Okay, I may be too old for this, but explain something to me: who watches these videos...

Okay, I may be too old for this, but explain something to me: who watches these videos? Exactly what value do you get from them? It has to be just for the white noise at the background, right?
No one would ever subject themselves to a 12 hour long watch of some endlessly regurgitated shit over and over again? R-right?

Has there ever been a case when a video NEEDED more than 30 minutes to get its message across?

Attached: a fucking twelve hour video.jpg (640x480, 79.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's white noise for retards to drool on their shirt to

>Has there ever been a case when a video NEEDED more than 30 minutes to get its message across?

Not really no, they can get away with an hour if they're actually decent but longer than that is arrogant, your opinion on a fucking video game is not worth that much

anyone who calls their hours long video a "quick analysis" will be purged at the Day of the Rope

I watch 8 hour Morrowind analyses videos while playing Morrowind for 10 hours

lmao, it's a video put on a website for free, how does making it long imply worth?

also the video is the combined version of the videos analyzing different parts of the game

>not realizing it's a joke

People with jobs where they're allowed to listen to music. Also TES games are extremely long. Unless you were barely giving any evidence to support your opinions or ignore 80% of the game, your video would have to be longer than 30 minutes. This isn't a TV spot review, it's a thorough analysis. And yeah say whatever you want about the guy sucking at them or whatever, but analyses like this are always long whether they're good or not. There are movie analyses that are longer than the movies, cause you know what? A 30 second scene didn't take 30 seconds to make. It took time and thought, and the same applies to video games.

I just watched it over the course of a few days

Idk it's something to put in the background while playing a game that doesn't require you to listen to it. It's really not a big deal. I doubt anyone sits there and actually WATCHES these videos.

>how does making it long imply worth?
I'm guessing your time isn't valuable, you probably don't have a job

Some of the long-form analysis videos are interesting but the 12h oblivion one isn't. It's another one of those where most of the run-time is wasted simply going over the events of the game, which is pointless since anyone autistic enough to listen to a 12h vid already knows what happens.

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I really like it, and his Morrowind one, he had some interesting takes and even the common ones he presents well. Looking forward to his Skyrim video.

they serve as a reminder to just how low the bar actually goes. whenever you get optimistic about life or feel particularly down about yourself, remember there are people that actually create and watch shit like this

He uses the summary of the different questlines as a framing device for discussing mechanics and also discussing the plotlines themselves. He doesn't just go over the questline and call it a day. He also discusses how they show the different design priorities that different devs had.

Me. Watched the entire thing and enjoyed it. I just left it playing on my second monitor while browsing twitter or whatever.

the real question is: who cares
video games aren't deep or complex and you don't need hours to explain any concept in a fucking elder scrolls game of all things. if you do you're just being circumlocutious and smelling your own farts for the sake of it.

watched it twice
He uses the time well, it really is 12 hours worth of content in a 12 hour video

I do have time issues with 95% of youtube videos - they all seem to be 4 minutes worth of content in a 10 minute video. The oblivion retrospective is solid though

I know I can catch a lot of flak for doing something like this, but I believe that Yea Forums can be a place of merit if you're honest and put effort in what you do. That's why, if at all possible, I'd like to make a plug for something I made. See, six months ago I played a hidden gem and fell in love with it, decided to make a video (something I've never done in my life), then I spent next couple of month learning about video editing to make more stuff. So, anons, if you're looking for some comfy watch, give it a go and do tell me how'd I do, I'd be delighted to hear your thoughts (seriously, feedback is crucial). Also, I am losing the fight against algorithm, so your help would be invaluable.
new one youtu.be/LbbKxaNrixQ
what started everything youtu.be/Dm6ulk0u_2k
Thanks for reading my blogpost and sorry for not reaching that sweet 12 hour mark, I'll do my best next time.

Attached: I have no ass.png (500x874, 245.68K)

>video games aren't deep or complex and you don't need hours to explain any concept in a fucking elder scrolls game of all things
so how many hours have you spent on Yea Forums discussing video games do you think? maybe you should get your head out of your own ass before posting dumb shit like this

Zoomers. Zoomers have grown up needing constant validation from e-celebs so they absolutely love anything that makes their hobbies seem deep and profound

Shit like this is background noise based on a game I remember through rose tinted glasses that I can have play in the background while I work on other shit.

>using Yea Forums for discussion
lmao the exact type of person who would find "merit" in some shit like that

his skyrim one is 16 hours

>but I believe that Yea Forums can be a place of merit

Attached: 1623470863694.png (600x600, 165.86K)

We don't know how long it's gonna be yet.

ah you're just an ironic reddit shitposter. well, have fun getting upvotes on r/Yea Forums then. funny that you have personified yourself as way more of an obnoxious idiot than the youtuber and still go on to say he should stop what he's doing because it annoys you.

It's pretty good background noise for when I'm doing tedious shit

Discussing things with other people is not the same as listening to your e-celeb and then parroting whatever he said.

You are an unironic NPC

I don't think anyone is actually watching them user. probably just noise while you game/work/study

>Oblivion is... LE BAD
>Morrowind is... LE GOOD
I saved you 20 hours of videos

I just treat it like a podcast or use the picture-in-picture extension. Love how these vids make anons angry because instead of setting up a mic and printing money they just shitpost about games for 12 hours a day.

Yes but not his videos

I drive alot for my job going around my state. Its typical to have a 5-6 hour drive for the day so I have plenty of time to kill to listen to some youtube essays, podcasts, music etc. Im not autistic enough to listen to some 12 hour video on a garbage game like oblivion though

I think the longest ive gone is probably Joseph Andersons Witcher videos though. (They're shit btw)

Attached: firelink.jpg (3037x1968, 762.42K)

but discussing video games are a waste of time. they aren't deep or complex, as you said. seems like you're getting tripped up on your own thoughts, maybe you should be honest and just say "if you write a 12 hour video about a game or you watch one you're autistic" and stop trying to justify your post with shit you don't really believe just to win a meaningless Yea Forums argument.

>Joseph Anderson
All of his videos are shit

I do. There's a kind of catharsis of someone else putting into words what you dislike and like about a particular thing.

>not having mental capacity to extract meaning from a 12 hours worth of lectures
>not having mental capacity to figure out you can watch video part by part
>exposing your ineptness to strangers


>its just a beat by beat story recap

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I had his videos on while I played EU4 and I dont think he said a single good thing about oblivion.


are u polish?

Pretty hard to say good things about Oblivion

>All of his videos are shit
99.9% of these kinds of videos are shit but who the fuck cares?
I'm pretty sure very few people actually care about what's actually being said in these videos
I watched both of Anderson's witcher videos at least twice and I couldn't tell you for the life of me what he said specifically or what his point was in those videos

I like some of his Dark Souls videos but holy shit hes so bad at managing his expectations. Instead of "critiquing" a game as it is, he spends hours going on like, "i expected it to be this but its this. Why is the enemy on the left of the hallway instead of the right? Shouldnt this door be metal instead of wood to hold in gas?"

Its pretty awful.

Im suspicious of people who say nothing bad about a game they love. Im suspicious if someone has nothing good to say for a game they hate. I mean fuck the vid was like 12 hours long? He went over every quest and mechanic in the game and he hated every single piece of it. Like that takes dedication.

We have this fucking thread once a day

Oblivion is basically a perversion of Morrowind, which he likes, so he probably had a bone to pick with it. He did criticize Morrowind a fair deal in his video on it though.

Sure, why not. I'd like to help the little guy now and then

Correction: we have some shit Elden Ring analysis video thread once a day (at least once a day)

Yes that im aware of. But like it seems any time something that could had come up that would be decent he fuckin hates it. Like I recall with the murder house quest he basically states
>hurr they arent acting realistically
>Im obviously the killer
>Why is the ai sleeping lol
Its just so odd. Honestly if his skyrim vid comes out and its praising anything over oblivion then oblvion must have killed his father or something.

No, we have this shit once day.
It either the OP, the Pokemon one, Hbombergay or another 8 hour one. Every single day

Oblivion killed his mother and raped his father

If you hate it so much why are you bumping this thread instead of making a new one to discuss a game you like? Be the change you want to see.

Yeah he was pretty harsh on DB quests, which I understand to a point because I think people praise them more for the ideas they had for the quests instead of how they're actually executed, but I still think points should be given for trying at least.
As for Skyirm, unlike Oblivion it's pretty distanced from Morrowind and I think he outright said he doesn't really consider it an elder scrolls game, not like the others. So he's probably going to go easier on it because of that, ironically. And also I think Skyrim is genuinely better than Oblivion.

You forgot the newest Noah one. About Dark Souls. It's almost as if they're relevant to video games

Who said I bumped it?

Yes they are relevant. I mean the threads constantly asking why they exist. Every single day. Different retards who can't understand how people spend their time suggesting all these videos are 12 hour long tasks

I think what urked me about it so bad was how he gave not only a pass but praise to the morag tong of morrowind. I always hated that questline since it boiled down to
>Go to place
>Kill dude standing there not moving or really doing anything at all
>Recall back to guildmaster
>Repeat for like 20 marks
I can understand saying oblvion wasnt perfect but when so many issues he had could be chalked down to Ai what did he expect from a game that came out only 4 years after morrowind?