucking way. Women wouldn't allow this product to be sold. They know for a fact as soon as pussy becomes a product you can own they'll never be tolerated again.
This. No such thing as a free woman. You're just paying through dinner and vacation
>women won't allow
I don't care what women think.
I'd imagine they'd seriously optimize production costs. It's clear they're able to create hyper intelligent AI. The AI probably could've created machines, transport them, mine resources, etc completely autonomously. The only cost would probably be startup costs, then it practically prints money automatically.
>game explicitly states the climate and natural resources are collapsing and the world is at the brink of WW3
>hyper advanced robot costs as much as a car
>a drug addict fatass can afford 2 of those
David Cage """"""writing"""""""
The fact retarded faggots think the Teslabot is anything other than a con to get people to invest in Tesla before they ever have to deliver a product is just amazing. I hope all these people die.
Remember: the Tesla semi truck is taking orders for delivery in 2019!
Isn't this just a hack? It has no intelligence
>I don't care what 50% of the population + sympathizing white knights think
unfortunately you're the minority. THEY don't care what YOU think. It'll never happen and god forbid you made one they'd be outlawed for some reason or another
Learn to read, it literally says nothing soft for the basic model.
Cara's story was clearly tacked on considering how little it has to do with Connor and Markus' stories
I just wanted to give a real life example since that's how the replika AI app works. Since it's a conversation app you just change the topic, obviously it will be different with an AI in a physical body.
I think Cage wanted to have a "how the common Android is affected by the uprising" angle with Kara's story, but he forgot to actually have any part of the uprising affect her story with the sole exception of a public opinion check at the canadian border at the very end of her story.
A basic, highly customizable model is far more valuable than than the pricier, out of the box features one. Also,
>leaving manufacturer OS on
Bro, when we are able to mass produce shit like this, believe me, no one will give a flying fuck what some negro hambeast with red hair thinks about it. Whoever will produce and distributes these will make money beyond any imagination. I would buy one, and I would also pay the 500 bucks subscription price for it.
user, just curious, are you embarrassed by the fact that you told me to learn to read while misreading the quote yourself?
It only specifies that the MOUTH isn't skin soft, not that the rest of the android isn't.
>No built in sexual anatomy, mouth only exists as an orifice for simulated communication, it does not have the proper depth or simulated soft skin flesh needed for ORAL sex"
That and Sony likely mandated a story with a strong female lead
And Cage had no clue how to write a woman's story besides being a mother
I'll buy both and use the maid bot to clean up the mess we make
Are those boobas canon
OP did a desperate attempt to "balance" things out, the "no sexual organs" is utter bullshit since being able to fuck these will be one of the main selling points.
Most women aren't engineers let alone machine learning/ neurolinguistic engineers. We just need a small handful of them and we're good. White knights can keep drinking soi and donating to twitch i don't care.
>buy the android on the right
>tell her to make some ice cream for the children
>she takes off her pants and starts hitting in a cup
Why wouldn't a robot like this be much stronger? Most humans of that height are stronger. I know it's just made up bullshit, but why would they make up these specifications?
>press the forehead button
>slap cock all over her retard synthbod
>force cohk into all wireholes.
Simple user
did even open the image?
this is what kara looks like without any clothes on
Cause the Money in the Game ist Not so stupidly inflated Like ours.
kill yourselves.
Maybe as safety measures? So it can't kill you easily when it goes haywire.
And? Slap a synthetic vagina between its legs and you're good to go.
that's no different from a realdoll you can buy today einstein
where do you stand on the moral dilemma of abusing (sexually or physically) an artifical intelligence, should they have laws/rights to protect their autonomy or is it OK because you can factory reset them after a particularly bad session?
I don't think you guys understand what I'm getting at here.
I don't think women will build them, and I don't think they'd bitch people out over it until we eventually stop trying, I think that should these advanced fuck models ever reach fruition every single white knight and femoid on the face of the planet will lobby to get this things completely and utterly illegalized or at the very least any and all sexual/generally feminine things about them removed.
You can say all you want "lmao bro fuck gurls xD" but when owning one of these is considered genocide or something because females are retarded, are you just gonna say "lol who cares?"
I wish we could have a cool Detroit BC thread because I still don’t get parts of it
whoever came up with that mockup probably just googles safe carry weights for average adult males and used that as the specifications.
>how do you feel about sexually abusing an inanimate object
don't care, though if you sit around raping/beating a lolibot constantly I think it says a lot about who you are
that'd be retarded
Money talks. And when the lobby fags and the industry smell thousands of billions, you can bet your hairy ass on it that those nagging feminists will be shut down in no time.
Only wrong thing would be destroying someone else property. After all it's just a machine and AI is a meme
The moment it can start making decisions on its own is when you should start treating it like any other person. Until then, do whatever you want with it. No one will yell at you for cooming on a rock and then throwing it into your neighbor's flowerbed.
*starting at
Always means 500% attached cost
>And? Slap a synthetic vagina between its legs and you're good to go.
no thanks, I'd pay good money for a fuck machine with a self cleaning/lubricating/warming/vibrating function. I'm not gonna cheap out on the vagina.
They could be sent from the main manufacturing plant to local distribution facilities in parts, and then assembled at those facilities where they're then sent to nearby retail locations in those packs. Since they're meant to be human companion robots they wouldn't want people being exposed to them in a disassembled state.
the skin looks pretty bad, can't they make smooth skin by looking at a picture of a nice female?
what's wrong with these artists?
>$9000 with no protection plan
I've seen better deals on cars where is the warranty?
based elon engineering away the need for stupid women
meant for
>you will never force your robot waifu to grind shit for you in mmos.
Cyberlife quite literally surveils you with them. The president won because Cyberlife sold dirt on her opponent if you read the in-game papers.
They could easily sell your data to advertisers for profit even if they sold them at a loss.
Coomers rise in salute every time one of these threads is posted
would still depend
Since we're moving closer and closer to 50/50 male female split in terms of congress and shit, who's to say that we won't have at least 1 male congressman vote for the females? No matter how much money is offered to the women they won't take it, it'd be signing their death warrant, whereas the men could be more easily swayed to the womans side since at the end of the day it's just pussy.
>you will never have a Scarlett Johansson sexbot
they can have my data
Capitalism will win over women. I don't think a feminist bill will pass anyways. Most people in the house are male. Even then we can just vote for a based president like Trump that would veto that shit. If all else fails I'll move out to a country with legal robot gfs.
>height: 5'8"
oh no no no
>b-b-b-but your data!!!
Fucking linuxfags..
Dude I get the Loli Cyberlife Fuckbot 9000 you think I care? I will spend every waking moment of my life having it shit in my mouth and sucking milk from its underdeveloped teets. "but targeted ads!" I'm never buying anything besides food (ice cream and milk) ever again, I don't care.
GNU/Linux androids
>this user is a neet and plays vidya and jerks off to hentai all day
What are they gonna do with that information?
>Capitalism will win over women
Feminist ideology is being used to undermine the foundations of capitalism right now though. and rich companies are going along with it.
>all those extra functions and customizability for just 10x the price
If the basic model on the left is $899, the top of the line one on the right should be priced at like $50,000 at least considering how vastly superior technically it is.
No reeeeefunds
>"Is he fucking it again?"
>"Yes, for the 8th time this day"
They can watch me fuck it all day and evaluate my thrusting-statistics for all I care.
Everyone already has them filtered or the images themselves get you banned, so they can't post it anymore until their discord pumps out new ones. Problem with that is, they ran out of ideas and there are no new memes to co-opt.
Hence lately it's just words.
so i watched a lets play of this
what was the story of the man who had the housekeeper android? because the child is also an andriod so its like he's living a fantasy of having a family, but he seems very unhappy about it, so why the fuck did he pay for it? why doesnt he just get rid of it?
>"what's his doing today?"
>"roleplaying and as young boy having sex with his mother again"
Surely this data is worth a lot of money
>ice cream dispenser