Rate the soulsborne games based on lore
Rate the soulsborne games based on lore
Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 2 > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Elden Ring > Sekrio
this is indisputable fact
>caring about souls lore
I'll rank the most fun bosses to least
1. Sekiro
2. Bloodborne
3. Dark Soul's
4. Demon's Souls
5. I didn't play any other ones.
>based on lore
They're all the same, user
Bloodborne>Elden Ring>DS3>DS1>Demon Souls>DS2>Sekiro
Bloodborne > Elden Ring > Dark Souls 1, only if they expanded on it and uncovered the rest of the of the secrets and fixed the potholes. otherwise it's Dark Souls 1 > Elden Ring.
Based solely on lore:
Demons > DS1 > BB > ER > Sekiro > DS2 > DS3
BB > Sekiro > DS1 > DS3 > DeS > ER > DS2
how in the fuck can DS3 lore be better than 1? When most of DS3 lore is literally rehashed from 1 and made worse? it's even unfinished
Shit fucking taste my man
Actual lorescholar here
Demon's Souls > Bloodborne > Elden Ring > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 2
with no nostalgia faggotry
bloodborne > elden ring > ds1 > demon souls > sekiro
i did not bother trying to understand ds2 and ds3's lore so i can't comment on it, but ds2 would probably stay above ds3.
>demon's souls has no real lore
>dark souls 3 is just dark souls 1 but worse
>dark souls 2 is actually interesting compared to dark souls 3
>Actual lorescholar here
Do you have a peer reviewed study to back that up?
>t. Knows jackshit about lore
Demon's Souls has the best lore it actual makes some logical sense and fits together. None of the others do unless you resort to schizoid levels of mental gymnastics to explain things.
The only games with lore inconsistency are Dark Souls 2 (which are blatant) and Elden Ring (not major but there's still lots of doubts like for example the nature of the Evergaols and other things)
Have only played those. DS3 is dead last because the "time is convoluted" bullshit just means they didn't care about the story.
Are you kidding? Bloodborne is my favourite but there are dozens of questions that intentionally have no answer and lorefags excuse anything illogical or contradictory with "it's a dream/nightmare/different plane of reality". It seriously pissed me off back when I used to give a shit about the lore in these games.
Actually finished story:
BB, DaS2
Solid foundation:
DaS1, DeS
Complete Clusterfuck:
DaS3, ER
>Actually finished story:
>BB, DaS2
Yes. Their themes and narratives are complete by the end of the game, unlike DaS1, which needed a sequel and still has unanswered questions.
The only answer is Dark Souls 2 because its the only coherent story in all of the games that is actually told to you instead f being vaguely hinted at through random items.
>Yes. Their themes and narratives are complete by the end of the game
I'm glad you agree.
This made my sides explode.
>The only answer is Dark Souls 2 because its the only coherent story in all of the games that is actually told to you
Holy fucking cringe, shut the fuck up.
You can't post laughing reactions and then seethe this hard, it's not a good look.
>Holy fucking cringe, shut the fuck up.
Totally agree with you but Sekiro is a nice story still
>but there are dozens of questions that intentionally have no answer
That's not an objctive fault. I'm judging the lore from how interesting it is and if there's actual contradictions within itself or with other prequels. The lore of a single game doesn't necessarily need to explain all mysteries either. Dark Souls with its sequel does, but on its own would have been left full of unanswered questions too
Time is not convoluted. If anything it's static, with eras intertwined. This happens for all Souls games though, not DS3, so what the fuck are you talking about?
Absolutely delusional
Dark Souls 2 is in complete contrast with Dark Souls 1 lore
But seriously now, I'm afraid you have the gay condition and your shit is all retarded. It's terminal.
DS1 is pretty straightforward. DS3 introduced the shitty concept of "time is cyclical, many cycles of kindling the great flame". When the Anor Londo location name popped on my screen I didn't care about a single thing afterwards. They should have just focused the story around Pontiff. I read somewhere that was suppose to be the case but things got shuffled and it shows, the plot pacing is a fucking mess.
>His jimmies
At least post the image.
>Based on lore
Bloodborne is the best simply because it fits the narrative of being convoluted and outlandish. Everything else is just a mess of bullshit and removing 95% of the lore just so people can try to aimlessly speculate like retards.
I think DS2 is the only one that doesn't quite do this as badly as the others because it explicitly states what's going on when it tells you shit, instead of using speculative nonsense. I think Sekiro also sorta follows this route but with NPCs instead of text because >lmao variety.
Demon Souls > Bloodborne > Elden Ring > All of the Dark Souls games.
DeS, BD, and ER all tell actual stories, instead of relying on vague paragraphs and youtubers speculating on item descriptions
Honestly. Elden Ring was my first game in the franchise but that world didn't feel right. The lore felt thin and everything felt empty as I explored. From an RPG fag to all of you Fromsoft fans; I pray the other game worlds were not as boring as Elden Ring.
That’s a correct list though, better than most faggots putting 3 at the top
Any story that is told through post it notes in item descriptions is a shit story, and that is all there is to it.
Every single lorefag (including me) agrees that Dark Souls 2 is a mess
There's absolutely no valid lore reason for the introduction of FUCKING DWARVES, as well as either messing up or misinterpreting the definition of demons in Souls, as well as poorly explained links to the original and generally worldbuilding conflicting with both 1 and 3 (like Orstein in Heide)
>DS1 is pretty straightforward. DS3 introduced the shitty concept of "time is cyclical, many cycles of kindling the great flame"
It absolutely does not.
If anything, Dark Souls 3 fixes that, with the clear canonization of the cycle of time not existing, and every ritual of the Fire always ending up as canon linking of the Flame until the end of Dark Souls 3
This is why Gods as a race have an actual presence while Dark Souls 2 avoided them entirely (trying most likely to imply that an Age of Dark had happened). Ringed City specifically untangles what happens AFTER the End of Fire
As time finally moves forward and an Age of Dark begins, new races and a new world is created, and in turn that world will be replaced by a very different Age of Fire with possibly new races. Nowhere is implies that the world will ever be similar again
Bloodborne>Dark Souls 1=Demon’s Souls>Elden Ring>Sekiro>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>either inferior numbered sequel
2 = BB > 1 > ER > DeS > 3 > i didn't play sekiro
Dark souls 3 has the most retarded lore
Atleast in Dark Souls 2 it keeps to a somewhat continuation of the original game making the Rekindling a cyclical event.
DS3 pulls lords of Cinder, Ash, all out of its ass.
Like the whole main story makes no fucking sense.
The Lord of Cinders are previous Undead who kindled the flame but when a chosen undead refuses to rekindle the fire they get unleashed and are allowed free reign?
Wtf is going on?
The only people putting DS3 on top of the lore lists are people taht actually understand and explain Souls lore. Every loreposter (including the Souls lloremaster ritualposter who makes threads during working shifts) are all 3fags.
Considering how every criticism of 3 lore always includes mistakes and errors, easy to assume DS3 lore actually filtered people
official lore book
>Orange Charred Ring was created for the centipede demon because it lacks any sort of natural resistance to the area it lives in (no don't ask why it didn't just live elsewhere)
>cutting its tail off to get the ring from it isn't an environmental instant kill like Iron Golem and Ceaseless Discharge have.
What excuse have the lore master youtubers come up with for anons to parrot about that?
Based on lore I'd say:
Dark Souls 1 > Elden Ring > Bloodborne > Demon Souls > Sekiro > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3
>massive gap
>DS 1
>DS 2
Honestly FromSoft lore is TERRIBLE at having some coherent understandable story to the whole thing it is however very good at making little side stories, heroes, kings and cities that are super interesting
Sekiro lore isn’t that bussin on god fr fr
ER > Rest
Zanzibart lore easily mogs everything from Bloodborne and Dark souls. Sekiro automatically gets thrown in the shit tier for being muh feudal japan
DS2>DS1>Elden Ring>Bloodborne>>>DS3
elden ring>ds1>bloodborne>demons souls>sekiro>ds3>ds2
Nah DS3 lore is pretty good and surprisingly leave little room for doubts
>Atleast in Dark Souls 2 it keeps to a somewhat continuation of the original game making the Rekindling a cyclical event.
It really doesn't for a series of reasons
>DS3 pulls lords of Cinder, Ash, all out of its ass.
It absolutely does not. The ritual of defeating Lords of Cinders who linked the Fire but were powerful beings enough to retain some of their Soul level thus being still useable as fuel is reminiscent of the Chosen Undead doing the same with Gwyn, who is also the true first "Lord of Cinder" as the game calls him.
>Like the whole main story makes no fucking sense.
It does
>The Lord of Cinders are previous Undead who kindled the flame but when a chosen undead refuses to rekindle the fire they get unleashed and are allowed free reign?
1. The Chosen Undead never refused to link the Fire. The Ashen One actively stopped him as it's revealed with the time travel to Untended Graves (of course the reason being that Pontiff and the Church of the Deep halted and sabotaged the rituals, some the closer the world is to End of Fire, the more time paradoxes are frequent as established in Souls lore by Solaire). This is why Ludleth sits on the 5th throne as last Lord of Cinder and not Gundyr, supposed to be the actual Chosen Undead
2. The original plan was sacrificing Lothric, who did refuse
3. The unkindled sacrificing the previously burned Lords of Cinder who still have some soul power left is the last resort, but the Lords of Cinder are all mad and hollow (having a consumed soul) much like Gwyn and driven by their own obsession (eating the Gods, the Profaned Capital, guarding the Abyss etc...) si they returned to their places
Holy soul
I kneel
game make a hell of a lot more sense reading this book than a bunch of wikis with personal takes on what is going on.
inb4 it's not translated from japanese properly
I dunno bro, I still think DS3 is kind of lame in the story department.