What graphics card do you own
What graphics card do you own
1060 6GB
I've been waiting for it to die before replacing it, but it just keeps going.
Radeon HD 5750 series
the one with the 3 big fans on it
RTX 3070
EVGA 3080ti FTW
RX 580GB 8GB.
>RTX 3070
lmao. everyone giving free info for op's datamine operation
R9 290X
and I still just play TF2
got it mostly to improve video rendering speeds so it doesn't take 15-20 minutes to render a video anymore
oh sweet! a datamining thread
god i want to punch this girl
I'll fuck you up
Diamond Monster 3D (3Dfx Voodoo 1 chip pair, 2MB Texture memory, 2MB frame buffer memory)
Why? She's cute and having fun
Took longer than I expected for a jealous white woman to show up
Cute asian girls are the cutest. Miyeon best girl!
based oldfag
GTX 970M
oh no what will i do. I also have 64 mb of ram because Im an idiot and accidently bought the wrong kit and the restock fee was half the cost of the ram so i kept it heres more datamine for you
RX 580
getting a new PC soon so a RTX 3060 in july
Sick and tired of your shit
3060 Ti
>1050 ti
gtx 970
The fuck did I do?
1050Ti, never failed me, still runs the newst titles. Played elden shart with just a handful of areas with inconsistent framerate.
GeForce RTX 2060 SUPERâ„¢
ATI 4890
What the PS3 has
You post the same plastic kpoop girl in every asian girl thread
>the colonel is the escape key
>ATI 4890
When have you last used it?
I am still using a card from the next generation after it.
Intel HD Graphics 3000
750ti 2GB
2070 Super 8GB
3090 24GB
3060 Ti
Well she is very cute and best girl.
3080 but im still building it, wich mother board should I use?
I don't really use it but I kept my old PC for sentimental value.
Still works and it's like a time capsule.
What cpu are you using?
RTX 3060 12GB
if youre considering anything other than a z690 youre in for an upgrade in 2 years anyway
Paranoid poldrones
You just won't stop with your bullshit.
Can't even leave GPU threads alone.
Post someone who doesn't use a million filters and whitening cream
5 years later and only now I started noticing some artifacting but it's very rare
I wonder if 3080 with 12gb is worth it. Seems more future-proof than 10gb, but everyone shits on it and say it's bad value.
Damn, I'm gangster.
You forgot about the plastic.
I'd rather just get a 3080ti at that point.
I have a 3080 but im still building it, what MB do you recommend? also, I have an i7 12700 on its way
Valve screwed the Artifact fanbase
The plastic instathots are even worse
gtx 970
You are supposed to call korean girls plastic, didn't you get the memo?
I once got a 3 day ban for posting that same exact pic making that same exact thread. Watch your back, OP. To answer your question GTX 1070.
the regular 3080 10GB will never come back will it?
so im wasting my time waiting. should I geta 3070ti or wait for 4070 numbers
>40 series
if the 3090ti is the way they are doing 40 series expect expect a fuck ton of power consumption