Why did so many people end up getting filtered by the FF7 Remake?
Why did so many people end up getting filtered by the FF7 Remake?
turn based will always be better that realtime combat
Turn based kiddies want the same game over and over.
What does that make the people who literally want the same game in multiple parts? You want 7R2 to play completely differently?
While I would prefer a turn based system, FFVIIR is the correct way forward for an action based one.
It's a final fantasy game, it's not supposed to have acceptable gameplay. Make it turn based.
it wasnt that fun, the port has stuttering issues, EGS but that doesnt matter cause i pirated
If it was the same game it wouldn't take this long, only Nintendo gets away with republishing the same game years later. I'm expecting better aerial combat and more materia options.
Well if the maps are bigger and we'll get double the cast, then yeah.
they only know how to play braindead turn-based RPGs that requires no skill or intellect
action rpgs always devolve into the same thing, □□□△, play one, you played them all. turn based games however facilitate strategy so they all end up being unique experiences with impactful boss fights.
>push one button
>lots of particle effects happen
>zoomers begin to applaud
The biggest, overhyped, nostalgia nigger turd of a game ever created. Actually more obnoxious fans than WoWs classic/wrath babies
I remember when this clip first was posted and people were thinking Tifa and Clouds attacks were coordinated, that she was jumping off of sword mid air. People get so deluded when things look flashy.
What filtered me was retarded story, awful padding, numerous forced walk segments pretending to be gamepla and constant anime grunts. That enough for ya?
I didn't even know it actually came out, I thought it was still in development?
>only Nintendo gets away with republishing the same game years later
I refuse to believe that anyone says this sincerely.
>action rpgs always devolve into the same thing, □□□△, play one, you played them all.
huge cope. maybe formulaic first party playstation games are, and but what the fuck does that even mean?
Time jannies are retarded
next fucking question
ssh, let him reveal his insanity
name 5 first party playstation action rpgs from the ps4 gen.
rent free.
if anything they're boomers. turn based rpg is an OLD and slowly dying genre.
>numerous forced walk segments
Jesus christ, the mental illness.
Going out on a limb, I'd say it's probably because Final Fantasy 7: REmake isn't a very good game.
Thats not what that word means
Did that nigga just jump off Cloud's sword?
When westerners make them they're called Telltale Hallways.
You okay there, buddy?
The game is much better in hard mode. In normal play the boss fights are essentially no different from a turnbased jrpg. You dont need to do anything but smack them.
In hard mode they gave the bosses mechanics like you see in lower tier MMO fights.
>Time jannies are bad...becuase they just are, ok?!?!
does Sony even have first party games? I thought they just begged other people to put games on their hardware.
The combat system doesn't get enough praise. Square Enix finally got party-based action combat right. That's huge.
>Time jannies aren't bad because...
can I pirate it on pc yet
5 bucks says the dude's gonna play "it's good because it's different" card
I thought the most common complaint was that it has its own unique story rather than being a remake as you would expect from the title of "FF7 Remake"
I'll take that bet
Or "watch this 6 hour theory video"
>it's good because it's different
I don't mind a unique story, but this "unique story" sucks donkey dick
No one says that.
And there's nothing wrong with walking sections where characters talk, there have always been sections where character talk on jrpgs, they usually just stand there talking though, is that really such a big difference? Standing and talking = good design, walking and talking = bad design? What the actual fuck?
Kill yourself
maybe people don't like them because they're boring, and basically become unskippable cutscenes that become a chore on replays
Barely anyone cares it's a "unique" or different story. At least that's what I noticed. Change can be good or bad and most changes to the story are god-awful.
Sweet, 5 bucks. Betting on retards having no argument is always easy money.
There are lots of changes in remake I never see anyone complaining about. They usually complain about the stuff that's objectively fucking dreadful.
The gameplay sucks ! Not at all challenging, immersive, or skill-basee like the ATB menu-based combat of the original1
Lemme spell it out for you:
>cutscenes or segments where characters talk that can be skipped
>segments where you're forced to "play" the game when the characters are crouching/slow-walking/climbing/riding horses and talking and can't be skipped.
Pure shit.
pretty sure only the battle sim bosses do that
for the story the only thing that changes is more damage and literally no mp gain at all...which is fucking garbage imo
Filtered by what? The gameplay is fine but the Nomurafaggotry is unbearable.
How are the kh threads, jimbo
Enjoying ur new job there?
You usually can't skip talking sections in jrpgs either besides mashing.
>segments where you're forced to "play" the game when the characters are crouching/slow-walking/climbing/riding horses and talking and can't be skipped.
Those segments would probably still be there without the talking though. Why are you playing a jrpg and skipping story?
FF combat peaked at FFXIII
The new shit sucks ass
>How are the kh threads, jimbo
You tell me, friend. You seem to be having a rough week. Maybe posting a reason to like the time jannies would cheer you up?
Not today? No problem, some other time maybe.
This, unironically.
>Those segments would probably still be there without the talking though.
That's even more useless because you're doing nothing but artificially extending the length of your game. And in such an awful way too.
>Why are you playing a jrpg and skipping story?
But those walking segments in f7r are not "story" because 90% of them goes like this
>slow walk for 10 seconds
>So, what you've been up to, Cloud?
>slow walk for 5 seconds
>.... Nothing much
>squeezes through a tight corridor
>Oh, I see...
>crouches under a metal beam
Does that look like story to you? The game is simply full of those and it's unbearable. And don't even get me started on that dreadful robot arm mini "game". I don't think I've ever seen a case where the devs wanted to waste the player's time that heavily.
The only way a person could not possibly know it was out is to never browse any gaming news sites or ever visit a brick and mortar. I wish I could live under the rock you live under
The forced walk segments are unacceptable and I stopped playing because of that and never went back to it. Should have made a faithful remaster of the original with some enhancements instead of adding moviegame shit
>That's even more useless because you're doing nothing but artificially extending the length of your game.
It's just a pacing thing, showing the characters moving in the world. Would you rather have your characters teleporting around?
>But those walking segments in f7r are not "story"
Character interactions are story, not everything has to be a plot point, showing how the relationship changes with times is important.
You are either baiting or you never played a jrpg in your life, either way, you have no idea what you're talking about.
>It's just a pacing thing
Uh, yeah? And the pacing is absolutely atrocious.
All this garbage could've been made in either cutscenes (which could be skipped through in subsequent playthroughs) or weaved into the actual game, you know, not this retarded semi-gameplay modern AAA devs love so much.
>Character interactions are story
No, it's simply character interactions which can be meaningful or not. Sadly for ff7r, vast majority of those is completely superficial.
>showing how the relationship changes with times is important.
This is actually done via regular cutscenes, not walk 'n talk segments. Not even gonna address your seething. Come back when you've calmed down.
>Why did so many people end up getting filtered by the FF7 Remake?
Because the story changes were fucking awful
Oh wooooowwww that looks so cool! So many amazing animations!
Shame the boss health bar moved one pixel and the stagger gauge increased by maybe two pixels... Now repeat that combo 400 times to maybe do some damage in between the EPIC cutscene attacks the boss does!
You havent played it, ignorant fool
>Shame the boss health bar moved one pixel and the stagger gauge increased by maybe two pixels
The boss is gonna get into a cutscene as you break the stagger bar anyway.
Good to know I can make a game as shit as possible but with enough particle effects retards will assume they're looking at something amazing or be convinced the combat MUST be spectacular
Literally wowing children with sparkles. We're back in kindergarten.
Is it actually good or what? I'm still waiting for a Steam release.
I like the personality of the characters, it's not too far off what I imagined playing the original.
Still not sure about the combat or time jannies though. I welcome additional content but it really seems like so much is crammed in to make the first part feel "impactful" like farting out a Sephiroth battle in Midgar.
>Is it actually good or what?
No, not really.
Combat is fun, even though it's very different. I'd say combat is actually the biggest advantage of this game, especially when you play as Tifa. Shame it's stuck with mindnumbingly stupid story (only the first 1-2 hours follow the OG plot), endless padding and forced walk segments.
>farting out a Sephiroth battle in Midgar.
Hope you're a big fan of fujobait because Sephiroth appears every 2 hours or so to manhandle Cloud, stand real close and whisper ambiguous lines into his ear.
Give it a pirate if you're interested. If you like it, you could always buy it afterwards.
Stretching out Midgar into its own game really ruined the pacing, it became most noticeable noticeable in the section where you sabotage the mech.