Is Hitman worth it in 2022?
Is Hitman worth it in 2022?
Yes? It's a singleplayer game franchise so it being 2022 or not doesn't really matter
The only thing you should look out for is which entries of the series you play
Hitman: Codename 47 and 2: Silent Assassin laid the foundation for the franchise but the gameplay was really clunky
Whether they're worth it depends on how well you handle older outdated games
Contracts is just more of Silent Assassin but in a good way
Blood Money is the first must-play in the series and still holds up today
Absolution is dogshit
Hitman 2016 and its sequels are all really good
I just finished Hitman 2 after almost 200 hours. It is absolute kino. Will get Hitman 3 in a while
You can tell a lot about someone just by finding out how many hours they played nuHitman before finishing a game.
You are likely a really great person. Truely one that stands above their peers in both merit and stature.
I spent about 100h before beating one, and am now at about 100 hours on #2 with the last 3 levels to go.
silent assassin or the new one?
Worth what? The time of some shit eating retard like you that was never going to do anything of value anyway?
2SA becomes fantastic once you learn to slide.
I don't think Silent Assassin has anywhere near 200 hours of CONTENT
i played the intro level of nuhitman 2 and didn't really like it, it feels too scripted and not stealthy enough. but maybe the reason i disliked it is because i expected it to be like MGSV, should i keep going and also change my expectations?
idk maybe hes autistic and enjoyed it so much he spent that much time on it, i dont judge
You should keep going and you should forget about MGSV because that game stinks
Silent assassin is quite playable with only minor hiccups, but feels dated.
Codename is quite clunky and the save system made me rage.
Lee Hong Assassination and Plutonium runs loose especially can suck my dick.
Still a fun game overall, but not essential, since the best mission is remade in contracts.
>worth it
Worth what? Your time? Money? Energy? Idk Im not you and no one else here is either. Try it out yourself and form your own opinions. Such a stupid question. Not insulting you, but the question. I will say that it is lazy of you and anyone else to ask, however.
someone needs to make a continuation of this image already where they have lovey-dovey sex
you wouldn't fuck a gun
Hitman 2 has a bug where one challenge in the Mumbai map does not complete online, so you are forever stuck with 99%.
I'd fuck an M95
Is IOI full of pieces of shit who genuinely think the online shit is good or was it publishers who forced them
It's always amusing when retards on /v post crap like this "Hey, /v, is %GAMENAME% worth it?". Worth what, your precious time? Your valuable time that you could instead spend on worthwhile, fulfilling activities like ...... and .......? Can you look in the mirror and enunciate "my time is very valuable" without breaking into self-pitying laughter? You have never done anything useful with your life and never will, accept this and delete your moronic thread, I have better things to do that to read it.
Go back to Faggot Ring
ummmm just here to correct the record. you cannot delete threads on Yea Forums because people were using that feature to accuse mods of deleting their threads.
How long would it take to 100% nuHitman 1-3? 've been (very badly) grinding some mastery levels lately, and it takes forever
I did hitman 2 with hitman 1 experience and liberal use of walkthroughs in 185 hours, so I would assume 250-300 hours.
thought this was Shiido and Kasumi from Persona 5 at first.
I hope the really weird stuff like Godzilla or the volcano stuff isn't a requirement
And I skipped the Sniper Assassin mastery levels, because that is some retarded bullshit grinding shit.
What's wrong with Absolution?
I spent that much time with Blood Money on PS2
I haven't played it, but the zeitgeist back in the day was that it was consolized mainstream bullshit and IOI sold out.
worth what?
Yeah. Get all of the classics from original codename 47 up to blood money.
If you like them then get the modern trilogy.
It doesn't have always online.
It doesn't have shitty dlc and a gorillon versions.
Horrible practices, I know.
if you can get the trilogy for a good price yeah
3 was disappointing but theres a few good maps in there
So how many unique assassinations does Blood Money have? Take the suburb map for example.
yepp, BM and Contracts are still the best.
Was it autism?
Played the new trilogy as my first Hitman. It's there any reason to replay maps other than unlocks? I'm referring to interesting new things happening, new events etc and not just finding new ways of picking off the same guys following their 2-minute walking loop. Story missions seem dumb and shallow.
I genuinely love the look and gameplay but not sure why one would sink hundreds of hours into it except to cross off challenge icons.
It suffered from the typical PS3/X360 era problems
The game tries to be less Hitman and more Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Everything is ugly with plenty of brown and bloom because that's what games back then needed to look like
The gameplay was "streamlined" aka dumbed down so you can just shoot your way through every mission, you're effectively not playing a hitman but a super soldier
The story was bombastic Michael Bay Hollywood movie wannabe trash
I like Hitman 1 and 2, despite its flaws
Hitman 3? not yet, but I'm interested in it
Always buy in a sale, they're not worth full price
that's the tutorial level, it's supposed to be scripted
Best way to get mastery levels is save abuse. If you do something you get the mastery for it, even if you reloaded. A lot of mastery shit is just one change at the point of killing, so it would be silly to waste time doing the same setup over and over.
You can't fucking save in Sniper Assassin. That's part of the problem, having to wait 10 minutes to complete a challenge. Though it's only really a problem in the first mission, 2 and 3 were not that hard.
>I'm referring to interesting new things happening, new events etc and not just finding new ways of picking off the same guys following their 2-minute walking loop.
The games are full of this. Dinging a target on their default loop is lame.
speaking of hitman 2 bugs....
I spent months trying to get the master sniper assassin challenge in Sapienza
Reminder that you have to kill ONLY targets with a sniper, without being noticed doing anything sus
But there's a stupid bug where if you snipe a target, guards can look at the body, then there's a small 5 second, then they know exactly where you are (invalidating your sniper assassin achievement) and begin firing guns at you, then proceed to run to your location.
Even if you are the other side of the map, behind a wall, in grass, or in a box. There's youtube videos of people doing this no problem, but I always get this all knowing AI bug.
You know what I had to do to finally get this achievement? I had to play it like standard silent assassin, no bodies found, infiltrating the mansion and slowly peeling guards from the target, then finally luring the target itself, knocking them out, then laying them on the side of the building where they'd never be found. Then I leave, pick up my sniper, and go to the sniper tower, and snipe the unconscious bodies.
>Story missions seem dumb and shallow
they are if you play with guidance on, try disabling hand-holding and discover things on your own
I got 3 on the sale, and it's been fun. I am a bit torn on what I think about the excessive amount of busywork for mastery though. First time I just do whatever I want, exploring and trying to get to grip with the place, and avoiding story missions. The 2nd run I just bring in the vomit-gun, fiberwire etc and just load and save. It backfired in Dartmoor though as I waited in her office for the chandelier kill, since it was fast. But then she died
You can tell by the way he types he has no interest in this. He's more interested in games not quite being what he wants them to be so he can complain about it.
I must be autistic too because silent assassin was my first hitman game as a teen and I probably beat 200 hours.
Busted nuts to almost every dead chick I could upskirt.
IOI really has perfected hitman gameplay with Hitman 2016, 2 and 3. At this point they could just shit out a reskin every 2 years and it would be far better than the common AAA trash you see nowadays.
basically the average hitman player and that's a good thing
don't give them ideas please
they're already shameless greedy with their current model of "make 5 levels and call it a new $70 game"
they're always cutting it really close with the community, often getting waves of negative reviews and angry fans
also the forced diversity is really immersion breaking
why go to the effort of designing China with all of its ambience if I'm always
going to hear the same American/English accent voice actors and coloured people
The new trilogy is the best stealth game available at present. Friendly reminder that if you haven't done every level suit only silent assassin default loadout default start location on master difficulty, you didn't beat the game.
My theory is that IOI are just genuine scum. The old theory was that the publishers forced them to consolize Absolution and online only Hitman tee em. But I think they are just shitty people who want to do that shit.
The disguise system was severely butchered, which is one of the most important and iconic mechanics of the Hitman series. Not to mention that they threw away the open sandbox approach to level design in favor of much smaller linear levels.
My cock keeps getting hard and throbbing its annoying
try getting a chud to fuck you in the ass
>singleplayer game franchise
>Hitman 2016 and its sequels
Forced online cancer is not singleplayer
Just get a free trial to gamepass, they have the trilogy available if you want to try it out.
Genuinely one of my favorite series.
Really looking forward to their 007 game.
online shit is irrelevant
torrent 3.
Have they cracked the escalations and item unlocks?
Not enough nuns
Hitman in name only. It's not awful in and of itself, it just doesn't feel like a hitman game.
I only got into the series about 2 years ago, but I played bloodmoney, and would rank it as one of my GOAT's, and except for the low NPC count and textures you wouldn't be able to tell the game was over a decade old.
I knew absolution was "controversial" and I told myself I'd just blow through it as fast as possible, and about the time the tutorial gives you the mark and execute powers I noped the fuck out of there and just went to hitman 2016, and I was glad for it.
One of the games that feminist whore lied about to start the entire woke movement.
Mumbai had some neat points, like the gang that was wholed up, the trainyard. But I got bored of that huge map fast
You really only need online to unlock mastery.
Agreed that it is stupid and unnecessary, but I've never had any problems with it on a functional level.
Once in a while it needs to reconnect mid game, but that's just hitting OK on a prompt and ignoring it.
There was so many times when I watched a cutscene I got the prompt that it was updating, resetting the whole cutscene and starting over again
I have lost progress once or twice.