wow this game is so hard and challenging, good job Fromsoft!
if you used magic of any sorts you literally didn't beat the game
>If you used X, Y, Z, you LITERALLY didn't beat the game
No, I did, go fuck yourself
this is how a mere 20 mages were able to hold off the entirety of godfrey and radagon's golden hordes
people really refuse to mention how a succesful comet azure nuke depends COMPLETELY on the enemy not deciding to move to the side at all, which means that it's a gamble on anything that isn't a slow field boss
the odds are still in your favor though, since the beginning of most boss fights have the boss slowly walk directly at you
If you win, you lose
>shit garbage FROM boss getting cheesed
rennala is a curious boss
casters might have trouble with her but strenght builds can stomp her with ease
the majority of major bosses need to be buffed.
not even trolling.
you didn't really beat elden ring
I'm liking the game so far but I've noticed something
there isn't a single boss I would WANT to fight again just for fun, in fact, I mostly tried to kill them as fast as possible
and I find this strange since I completed the boss rush mod for sekiro several times
Agreed. Is there anything really tough in the first 60 or so hours besides doing Margit as early as possible? I think the next hardest boss after that might be Maliketh...
STRlets seriously think STR isn't the most OP shit in the game. if you used Colossal Shitter Weaopns you didn't beat the game considering you just stunlock every boss in the game like this.
Elden ring if real.
i actually agree with that, but i think most people think the opposite
I disagree, already finished my 2nd playthrough, and raring to go again.
The only shitty unfun boss is Fire Giant.
no, retard. That only works with rennala because she's literally the weakest "main" boss of the game
this is the easiest boss in the game tho
bro i thought you grabbed his spear
cope strchud
I agree, already finished the game, and will never touch it ever again until the DLC.
The only good fun boss is Maliketh.
>Str builds think they're good
play something that isn't baby mode
>people complain about the ulcerated tree spirit fights because "the arena is too small"
>whenever you fight him in an open area, like in leyndell, the fight is 10x as cancerous since the only safe spot is his armpit but now you have to chase him around
literal retards magic sissies
this ain't dmc
I literally just did this to Mohg and beat him in 10 seconds, no summons or anything. What the fuck were they thinking with that spell.
I genuinely and unironically died more times to Rennala than any other boss. I was likely underleveled at the time and pretty deep into INT, so my melee damage was terrible and magic did nothing to her. Then I got Memeveil and Mimic Tear and every boss died within 2 attempts. I beat the game.
kino. really. that was sick.
show me any clip of dmc 3 or 5 being on this level of fun.
As it now you can brute force most bosses fairly easily without learning their patterns. Increasing their health combined with slowing them down a bit would be the way to go (it will never happen).
Imagine going from Sekiro, one of their strictest games yet in difficulty, to this shit. Hilarious.
>tfw beating everything from godrick onwards in one try
I agree, the only roadblock I've encountered so far is the full grown fallingstar beast, and I've already beaten godfrey's golden ghost
credo is cheating, it's the best fight in the series trapped in an unfinished game
Yeah. I enjoyed stomping them in ng+ but I didn't really actually enjoy fighting them.
>unfinished game
doesn't matter. he elevated that game above the others. if I have the most fun in the series fighting a single enemy in dmc4 then dmc4 is the best dmc game.
all they need to do to fix the game is go through the weapon arts and adjust damage
and also remove the infinite FP physick
i used all of these but im gonna say i only used claymore because its an anonymous site haha blow me faggots
is elden ring coop fun? I played das2 with my buddy and we had a blast
Hardest build in the game.
it's basically the same.
WTF bros playing Int is so hard we only get the ability to cheese half the bosses in the game and Stagger the rest with Moonveil, meanwhile STR bros get the same greatsword copy and pasted 5 times with slightly different damage and the same moveset
Str is the least babymode build.
The game is balanced around Str.
I still need to play Elden Ring lmao
>boss tricks you into thinking he's dead
Literally did this with a halberd and laughed my ass off.
but then you have shit like the savior, bael and echidna
>cuck everything in the game
hardest hitting yes
If you use invincibility frames you didn't beat anything, not the game, not even champion of Godrick
>he actually believes this
stunning every enemy in 3 hits is not hard gameplay
Those battles were fun too
>following guides
I'm talking about blind-playthrough strength.
>roll fags wanna talk about difficulty
Why don't you roll off a cliff already
Who's following guides?
>the literal tutorial cave explains jumping R2's have strong staggers
>hey what if i use a bigger weapon
>oh yeah we can powerstance right
As expected from a lack of int
Show me one STR builld that can do this to lategame bosses like INT easy mode faggots
the only fun thing about bael is how he dies in one hit via distorsion
I'd rather fight a blitz
strtards all play the game the same way, throwing themselves at the enemy until one of them is dead, meanwhile int players actually have to make strategies regarding bosses weaknesses, spacing, timing, etc.
thats fucking epic
>sissy magicians vs brute barbarians
>meanwhile int players actually have to make strategies regarding bosses weaknesses, spacing, timing, etc.
Everything seems to be fairly easy with some builds. I cannot aggree with that, seeing that some builds are literally unusable if you buff the bosses.
God, imagine how wet Ranni got during that