Oh my god. I found this Deltarune theory, I am 95% sure he is dead-on correct. His evidence is overwhelming...

Oh my god. I found this Deltarune theory, I am 95% sure he is dead-on correct. His evidence is overwhelming, it explains everything.


If you don't wanna watch it all, the most important bits start at 31:25 and 56:29. Play at 2x speed obviously

>Summary storytime?

>Ralsei isn't a darkner, lightner nor monster
>Dark fountains bring inanimate objects to life, granting the item a personality and becoming a darkner in the dark world. Ralsei is what would happen if an inanimate object (the plastic horned monster costume Toriel hints about) is exposed to a dark fountain AFTER having first been coated in the dust of a dead monster/lightener. He's an object imbued with monster dust. Hence, Ralsei has dark and light qualities
>a mundane object brought to life after being coated in dead monster dust.......yes, it's EXACTLY like Flowey. Who if you recall, was also secretly Asriel Dreemurr. Ralsei and Flowey have VERY MANY suspicious similarities, they are parallels of each other. Even little things like how both characters are fist introduced by being interrupted by fire attacks. They're both Asriel.
>It's the same story, again. Undertale is just Deltarune with details switched around
>Asriel is not away at college. He is dead, like in Undertale. Kris knows this, and is lying to everyone about him coming home soon and his "phone being broken". Toriel doesn't know how to use email. So Kris is the only one supposedly able to contact Asriel.
>this is why Sans winks when he says you'll get to see Papyrus "when Asriel comes home". He's being sly, Sans knows Kris is lying about Asriel.
>Ralsei doesn't have the memories or soul of Asriel, only his general appearance. Ralsei is the BODY of Asriel made from his dust, Asriel's soul is elsewhere. THAT'S WHY RALSEI HAS A BLACK HEART-SHAPED HOLE ON HIS CHEST. HE HAS NO SOUL. LIKE FLOWEY

Post 1/3 cuz the maximum word count on Yea Forums is criminal.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>No you do not need a soul to feel emotion, that is a common fan misconception. Flowey did have emotions, he just struggled to feel or understand love because of the specifics of how he was made. Ralsei can feel compassion, unlike Flowey, because he was created under less nightmarish conditions. The dark fountain process is similar but isn't precisely the same.
>The plot of the game is a reversal of the first. The SOUL of Asriel after death, was absorbed by Kris. Which if you recall, was a hanging plot point in Undertale we never got to see: what would happen if a human absorbed a monster soul instead? And remember in Undertale, they explicitly state humans can ONLY absorb Boss Monster souls (which are NOT the same thing as monsters you have boss fights with btw, it's a different class) there are only 3 Boss Monsters in the whole franchise—Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel
>In Undertale, we are given backstory about how the human brother died and his soul was absorbed by Asriel, and the 2 shared joint control of Asriel's body. (Until later when Asriel died and became Flowey)
>In Deltarune, Asriel died, and now Kris the human has absorbed Asriel's soul instead. Now they share joint control of Kris. THE PLAYER IS NOT THE ONE POSSESSING KRIS. ASRIEL IS POSSESSING KRIS. THE PLAYER IS CONTROLLING ASRIEL, WE DO NOT PLAY AS KRIS.


>Exactly like in Undertale, Asriel's soul proves to be slightly stronger than his human sibling's, hence Kris is being gradually overpowered, and starting to lose control
>That's why Kris can rip his soul out of his body and not die immediately. He has 2 souls inside him. He threw ASRIEL'S soul in the cage in Chp. 1, which is why the player can still move the soul around inside the cage.
>That's why Kris immediately creates a dark fountain after learning how in Chapter 2. Because Kris lied, the whole town is expecting Asriel to come home soon for summer. Kris is desperately trying to find a way to either bring Asriel back to life, before anyone finds out he's dead.
>That's why Kris is repeatedly shown to be deeply unsettled by Ralsei. Kris knows that can't really be Asriel, despite looking like him, because Asriel is dead and his soul is LITERALLY inside Kris's body
>Kris is NOT the one responsible for Snowgrave. Noelle is right—Kris is a well-meaning kid. ASRIEL is the one who did Snowgrave. Or rather, the player who is controlling Asriel is. See, as we were told at the start of Deltarune, your [Kris's] choices don't matter. But Asriel's choices DO matter, because we are controlling him.
>If the player chooses the Snowgrave route, what is actually happening is you, like in Undertale, have free choice to determine the player character's morality [this time it's Asriel]. Be peaceful, or be evil.
>If you choose Snowgrave, and continue along similar dark paths in future chapters, what you are doing is determining the morality of the soul of Asriel Dreemurr, choosing the path of evil.
>If you choose Snowgrave, you're walking the path that will create Flowey 2.0.

This theory needs more discussion holy shit

>all darkners are souls from dead humans, monsters, etc.

thats pretty interesting

Go post this on your Reddit account you faggot


Flowey was a human before, centuries ago.

Does that mean that the bunker goes down to an underworld filled with humans instead of monsters?

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so what, humans are extinct long ago, even before the undertale events, the planet is ruled by monsters.

I'm not watching or reading that shit.
Anyways, Ralsei!

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Elden Ring





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>They're both Asriel.
Fucking dropped. Ralsei is not Asriel.


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I read your post.


Gaster is unironically the answer to every mystery

I prefer the Everyman = The Knight theory, thank you very much.


Yes you are

HC isn't a psycho. He just does it for the drama

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>no u

I thought I'd never meet anyone gayer than this goat, but boy, was I wrong.

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Here's the fast and true deltarune theory

Undertale is in the Dark World. All the "monsters" are just darkeners since darkeners turn to dust and real monsters bleed
The humans and Sans are the only real people in Undertale

Yes you are.

>Sans are the only real people in Undertale
don't forget flowey.

>no u

Yes you are :)

>no u

is it just me or does his hat get taller every time i see this image

Yes you are :)

>no u

No fuck you and die




The part where it falls part is the Toriel not using email to keep in contact with Asriel.
I'm both someone that thinks Ralsei might have something to do with UT Asriel AND someone that despises Toriel's character, and even I know that she'd do anything to keep in contact with her son. The whole taking care of humans stuff is just a poor substitution and cope for Asriel and her guilt and feelings regarding his fate.

Interesting enough theory, though.

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Not that I'm complaining but what's up with all the deltarune threads lately?

Only 1/3 is plausible, the rest is retarded
Im thinking this is important too

>>That's why Kris can rip his soul out of his body and not die immediately. He has 2 souls inside him. He threw ASRIEL'S soul in the cage in Chp. 1, which is why the player can still move the soul around inside the cage.
It seems unlikely that asriel's soul would be red when asgore's soul in Undertale was white

its the same voice as adult asriel, but, the text seems more important now that deltarune is out
>it's been a long time

Probably talking about the fallen human name, since that's what he calls them in the phone call.
Unless you're implying it's a prequel/ is before undertale which it may be since Toby never explicitly says it's one, just that it's a different world and this game won't change it

>reditroon SEETHING

I own reality and Undertale and Deltarune are my life story

"He" finished playing Chapter 2 recently.

>still talking about Undertroon/Indietrash
Go fuck yourself, and then cry like a little bitch over Me fucking your mom.

Holy shit, HE?

Attached: HE.png (496x525, 231.81K)

>and GOING TO BED tho

Doesn't Toriel mention Asriel coming back for the summer?

Ok faggot. But don't come crying at me when I'm fucking your dad senseless.

For what it's worth the soul actually dos flash white when it gets ripped out of Kris's body

Gaster and Onionsan are the same person

Toriel is really old. Like, literally hundreds of years old. She has an office computer in her classroom but there is no indication she knows how to use it. She most likely has trouble with computers due to her age and has to rely on Kris for news on Asriel.

You'll notice no one seems to be able to just simply call Asriel on the phone, because Kris is lying about his phone being broken. That's why Kris has an internet search history looking up the date of when college ends, he's fabricating it. If he were actually in contact with Asriel, Asriel would have just told him that or asked to speak with his mom directly

Yo this tranny lesbian game is fire fr fr no cap.

Stay mad you underage attention whore.
go back to

My dad is already dead.

Necrophilia it is then.

Cope. Seethe. Dilate.

Are you blind?
Arrest yourself and go to bed.


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Alright anons, take your bets now. Will there be any new Deltarune content released this year?

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I will eat a shoe if I lose

>He thinks Chapter 3+ are releasing before the world shits itself


im trans btw

I'd say a screenshot of Chapter 3 but that's about it. Yeah sure he probably worked a bit on the chapters beforehand but even then I'd doubt they'd release until around 2023 or 2024

My hopium says yes

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Sans literally says in Chapter 2 that it will probably take 2 years before Chapters 3-5.