Waeponfu thread, post them
I beat the game
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meteorite staff
and then dump her or lusat staff
Game became easy after Rykard
>looks amazing
>has a great moveset
>shits out huge amounts of damage
What else could you want?
Still don't know the best shield to pair it with to match the look, but this spear is just too good looking
I make the most of what the L2 gives me
this one feels slept on, ash absolutely fucking destroys, at least at the stage of the game i'm on
>want to do a golden order playthrough
>thinking I can just pump fth/str and use claymore like a chad
>find out I need to also level up my int
so what should I use now? op's weapon?
You can supplement the INT required for law of regression with all the int boosting gear in the game including crowns, talismans, great runes, and the physick that should net you like 15-20 extra INT
>getting beaten by margit
>decide to explore
>stumble upon caelid teleporter trap
>go through the lake
>find Meteorite Ore Blade
>use it as my weapon two-handed from that point onward till Radagon
>at that point i started powerstancing it with Moonveil
>will always respect it for helping me in early game
>didn't even have the proper int requirement for it till post godrick
it's really difficult to hit someone with the weapon art in PVP, but when it connects it's like every nerv in my body is being licked by a milf in a thick mommy hentai
i just wish it was a bit longer since just today i realised that it's quite a bit shorter than the other greatswords
i wish RoB wasn't this strong because i love the wavy blade, but don't want to play the game like a VN
simply the best. this sword gives me an erection everytime I see it. just look at how good it looks
>gaymore niggers in my weaponfu thread
Are there other greatswords with thrusting R2s?
I hit it once fully charged and it did 1k damage kek
no you poser
Moonlight Greatsword on a high poise build, honestly feels like the game was built around this weapon. Every single enemy that I hated fighting melee gets staggered/disintegrated by the weapon art
Hard to start another playthrough without it
I like big swords
Your weaponfu is hot
Golden greatshield. Stats are great and it has the Leyndell golden order dragon knight look to it
Where my dual whip boys at?
>fully charged
that's a one in a million my dude
what i do is when some scrub spams RoB i just weapon art straight into their face and it flinches them before the bleed procs and stops the combo while taking 2/3rds of their hp
thos i don't know exactly how much poise you need to endure the first two swipes but i have around 70 i believe, and you have to start the spin just as they are about to start the weapon art, but timing that is easy since everyone with a RoB basically just does only that so you can be certain that if they are in your face that they will do the ash
For me it's the Gargoyle's Halberd, infused with fun Ashes of War.
from obviously doesn't, so it gave it the most useless ashes and made the heavy and light attacks be horizontal swings
whenever i see someone in a duel with a colossal weapon i just look at him as a wasted loading screen
I wish it had the CGS moveset from prior games. Also I prefer the dismounter for aesthetics but this thing hits so damn hard
You can hit +36 int and +38 if you go all the way to the haligtree to upgrade your faith marika talisman
Good taste.
Reminder that this is a dex weapon, despite requiring faith and looking Unga Bunga
>Giant Hunt
>Spectral Lance
Loved this thing.
started using this as soon as i got it
The Classic. Carried me through my first playthrough. I was so thrilled when I popped that chest and she was there waiting for me.
>take weaponfu from DS3
>Make it a gay luck weapon
I was so pissed
Rode that thing hard until about Altus. Using that thing on horseback to fight dragons has got to be one of my best vidya experiences in about 10 years
>I prefer the dismounter for aesthetics
Mah nigga.
I've literally been farming for hours to get the beastman's cleaver and I still can't get it to drop. I hate that gay ass drop rates in this game.
Baste, #1 weaponfu since DaS1. I used it for a while after I got it, got pissed at the difficulty spikes and lived with cheese weapons for a while, but I'm back to it now. Try it with fire affinity and the fire strike weapon art if you're a strength build.
It kind of sucks to be honest. Or to be more precise, it's really mediocre. It doesn't have any hyper armor like DS3,the heavy attack is the shitty generic greatsword slash, it's kind of slow, and the scalings are meh. But its long and looks really cool so I used it for the entire game.
I'll post my weaponfu again
I switched to Serpent Hunter when I got it. Str Spear Poke 2 gud.
Its moveset should be the standard for all GS.
I love how it looks, but it's just not that good
>Scales with Int and Faith
What kind of build do you need to run to use that thing properly?
>he doesn't unga bunga max
24 int, 50 fth.
best staff-fu
the patrician's choice
>early game unlock
>highest poise damage of any weapon in the game
>big bonker
Gonna use this in my Thor-themed lightning Faith build, can't wait.
It's this game's Mirrah/Hollowslayer, an overall mediocre sword saved by a god-tier moveset.
>Ranged R2 that hits twice if fully charged, and can be followed up with another R2
>Powerful and moderately quick L2 that does massive damage to small and big foes alike
>Cool swoosh noise
Powerstancing this with a magical Bandit's Curved Sword makes you carve trough most enemies like a living buzz saw. Works great with a shield too because of the ranged R2.
Dual wielding these baby's on my strength playthrough, good damage, nice scaling, but most important, they got phat range
anons, what are some good pure STR weapons for super early game? So far I know about guttsu swordo near the caelid border, and the brick hammer in stormveil. Anything else I should pick up early on?
This, drops from the golems wielding it, you can get them early as storm veil
Whipchads where you at
interesting, never knew they could actually drop those
were it not that the fuller is hollow thus turning it into a cheesegrater it would have been 10/10 design for that sword.
Lowish drop rate, but it only drops from the ones actually using it, bow golems drop the bow
Hi res
It's a slow piece of shit, but it's my favourite slow piece of shit.
That's a sexy sword.
>really like how a weapon looks
>has a moveset I hate
>max scaling is c
Truly the highest suffering
Got impressed by this and tried to switch to it from Blasphemous Blade, but it just seemed worse in every single way, sadly.
Maliketh pulls it off extremely well, though.
>slow piece of shit
>has dmg% WA that's actually pretty fast, does a shitton of poise dmg and sends smaller shit flying away
Idk man, kinda good for str/fth runs
Ripped item icon dump:
After playing every souls game with ZH or equivalent, I’m trying to force myself to diversify. This Rusty Shit and Godrick Axe have the nicest flowing movesets so far for me. Also G.Peepeé
Well it can't be helped, BB is simply put one of the best weapons in the entire game. It can be gotten really early in the game, scales the same with str/dex and works best in fth builds. Heals on kill, heals on WA hit. WA is spammable, has massive range and aoe, does massive stagger damage, etc
Literally no drawbacks to it.
>laser beam radagon
>he daigo parries the whole thing
holy kino
The WA can be pretty risky to use against some bosses, though I absolutely and thoroughly enjoyed using it against Malenia. When you but out this thing right after a critical hit, she'll get hit by those initial swings and usually resort to one of those "flanking" dashes and as she's about to counterattack, she gets hit by the main attack which chain-staggers her and then sends her flying across the room as it ends. Get absolutely fucked, bitch.
It's also my favourite for helping hosts get through Elden beast because it's super easy to pull off the whole thing against it.
Any other, preferably normal greatspears with Kyke Pyke movset? Lance is an abortion.
I like how it swings a bit faster than other colosal greatswords
wish the tip was a bit flatter so it would still look sharp
Really wish this had a decent poke or rolling attack