>he got filtered by FF8 and thinks 9 or 10 is better
He got filtered by FF8 and thinks 9 or 10 is better
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Is this what us ff8 fans will see when we go to heaven? Yes.
They are all garbage and basically the exact same in terms of gameplay. 10 hours into all three games and all you're doing is selecting attack and MAYBE healing. Final Fantasy is the COD of JRPGs.
No I didn't, 8 is absolute kino
A game cannot be kino when the female lead in a romance-heavy storyline is terrible. Rinoa was so fucking trash I wouldn't be surprised if the absolute gigachad that was Squall moved on within a week.
FF8 > 9, 10, 12, 13, 15
Quistis was better than rinoa
10 hours in to ff8 I'm raping every towns card rules
FF8 is just FF10 directed by David Lynch.
9 is several times better, enjoy your amnesiac orphans story lmao
No wonder it's so based
It's better than playing as fucking fat little babies
Why does Square Hate FFVIII so much
I enjoyed 8, but you're a retard if you think it's better than 9 or 10.
Why are you 8fags so aggressive?
No shit.
I think 10 is pretty overrated desu. Very linear and anime with over-reliance on seaside aesthetics
I've been playing if for the first time, just reached Ultimecia's Castle and I think Squall is my favourite FF protag and probably up there with some of my favs in general
The losing side often is.
How do you get filtered by FF8? When I played FF8 I had only previously played FF7, FFL3, and DQ1. Shit was easy unless you're just an idiot.
>or 10
Peak writing, brother. Also the music was shit. I can only remember a couple tracks and one because it was fucking annoying (the regular combat theme that started like TAAAA TA TA TA NA NA NA NA). I didn't even play ff9 because it looked like ass.
FF8 is my favorite FF game but I can admit X is a better game.
It really isn't. You just walk a straight line, and fight evil santa claus at the end
It's a weird bastard child of the series, because it was the first one where they loosened the oversight on it and let lower employees do a lot of the planning, writing, and design of the game. youtu.be
>peak writing
oh boy, I sure do enjoy super secret monsters in the basement, and beyblade battling with schools, random amnesia thrown in for NO GODDAMN REASON, and all the time travelling bullshit with a new villain from the future out of nowhere.
but yes, the music of 8 is fantastic. Eyes on me stands with some of FF's best tracks and it's so underrated.
Squall is great. He's a gigachad with some relatable issues and it's easy to empathize with him since the game voices out his thought often.
IX is much, MUCH less replayable than VIII and it's not even close, bonus points for fights in PS1 version not running like absolute AIDS
X is pretty whack and is where the series went off the rails
FF9's shitty art style filtered me
>Eyes on Me
I liked the ff8 soundtrack in general thanks to the heavy recognizable use of leitmotifs but didn't care about this particular track. I just hated Rinoa so bad it must have transferred to my hate for this song.
>picks the autism filter scene
>thinks he has any criticism
12 is when it goes off the rails. X was the last true Final Fantasy before auto combat and terrible writing took hold.
Shut the fuck up Teedus. Who taught you how to dress?
the overworld was always pointless in the 3D games and FF was better off not pretending that wasn't the case considering the least of XIII problems was the hallways.
That song is about Laguna and Julia though
8 is bad but fun, 9 is bad and unfun
8 has the least use of motif in all the PSX FFs (but more than X's shit-tier OST)
9 has more motivic writing it's just that the motifs are shit (basically just the Melodies of Life melody over and over)
was Squall an incel?
>Never find new gear
>No armour items in the game at all
what were they thinking
top soulless
I enjoy FFT, FF7, FF8, FF9. All the main PS1 final fantasy games were great. I miss the SOVL so much bros
they are 8 is hot garbage
>he says when seifer and squall and co were fucking manchildren
its not fun compared to the previous or the later final fantasy's
Really? I don't remember any tracks in 7 that used leitmotifs. They were mostly all good but seemed completely disconnected from each other. FF8 on the other hand had most of its big songs feature that witches leitmotif from the opening and Edea's festival or whatever.
I still remember standing in Gamestop with 8 in one hand and 9 in the other wondering which to get. I ended up getting 8 because I thought Squall and Seifer looked cool.
>judging by the English trannyslation that butchered Squall's personality
No dude. When they take away the open world is when it stops being a final fantasy game, except for tactics.
Except FF9 is not only the best PS1 FF game its easily one of the best in the entire franchise along with 4, 12 and Tactics
Rinoa is the only reason I can't recommend 8. I still think it's better the most of the latter game series but that plotline is just shitty and the game should have basically avoided the romance.
Same. Anything after 9 does not have the same feeling that I loved so much.
What are you blithering on about?
fun is subjective so into the trash that goes.
I enjoyed 10 until I played the remaster and found out that you had to completely retool the fuck sphere grid for max stats to beat the dark aeons. Holy shit can the sphere grid fuck off and die under those circumstances.
I can't agree with you on 9. Surely it's better than 10 and up though.
I agree. They could have used Squall's connection to the rest of the orphanage kids and cultivated true friendship but instead they decided to shoehorn Rinoa's bullshit for whatever reason. I hate her so much. Stupid little spoiled used goods rich girl who bounced on Seifer's cock when she was underage.
Drawing is a retarded mechanic. Remove that and the fact that monsters scale to your level and 8 is now a decent FF game.
Are you confused what a lietmotif is user? 7 is famous for being filled to the brim with them. You hear the main theme about 7 times in different forms in Midgar before it's revealed properly on the world map.
>watching paint dry is fun because fun is subjective
No its not, thats how playing 8 felt to me
Seifer flipping out like a retard how do you forget that part?
>shit tier OST
I also love the FF8 and 9 soundtrack. There's not many FF games with bad OSTs in my opinion.
yeah, 9 is stupidly boring, not even garnet ass can make me finish this ass slow game
and 10, fuck, everybody was complaining that 13 is just hallways and hallways and hallways but this stupid game is the same but with a gook.
8 have so much soul people still discusses the story and music is used in events like olympics and other mass events
>tfw game’s plot was supposed to orbit around a central theme of love
Squall and Rinoa’s romance was really goddamn wooden, almost to the point of it being unconvincing. Tidus and Rinoa, on the other hand, were GOAT lovers.
>8 have so much soul
Sure it did esl
Are Tidus and Luna really as annoying as people say? I was thinking of playing X, but not so sure now.
Before I die/kill myself I want this to be the last game I play
>tidus and rinoa
Insecurity does this. I say this as someone who likes 8 fine
Good read if you like FF music
Er Yuna, KEK
Rinoa will always be my favorite in terms of her appearance but Yuna is best girl and Tidus was one lucky lunatic.
they're really not. Tidus serves as the audience insert(think Vaan), and while he has a couple annoying moments, overall it's just someone angry with an abusive father. He's not the best protag, obvs, but he's fine. Yuna...do people dislike yuna? She's one of the best leading girls in the franchise IMO.
Tidus is annoying but he's very endearing. He's a big man child but Spira is a depressing place and his unnaturally positive attitude is something that everyone around him needs. Also he grows as a character once he learns more about the situation and the fact that he's actually the most fucked out of everyone.
>he got filtered by 10 and thinks it isn't far better than any of the psx FFs because muh world map
FF6-7-8 are my fav. FF games. When I think about FF these are the games that come to mind.
I swear half the songs use eyes on me as a leitmotiff
It does use lietmotif but I wouldn't single out 8 as the prime example even among the PSX games.
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