now that the Bing version is out, which version is better? i can get either
i might just prioritize portable for a game like this
13 Sentinels
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Switch version is great, it's one of the most soulful releases the last 20 years.
Switch version has more content and challenge at the cost of very slightly worse visuals. I'd say go with the Switch version unless some hitherto unknown flaw turns up.
>have gifs to auto play
Why are mods deleting threads for this?
can anybody link the nsp?
The Switch is the definitive version.
Buy it so Vanillaware has the motivation to abandon Snoy
If you don't have a ps5, you should probably get the Switch version. Heavily reduced visuals but the last missions should run smoother as a result.
Does the JP NSP usually leak? I'm interested in replaying it in Japanese
Does it work well on Yuzu?
If a game can be ruined by four lines of text, it's not a game worth playing in the first place.
You were spamming that last thread too, despite everyone telling you that the ending is only a small portion of the whole thing.
Then why are you distressed at people posting spoilers?
I just got here.
>snoys are so butthurt about losing an exclusive that they start spamming spoilers for it at every opportunity
And they wonder why they are the most hated fanbase on Yea Forums.
how are you guys playing, it's not even out yet
you're not playing in e***ish, right...
>Conveniently forgets about Nintendo fans spamming that localization shitpost every single time someone dared to make a thread, making discussion impossible
It's not a snoy, it's some mindbroken autist with trannies terminally on the mind.
I see.
So, spoilers are fine, aren't they? after all it's about the journey and not the destination.
60€ in nshop? i just checked some stores and i could get the ps4 version for less than 30
So did they fixed the tranny lines?
>Unironically giving a single cent to snoy
Well, no. Spoiling part of a game is like spoiling part of a meal or trashing part of a house. It doesn't make it fine just because it's one part.
Real chads promote blind playthroughs.
Ryujinx, user
i won't, but i think it's bullshit that the switch version is so much more expensive
Nah, real chads play actual videogames, games where a few lines of text don't ruin your $60 experience.
You're missing the point user. Let's say I walk to your table and jizz on your fries. You'll probably still eat the steak next to it, but you'd be annoyed about the fries, no?
No I wouldn't because It will never happen.
I don't eat fries that can be jizzed over.
Then you eat garbage fries.
So how well does it emulate?
Are you basing this on what?
Who else would shitpost so ferociously against a Playstation exclusive?
So far pretty good on my shit PC
thx user!
I don't know, any /pol/ schizo obsessed over politics and trannies? So a good 50% of the board?
>You have to be a Nintendo fan to hate localisation butchery
Yes user, let's pretend no one has ever shat on Nintendo games for the same thing.
>download the nsp
>switch the region to japan on ryujinx
>game still isn't in japanese
So it's one of those games where you have to wait for the specific region's files?
Where the fuck did you find the NSP? This game is weirdly difficult to find.
Are Snoys really so assblasted from "losing" an exclusive they will shit up every thread about the game with spoilers?
Not everything is consolewar shit you fucking mongoloid. This game in particular has detractors that hate it because it was so beloved and popular on VNDB that it started to break into the sites top 5 so they removed it from the site completely and decided its not a visual novel. The mere thought of others enjoying the game and thinking it's better than their favorite VNs sends them into an autistic fit. Then you have the /pol/fags upset about the games content.
Sucks this game is cursed to have shit threads on here
The game isn't out yet in japan so maybe.
user, it's not the vndbfags. They're too busy literally removing credits from the database.
It's the demo, but I'm pretty sure the NSP already leaked.
For the NA version, I mean.
huh i am not a tendie, i wanted to buy it on the ps4 but i hate these so called "localization practices", i'll probably buy it down the line when it's 5 bucks or i'll just emulate it on yuzu .
It literally stopped when the game got announced for the Switch.
Now you will type:
>"we forgave them because the Switch version has a proper translation"
You have no way to know if they fixed the translation
You never forgive anyone who caves to the SJWs (see: the PC port of Mary Skelter 2: even when the censorship was reversed you still boycotted the game, as punishment for daring to bend the knee).
They didn't change that line, but also the character is not NB in the english version. Not to mention all the other translations are very good
>Making excuses because the game got ported to the Switch
Every single time.
This, they call him a "he" for the rest of the game.
>It literally stopped when the game got announced for the Switch.
No it didn't.
t. I have continued shitting on it in localisation threads
And as you say, there is no reason to assume the translation was fixed.
I already played it on PS4 moron, and I'm happy it got ported on switch because more people get to experience it.
>tfw know it's a spoiler but can't help myself but open it
>A poster on the most tribalistic internet community claiming to be happy because he lost an exclusive
That's how I know you're full of shit.
This may shock to you, but not everyone is obsessed with console wars.
>Posts on Yea Forums
>Claims to not be involved on platform wars
It's like posting on Yea Forums and claiming to be atheistic and left wing; you're either lying or are a shitposter.
You'll fit in eventually, user. Keep going. I believe in you.
Idorts run this place, kiddo.
>Reddit told me Yea Forums was all about shitposting, do I fit in yet guise?
No they don't. Otherwise we wouldn't have platform wars at all.
>anime VN shit
literally the lowest tier of game content.
This. I wanna get Dragpn's Crown so that I can have all the best couch co-op beat 'em ups on one device,
>english after this
you are not Japanese.
The funniest thing is that the people who reads anime VNs are the same who shit on your favorite game for having flawed gameplay mechanics, reused content or linear levels.
To be fair, are these even spoilers when the game makes it so plainly obvious, pretty much straight away? They dressed up these tired tropes and overused twists using a non-linear structure to give it the illusion of complexity, and to falsely lead you to believe something more interesting is going on. But by the time the game ends you're like, "Oh, so it was just this plot again." Massively overrated, the only thing worthwhile is the soundtrack
A lot of that is people doing it for the (you)s. 2 trolls arguing back and forth thinking they're trolling the other guy. Sometimes some actual console warriors get dragged into it too but it's basically that clip where a crow pulls on a cats tail to get it to fight another cat. One guys bait post gets them worked up.
Poorly written stories with jpgs are not games.
Any word on if the the PS4 version will get the additions and changes present in the Switch version? Already have the game on PS4 and was wondering if I need to play the Switch version for the additional stuff or if I can just wait.
Thread is swarmed with Tendies and Snoys. Post bangers to keep them at bay.
>>Posts on Yea Forums
I don't post much on Yea Forums actually.