Is it just because of ADP and/or Iron Keep?
Question to people who hate DaS2
Yeah, DS2 was too hard for me...
I quit pretty early cause the pc port is shite and weapons break in half a minute thanks to durability being tied to framerate. Also being able to evade being tied to a stat you have to actively level is pretty dumb.
>the pc port is shite and weapons break in half a minute thanks to durability being tied to framerate
that was fixed 7 years ago
Dark Souls 2 is shit, starts out pretty hard but as soon as you get your ADP to a normal level it becomes easy as fuck. The areas are pretty challenging but the boss fights are pathetically easy
Combat was clunky so I went back to ds1
I beat the game and it was just not fun. Areas had enemy compositions that were super annoying, and bosses were way too easy. I beat every boss in less than 5 tries.
Works on my machine.
t. No Bonfire run enthusiast
The shit engine (movement and animation) is the biggest reason for my hatred
Everything else is just a bonus
try playing the game without using life gems
in case you're being genuine, i will be too:
game has some of the most boring bosses in the series. There aren't many standout "wow" bosses, but there are a million bottom barrel bosses like royal rat authority, dragon riders, anal faces, and the ruin sentinels.
The game also is the ugliest game in the franchise. Somehow DeS and DaS looked better, despite being older.
ADP is an actual complaint that shouldn't be sidelined because its brought up so much. One of the few times I thought Fromsoft made an outright horrible mechanical decision.
Its also the most floaty game. Nothing seems to have weight, especially after they nerfed the greatsword run attack.
The only thing still going for it is power stance, but that doesn't make up for its million shortcomings.
The game clearly wasn't given enough time in the oven and it blatantly shows in every facet of it's design. From the lazy uninspired character designs to the piss poor environments you find yourself in. I'm not saying there are things that DSII introduced that was good but it's so completely overshadowed by everything bad about it to look at it in a positive light.
I pretty much did, I didn't get them very often or go out of way to farm them, I just used estus for the most part.
I used the grand lance and then switched to the greatsword, most enemies died in 1 hit and bosses weren't much better in terms of durability. The game just wasn't fun for me.
There isn't a single iconic boss in DS2
Poor level design
Built around the "prepare to die" mentality
It's because it controls/feels like ass
somebody post that insecure guy who made a series of videos where he seethes over DS2 for 50 hours
>>Is it just because of ADP?
>Poor level design
Conflating level design with world design
>Built around the "prepare to die" mentality
Pc Da1 is literally called "prepare to die"
Weapon durability is fun
Soul Memory is the best matchmaking mechanic From has done period
DS2 is the most optimized, smoothest running From game next to Sekiro
>defending weapon durability
DS2fags have hit a new low
>Getting filtered by a very basic RPG mechanic
You never beat Sinh did you? His entire gimmick is corroding your equipment
I never let people leave my rat rape dungeon until their gear (and backup gear) was completely broken
Sinh's gimmick was corroding my dick not my equipment
>Conflating level design with world design
I don't mean the overall world design. I am talking about each individual area being poorly designed. I couldn't give two shits on how I got from Area A to Area B because of them in DaS2 are fine, outside of the Windmill Elevator into the heart of a Volcano
The drakes in Dragon Aerie were sexier
You can think DS1 is better and still enjoy DS2. I also enjoy how this meme portrays the act of explaining your position as inherently bad, pretty nefarious shit there.
I disliked it because almost every single area was a miserable slog where you would get mobbed by three of the same enemy, then walk ten feet forward and get mobbed again by three more of the same enemy, repeating until you got to the boss who would be a big humanoid that used the exact same combo of swing right to left, swing left to right, swing downward. The clown car room of knights in lost bastille killed any enthusiasm I had that had survived the forest of giants and tower of flame and aside from a very brief moment in the gutter where I thought "this is kinda cool when the torch serves a purpose" nothing ever improved.
I didn't even know about the ADP thing or what the covenant of champions had been doing to me until like the third day playing it, I played on release day and stayed totally off the internet until then when I went online to see if other people were hating it as much as I was.
>bro I know we've established steaks taste better than turds but guess what
>turds are actually better hahahaha
>epic troll bait see how I now eat this turd
>are you mad at how much I am enjoying this turd and how bad I think your steak is?!
>are you?!?!
damn zoomers got it rough nowadays. Is that how you need to troll now? eating poo and pretending it's good?
The best thing about DS2 was ornifex's tight ass.
Sinh was a shit boss fight yes
There are some objectively shitty design choices like the "Gotcha!" moments in Aldia's Keep where I was killed for trying to open a door
i found out the chad image is shopped
feels bad
How delusional do you have to be to make this thread assuming it's not bait? Dark Souls 2 is worse in almost every single way than any other game in this franchise.
He didn't play the game, his first Souls game was DS3
Dlc are okay I guess
>ADP was a good stat that really poorly displayed its benefits, it was an information issue, not a problem with the skill itself.
>Life gems were a very questionable decision
>PvP was genuinely better than DS1, and netcode was an improvement over DS1, but soul memory was a fucking retarded implementation that ruined organized pvp
> the ability to NG+ certain areas was maybe the best addition to the game, and it's disappointing to see it be axed from future titles. They should've gone even further with it and allowed you to gain doubles of the unique weapons.
Aside from that, i think it was level design that people hated without being able to put their finger on it. It was a regression from DS1 because Miyazaki's A team wasn't as involved, being conscripted to bloodborne.
It's well received everywhere outside of you bubble.
It's a few things that really add up for me
>Regular enemies are all unfun to fight because of how good their tracking is
>Stamina's a little too costly
>World lore is lame
>NPC invaders have a little too much HP
>Sound design is awful. Hit sounds make me want to puke
>Generic Green Zombie hollows waaaaaaaay less interesting than the dried-out corpse design in DS1
>A few too many mob ganks with few ways to deal with it
>Parry activation no longer coming out frame 1 AND being tied to stats
>No interesting NPC side-quests
Schizo thread. Filtered. Also this is being spammed.
>stop leveling my character for a while because I don't want to level up too high
>find out about soul memory later and realize that I completely fucked myself by losing all those souls instead of using them to level up
And that's when I dropped the game
Typical dark souls 2 encounter
>see a room
>scan it cautiously from a distance
>see a couple of guys
>can't see much else without entering
>known from experience that there's another guy poised to attack you around the corner
>both corners actually
>and there's also 2 archers that you'll only see after you enter
>so you play intelligently
>pull with a bow
>the three in the middle come after you
>oops the two around both corners also aggro you
>it's ok, take them on one at a time by constantly dashing back
>because you're going to look like a mook being juggled by an SSS combo if you don't
>stab the first guy that comes up
>manual aim because you're way too many hours into this game to not realize that lockon purposely sabotages you unlike every other entry in the series
>miss because he half stepped once
>try to adjust 5 degrees
>trajectory moves 20 degrees because lol dark souls 2
>miss again on the opposite side
>think to myself why the enemies aren't flammable when they're clearly covered in oil
>enemy swings so I dodge
>already out of stamina
>move back to gain distance and stamina and to keep enemies staggered from each other
>eventually kill the whole group, ending up halfway back the way I came
>lose health
>turns out that the archers I aggro'd have a line of sight on me except I'm so far back that they render as 5fps jpegs
>still full damage projectiles btw
>so I run back to the original room
>archers are on top of some balcony that, this time at least, there are stairs to
>go to run up the stairs, before you reach the archers, rats burst out of a crate
>oh shit son, small enemies, are you going to coin flip that lockon won't magnetically repel your attacks against them or will you tilt down your camera to fight them, fucking up your visual feedback on the archers?
>Jk fag, there was a crack in the wall and a cyclops bursts out and eats you
>Steve-O and Johnny Knoxville high five each other and piss themselves laughing behind the candid cam
I don't like the
>enemy designs
>area designs
>graphics, lighting especially, doesn't fit the textures
>audio design
>overall gamefeel
>wacky hitboxes
So yeah, there's not much there to enjoy for me. The gameplay is technically good but not enjoyable due to how the game controls
>DS2 is the most optimized
did this user forget how the game had to be drastically cut down visually and size wise because the engine couldn't handle the previous designer's idea? it is thanks to that guy fromsoft no longer hires new talent and experimenting with new ip's.
>noooooo you have to gimp yourself even though the game gives you infinite cheap heals
>You didn't really beat the game
Fromdrones does this constantly. If you don't you didn't win.
It was only cut down because it was planned to be released on 8th gen consoles, you are thinking of the open world concept which was indeed cut but way early in development. Elden Ring is actually our realized DS2 game. (B) ased team finally got their redemption arc.
>is it because of two non-flaws
>(B) ased team finally got their redemption arc.
Outside of 3 bosses in the dlc. It just felt like a slog to get through. At no point was I bewildered or excited. Just felt like a drag
It was my first souls game
You mean broken for everyone, SotFS actually fucked the consoles too.
Probably my only complaint about the game though. I recall the run to smelter being hellish because of this, but the game gives you a lot of upgrade materials so you can just have a shit ton of strong weapons.
This desu senpai
Canon rating
Demons Soul 10/10
Dark Souls 1 10/10
Dark Souls 2 10/10
Bloodborne 10/10
Dark Souls 3 10/10
Sekiro 10/10
Elden Ring 10/10
You can not refute this.
Glad you tried other Souls games, from the sound of it.
>Is it just because of ADP and/or Iron Keep?
That and the bland forgettable bosses. Oh and don't forget the bad level design. Oh and don't forget the shit art style. Oh and also the tedious amount of enemies. Oh and also the slow clunky movement. I'll admit the dlc is a who lot better than the main game, but by that point I was already sick of that shit.
>(B) ased team finally got their redemption arc.
I think many of Shibuya's ideas still remain unrealized. Eg. We never got our NPC town, no Majula doesn't count, it's a glorified Nexus/Firelink with a nice coastal sunset.
I mean, dark souls 1 is better, but 2 still has lots going for it, especially in the dlc, and the hate is completely overblown.
They're all 10/10s, but in very different ways. For example, DS1 has 10/10 world design, but its individual level design is often frustrating or lacking.
Based Individual qualities enjoyer
It's because it
>Has inferior art design
>Inferior map design
>A less interesting story
>Bloated in terms of weapon variety
>Areas had enemy compositions that were super annoying, and bosses were way too easy.
> I beat every boss in less than 5 tries
Strange, this was my exact reaction to DS3.