Hiding the end of one of the longest...

Hiding the end of one of the longest, most involved questlines in the entire game behind a random miniboss that 80% of players are going to walk right by because they've seen it 10 times already is the most pants on head retarded design decision I've seen in a long time

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If don't you kill everything you see you didn't beat the game

I betrayed her.. so she may live...
but who.. is this?

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The gilbert godfrey looking motherfucker that gave you the needle

>noooo you cant just have missable content in an rpg i need to experience everything in one playthroughhhh

I played blind and only missed a couple bosses because I explore every nook and cranny, like you're supposed to do on any open world game.

>skipping a boss because you've already seen it before
are there really retards that do this?

Why are there two flowers anyway?
Who's the one that's not Malenia?

I skip runebears every chance I get

it's an action game with extra steps

thats what im asking. and you get the travelers set at this mystery flower, it's almost identical to Millicent's armor

user, you might have autism
If you're skipping large overworld dungeon areas, you're not going to be involved in obtuse NPC questlines, let alone one that involves five of them

My bet is that the second flower was supposed to be millicent depending on how her quest ended but for some reason or another they fucked it up or ran out of time

You build a character, that character plays differently based on your build. More of an RPG than 99% of jrpgs and 60% of western. Your own ignorance on the subject is no argument.

I'm talking about the ulcerated tree spirit in the haligtree you knob

>NPC questline takes you to a big area
>Not doing all the notable content in that area just to make sure
>Not killing every miniboss-tier enemy taking up major real estate just to see what they drop, if not to better explore the large areas they're occupying
You're ngmi

no. millicent's flower is where the tree spirit was. its another girl

>implying any NPC questline “takes you” to a large area

absolutely not the case and you know it. you start a questline and you might end up seeing the person again as long as you haven’t explored the next area in the quest sequence already. the only one that even remotely tells you where to go is Ranni’s. are you seriously trying to imply the shabiri grape bitch or Nepheli give you instructions even remotely useful? fuck off.

Form’s quest design is shit but I wouldn’t really even call their NPC interactions “quests”, more like getting lucky by doing the right things in the right sequence unless you look at a guide.

>So put off by the wording of one phrase that he completely refuses to engage with the message
Autism! Many such cases!

>kill the tree spirit
>the summon signs only show up if you go to a grace, rest, and then go back to the now-empty detour area, and they're virtually invisible until you get extremely close

this shit is made for a guide, sorry.

>go to a grace, rest, and then go back
That's every stage of every quest because From is too retarded for basic event scripting

Is this quest interesting? Been trying to do the lore related quests for my second playthrough but haven’t ran into this one besides giving the shack guy the gold needle

It's one of the most plot related quests in the game, technically

It's only worth doing if you want to undo the frenzied flame ending. You can just reload a save and do all the endings anyway.


Maybe it was the female knight that carried her from the battlefield after radhan beat the crap out of her

no that's Finlay, she is a spirit ash now. it's probably one of Milli's sisters

nah, none of her sisters could bloom as the rot cult fucked them up somehow (took out their eyes?)

maybe a previous sibling that they got to bloom, but I don't think Gowry would be so bummed out that Millicent took out the needle of they already had one. Maybe it's one of Malenia's old blooms?

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He's actually right though. Millicent's quest is bad because not only do you have to kill a side boss, you have to rest then go back to a specific area to find the summon signs, then you have to rest and go back AGAIN to talk to Millicent, then you have to rest and go back AGAIN to finish her quest. It's poorly designed bullshit just like how Rogier dies if you do his quest out of order ie. you're punished for exploring too much.

you don't need to rest after killing the side boss, the signs just show up. Likewise, Millicent's already there once you come back from co-oping/invading.

Now how you know to go specifically there to help her is another matter entirely

Finding it is one thing, but checking for extra quest stages should be normal by that point in the game
And skipping stages is retarded, but seems to be something they put in place to prevent people from missing the important parts, I guess a sacrifice they made to allow for NPCs to have more intertwining relationships with each other

>you don't need to rest after killing the side boss
Interesting, I must have missed it while running around the boss arena after the fact then. That's the only quest that works like this iirc, since she still shows up as being near the prayer room bonfire if you haven't reloaded.

Why does Malenia's bloom produce clones/offshoots/daughters of her anyways, that seems kinda random for a power characterized by horrific decay. Are they aspects of her personality that were ejected when the Rot took more control? The result of some weird ritual Gowry performed? For such a long and involved questline the ending feels half baked and an excuse to have another typical souls style tragic quest ending

it's 100% another scarlet valkyrie.

unless you know the signs gonna show up they're easy to miss, nothing really points you in that direction

>but checking for extra quest stages
I don't think there's any other quest in the game where you have to go back to an old area and reload it twice just to trigger the flag.

>prevent people from missing the important parts
Except it doesn't prevent anything and instead just skips the quest to the end. All they had to do was record two extra lines of dialogue with you explaining you found Ranni first, but they couldn't even do that.

They're just daughters, user
It's not that deep

It would have been cool if they grew out of Malenia's discarded limbs, like cutting a starfish's leg off will lead it to growing into another of the same starfish.

The Sellen quest does something similar where the signs spawn outside of the library after you progress her quest, but at least there she tells you she's headed to Raya Lucaria so you know to go back. Millicent is particularly egregious since a player can pass by the area where the signs spawn without defeating the boss and have zero indication to go back to that specific location afterwards.

The original quest was millicent is malenia with memory loss and you guide her back to the haligtree but changed it for some reason.

>All they had to do was record two extra lines of dialogue with you explaining you found Ranni first
That quest also ties in with Fia's, and Rogier's death gives you an item that ties into D's, which also ties in to Fia's
Rogier is unnecessary connective tissue to all of those, and stops being needed once they move on or die, it would be silly to give him extra dialog where he just goes "oh well, whatever, I don't have anything else to contribute" and then dies on your next reload, because that's still just skipping quest stages, but with extra steps

Unless Malenia managed to find someone capable of having sex with her without having their dick melt off within 10 seconds it's highly unlikely they're her actual daughters

Rogier dies as soon as you talk to Ranni no matter how far you've progressed Fia's or his quests. It's just lazy programming since you can even try to give him the imprint dagger Fia tells you to find afterwards but he will never acknowledge it.

Then they're clones or similar beings created through experimentation, because that never stopped being a thing that was happening

didnt care turned her into a flower lol

I totally thought this was her deal when I started her quest and I gave her Malenia's arm
why the fuck did they change it?

It's my daughters user. That was very rude.

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>inb4 "you must like recycled content. LUL"
Yes. My first playthrough was almost 200 hours and I wish there was more

Talking to Ranni is when he truly becomes useless, since hinting at her existence is the only point of his questline
The only terrible part of it is that all this shit was crammed into the first two areas of the game, and Ranni is basically unmissable if you actually explore, so Rogier's quest that pushes you to explore really secret and out of the way areas that you must keep up with diligently in the first act of the game is a ridiculously obtuse waste of time for the player to begin with

yep, this is the biggest pet peeve. Wouldn't have found her without a guide

Millie my beloved

Anyone else get scarlet rot from being vomited on by a valkyrie knight?

>why the fuck did they change it?
No clue, but it's still in the game files. That's how people knew there's so many unused quests and From even added a couple quests a few patches ago.

Runebears are not bosses outside of the one in the cave

Since you find the travelers outfit which resembles the one Millicent wears, I believe that's one of her "sister" who reached haligtree and "ascended" just as cowry planned.

What's wrong with having secrets or hard to find stuff in the game? The harder something is to find the much better the feeling of discovery is. Fuck your modern game dev mentality where the player must experience everything. Missable shit is what makes an open world work.

The only complaint I can say is real is needing to reload the area/quit and reload. They should have fixed how that works ages ago, but they won’t. Unless you’re familiar with FromSoft NPC progression from previous titles, you wouldn’t know to do that

>why the fuck did they change it?
Ran out of time, there were non-functional flags for quests that still got into the game after all

What are you talking about?

Ah yes the different playstyle of roll roll roll roll r1 roll roll roll
What playstyle and "class" am I talking about?
>all of them
Nice rpg