Library of Ruina/Lobotomy Corp

Daily reminder that clerk lives DO NOT matter

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If you let your clerks get killed, even for a single game, you didn't beat the game

Cl*rk detected

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Based clerk enjoyer. They give bonus to their department and increase healing, clerks are very important.


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How do I confirm that you're not a cl*rk, user?

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Anyone have all the Leviathan chapters?

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This but unironically

Hold still

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I did it, i fucked the philosophy floor realization after 5 days, fuck birds

I burn through Clerks like I do Cola. Hell the moment I even think a Clerk will be a liability I'm busting out the execution rounds.

Redid the day to finish getting SO's info but didn't get that last 10 box hint so I guess I'm just stuck with him for a while. I did get KoG tho so it's not all bad

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Reminder that angela did nothing wrong

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She has a fantastic outfit so she can't possibly be evil!

I just want library of ruina 2 where P. Moon isn't afraid to do some kooky shit with late game bosses. The only non stat check fight in the late game is Pluto. And by god is he fun. But I don't think they could do more with this game style even if they tried, is Limbus Company confirmed gacha?

It's confirmed to be shit

Yes, it is. And as much as I hate card games, I'd take Ruina 2 over this
We were promised a dungeon crawler, director...

She follows the same logic as Vergil, she may be an actual asshole to the people around her, ruined multiples lives and an over all evil human being, but she's hot so she is morally gray

Yes they do.

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Is long birds ego weapon as bad as it seems? Stat-wise it seems to be only slightly better then the standard riot-baton which is strange for an aleph-class weapon, so I was wondering if it hand any secret attacks.

forgot pic

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read about pale damage

doesn't pale damage only deal percentage against humans and not abnormalities? the best you get is the usual 2x damage which is only 4-8.

She cut her hair and hid her titties, there's two wrongs

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oh yeah ur right. Still, most abnos are weak to it and justitia has a combo special attack. its a good weapon.

Justitia multihits on every attack and is effectively against practically everything. It's incredibly good.

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If you shit like MoSB, Army in Black or whatever it's called and the faggot monk then cl*rks are nothing but a liability

if you have shit like*

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Spamming Distorted Blade is pretty fun.

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I killed all the clerks in one department every day because of slime time and nothing you say will make me regret it

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Clerks (and other nuggets) are for rape only, that is all.

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nuggets are the sexiest things on the games

Reindeer pussy.

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>Trying to beat Violet
Man this is bullcrap. Easily +7 power to slash dice? Which goes to +14 for Violet Blade? Is this a status effect battle?

I unironically don't get what you mean desu, she's the weakest by far of the bosses in SoTC. Easiest to brute force too. Do other levels first if she is troubling you, you will need her cards.

If you beat Geb, I don't know how you can have trouble with that hag.

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I dunno, I found the the Red Mist and the true/last Rabbit Team a lot easier. Maybe I'm trying to unga damage through too hard or something. Or just suck at building the decks.

This was fun.
>Get the soap giraffe that breaks out all the goddamned time
>Decide to fuck it, hire RRH to deal with it's teleporting bullshit
>Giraffes pulls RRD to the wolf's cage
>Figure I might as well watch the fight
>Wolf runs all over the corp, howling
>Turns out his howling breaks other abnos free.
>Have to deal with 6 rampaging wow abnormalities.

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Roland should have raped Angela instead of forgiving her

>Implying Angela even deserves that

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Angela is made for user

Angela should have raped Roland instead of forgiving him

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Sorrow, better than a well beloved

She doesn't play Snake Slit every scene. Bring someone with slash resist (you literally unlocked Binah last reception in that column) to eat her biggest dice and wail on her with the rest. Bring Smoke if you really need to deal more damage.
As for her other statuses, fucking everything in Star has Blunt resist and her Pierce rolls aren't that strong.

I take dealing with them than hunting clerks every day

Justitia among a few other weapons that have low damage despite being higher class (outside of ranged weapons like Funeral) like Eyebox, redditbot and Monk, have multihits. It's important to consider. Justitia outdamages pretty much every Waw and some Aleph EGO.

when I had them killed all my clerks with Der Shooty So I could kill both of them in a controlled enviroment and not when I'm Dealing with a Midnight ordeal or some other kind of fuck up, plus I also really like beating up those fucks

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God, aiming down a long hallway and watching 10-15 clerks drop dead is so satisfying.

>there are "people" who kills their own clerks
what is wrong with you

imagine not being able instantly vaporize a gay llama the moment he/she/it breaks out

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I think the fact that nearly every Singularity seems to involve human suffering (at least all of those whose workings we know of) might be a central theme over convenience at the sacrifice of others.
>new L-Corp uses a human brain to pull off Cogito out of the Well and subjects tons of employees to extremely dangerous work just to harvest Enkephalin
>old L-Corp threw humans to be devoured/absorbed by the creatures that produced the smoke
>R-Corp creates thousands of clones and forces them to kill each other until there is one survivor
>W-Corp forces people into thousand-years journeys where their sanity crumbles for the sole purpose of stealing time to power their products
Maybe the Singularities don't even work or have misfortune befall them if there is no human suffering involved whatsoever

I got bored of doing it every 2 minutes.

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Angela ironically did nothing wrong. Vergil unironically did nothing wrong.

Question user here, what Corp would you prefer to work for if you had ABSOLUTELY NO CHOICE BUT TO WORK FOR ONE OF THEM?

J Corp. I want me some fucking security.

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You have the spirit of it but you lack understanding.
L Corp's actual singularity is not the Well, technically, but how to apply the Well to make humans into abnormalities.
R Corp's singularity clones people. Not their equipment, not objects, PEOPLE.
W Corp's singularity is the ability to "rewind" people to a specific point in time. They have a collaborative deal with T Corp to harvest time from people- which seems to be the requirement for T Corp's singularity, that the time they "harvest" comes from people.
We also know that a wing does, or at least used to, have a singularity to produce metamaterials... by turning people into horrific abominations that eat flesh and produce material.
The F Corp and J Corp singularities seem to be able to "open" and "close" things by their linguistic meaning. Which makes no sense if humanity isn't part of the equation.
I would wager that singularities don't necessarily require human suffering, but they all do require humans to be involved at least.