When did From drones become the worst fanbase on Yea Forums?
When did From drones become the worst fanbase on Yea Forums?
Around the time of Bloodborne.
Funny how Sekiro, the only Souls game that isn't just spamming I-frames is the only souls game Yea Forums doesn't obsess over.
what exactly is wrong with that statement? LMAO 2 dimensional fighting games with 4 limited moves are supposed to be complicated?
They put tendie cult members to shame.
There's not an exact point when it became the worst. However, people recognized the shitposting potential of the series and it grew stronger and stronger with each game and each mismemorization of the games. Eventually, playing fools nonstop invited people who thought they were in good company.
can you just shut the fuck up with dark souls and elden ring threads holy fuck you insufferable retards
Then why are you so bad at them?
>Funny how Sekiro, the only Souls game that isn't just spamming I-frames is the only souls game Yea Forums doesn't obsess
What the fuck do you mean, there's still shitposting threads to this day.
why compare Elden Ring to a 2D fighter and not something like Tekken or Soul Calibur?
>From drones make 100 threads a day of cancer
When Sekiro came out there were barely any threads, compare this to any souls game, especially Elden Ring
can you fucking read my post
I'm actually complaining about these threads you absolute mongrel holy fucking shit
they've always been the worst, mostly because of how prevalent they are
snoys pretty much got bullied out of the board and tendies get their games endlessly shitposted here but fromdrones spam the catalog endlessly about their terrible rolling simulation memegames
Don't forget the infighting. A lot of the threads boil down to screeching which game in the series is the best or the worst
You clearly are indeed complaining about these threads.
I believe you think you are complaining about Souls threads though.
This isn't a souls thread.
Kek what a perfect edit
The game appears to be difficult when in reality the I-frame abuse and broken balance makes it not very hard at all. It allows casuals to think they are hardcore. That is why the fanbase is so shit
Because those two games are more complex whereas Elden Ring and 2D fighters are at a similar level of complexity, keep up with the conversation.
>He thinks 3D fighters are more complex than 2d ones
Huh, still had the same fun in Elden Ring as I did back in 09 with Demon's Souls.
Even Smash wasn't this bad last year outside of reveal day
They always were, how could anyone not see the non stop elden ring threads when before elden ring was even mentioned it was non stop jacking each other off about how great dark souls is
The Souls series wouldn't have been so shit if they didn't just rehash it over and over again.
If the franchise was just
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro it wouldn't have been as bad.
Elden Ring has no fucking reason to exist. It's just dark souls BUT EMPTY OPEN WORLD
Then you either have autism or a low IQ since you can enjoy the same shit over and over again.
>whereas Elden Ring and 2D fighters are at a similar level of complexity
there's no 2D fighter as shallow as elden ring, even divekick is much deeper than your garbage fromtranny
The pre-release hype for Dark Souls 2 was the exact point it became a joke to be a "dark souls fan", it started with the Prepare To Die advertisement shit but I remember just fine how everyone wanted literally everything to have Souls combat, that became uncool right after DS2 ended up being classic FromSoft bargain bin shit except Elden came out and suddenly it came back amplified a million times more.
How the hell did ER became that big anyway? Technically is a new IP, none of the past games were truly Skyrim levels of mainstream and it's not like the marketing was anything special compared to Sekiro or anything Souls.
The sequels were a mistake in general, Bloodborne makes the idea of DS3 irrelevant and Elden Ring has been called DSII-2 how many times now?
I'm talking about both souls/elden ring threads and souls/elden ring complain threads
just shut the fuck up
even with my filters I can't get rid of this fucking retarded spam
90% of elden ring threads are made by morons who shitpost against it in order to bait out (You)'s and then make threads like this in order to bait out more (You)'s.
And of course you like rabid animals bite so you can get your dose of feeling annoyed at someone.
>How the hell did ER became that big anyway?
no one knows, man, not even Bamco.
It has an empty open world. Causal shitters love that.
Notice how Witcher 1 and 2 were niche games then Witcher 3 blew up selling 20 million units?
Empty open world.
Frombros are forever based
>N-No we were only pretending to be retarded
On Yea Forums specifically? Probably around the the Dark Souls PTD release but make no mistake they were always like this. It didn't even start with Souls either, Armored Core fags share the exact same characteristics and bloated sense of pride. The Fromdrone rot was always there it has only become more visible as their games became more and more mainstream.
Yes. Thank you for rephrasing what I said.
Rope fromtranny
You've been playing the same games for 20 years user.
Yes, tf2. It's based
>How the hell did ER became that big anyway?
Unironically all the delay shit and radio silence after the initial announcement.
The fans were basically edging waiting for any sort of info, so when that second trailer dropped they burst and just instantly decided then and there that it was going to be the best game ever. Other people saw how excited they were and parroted it.
>Yea Forums: from drones are retarded, they play the same game rehashed for over 9 years!
>Also Yea Forums: omg my dead fps from 2006 is so based!
PvP apes fighting games heavily in its core mechanics. Right down to frame timings mattering and good players shitting all over bad ones with seemingly uncounterable tech.
you have to be straight up mentally ill to enjoy the pvp in these games, it's the only explanation
DS3 PvP is absolutely a fighter when played in a dueling environment.
Elden Ring on the other hand is a joke and is an embarrassment to Souls PvP.
>frame timings mattering
there's no fighting game where "frame timings" don't matter are you legitimately braindead
oh wait you're a fromdrone nevermind
Yes, cause no game that tried to be like it has ever topped it in quality. It's the same with dark souls even though it isn't a high bar to begin with. Whatever you believe about the games don't matter cause the reality is that most devs gave up on 3rd person fantasy RPGs with action combat that aren't just fast paced DMC styled beat-em-ups, zelda or assassins creed clones. There's like what, Nioh? Or dead series like Onimusha, Two Worlds, and Gothic. I think people would even take a first person game like dark messiah but that won't happen so souls games is really all you get for the qualities people play these games for.
what are some good sword and magic games with pvp worth checking out?
R1, roll, R1, roll, R1, roll, R1, roll
When you decided that they lived rent free in your head.
It's easy to ignore things. Try doing it sometime.
Yes. If you can't see why both are true then you are low IQ
Take souls and give it For Honor combat.
>Funny how Sekiro, the only Souls game that isn't just spamming I-frames
It really is though lol
I guess when you memed it hard enough.
You love playing the same shit over and over again because you have low iq
So, it's the same PvE then
Nope. Games like Tribes or Quake literally take years to master. Souls clones are the same shit over and over again.
>Play tf2
>Dozens and dozens of different drastically different builds and play styles
Me? weapon art of poise right before enemy attack hits and then just r1 spam until they're dead
Playing a soulful multiplayer game > paying $60 every 1.5 years to play the same rehash over and over again
no fanbase can never ever be as bad or delusional as a tendie
With Dark Souls 2.