Should gate keeping be allowed in video games?
Should gate keeping be allowed in video games?
Yes it would have stopped diablo 3 from happening
i'm so fucking beyond sick of this shit dude
most people who refer to nostalgia as a negative are game developers and marketing shills btw
Proper gatekeeping would have prevented this thread from being made...................................
Video games being in this sorry state was because we didn't gate keep hard enough. Just fucking look at Yea Forums nowadays.
In most cases, yes.
There's a certain group that shouldn't be allowed near anything.
Yes. Not every single thing is for every single person. I don't wear tampons, because they're not for me.
go back nigger
Elden ring has gone public because it's the only good game released recently
Gatekeeping is good. If we've learned anything in these dark times its that all hobbies, franchises, literally anything really, should be closely gatekept.
It should be required and enforced.
>play TR2
>reach Tibet
>every door i open spawn 3 gunners behind Lara
Wrong. Nostalgiafags can be legitimately delusional.
Those who complain about gatekeeping are those which the gate is suppose to keep out.
I actually like that Elden Ring made souls mainstreamier. Its fun to discuss Elden Ring with my coworkers.
if we gate kept the internet i wouldnt have to see these dumbass posts
Tomb Raider is for everyone. The reboot trilogy, however, are not Tomb Raider games.
gatekeeping is allowed whether the gatekept like it or not. nobody gets gatekept in person because just showing up means you probably belong, and if you can't handle someone being mean to you on the online then you definitely don't care enough about the community to participate in it.
Nothing to gatekeep, we can try again if the pozz ever gets purged.
Never forget how they ruined Dungeons and Dragons and made it into a sexual fantasy simulator for LGBT faggots. Can't even find a game on LFG online communities without having 1 fag ruin the entire thing.
It should be required. In any other hobby people that have been into it for a long time expect newcomers to put some effort in, but in vidya if you take issue with things just being dumbed down for people with surface level interest in them it's suddenly "gatekeeping". It's idiotic, reddit is idiotic and OP is idiotic for spending time there.
I only play on discord or in person with friends on my own home made campaign, I dont really need to keep any gates
stop gatekeeping gatekeepers from gatekeeping communities
I almost agree but I find it's more of a "imposing my 2022 values on 14th century Europe and calling all Fighters and Clerics toxic males" simulator.
I would kill to find a game without a large lgbt community. I just want to play. I don't need some faggot telling me he wants to get raped by big orc cock while guzzling halfing semen from his bukkake party. Its fucking stupid. Its a game, not a sex simulator. Now they've ruined Table Top Simulator. Can't have anything nice. Everything needs to be sexual to these fags.
Yes, keep out the delusionak nostalgiafaggots that can only whine, piss and shit
>most player don't use feat
What are they doing then?
Gatekeeping isn't real.
Can anyone explain my who is physically stopping these people form playing Tombraider games? Except their own damaged brains?
they use their hands
People being rude on the internet
>dedicated people builds a niche/community
>it is now our niche/community!! yay!!! so inclusive!
>actually now that it's our niche/community we should change everything
>don't like this niche/community, make your own chud! fucking reactionary
Kick them out when they are manageable, just saying.
you're autistic
The issue is: Social fucking media.
The minute you kick people out of your hobby, they attack you with a army of other fags that want you removed from the hobby you love. Same way they want people like JK Rowling removed from her books, or how they want bald fat podcast dude (forget his name), removed from his show. These people don't realize they're the reason why hobbies like gaming and other forms of escapism are ruined: they want you to be uncomfortable. They want you to accept them when they wont accept you. They want you to engage in their disgusting reality because yours is not inclusive to theirs. I want social media to die.
Every time someone mentions gatekeeping I think to how there was a thread on Yea Forums where people gatekept a pause button.
It's strange hearing the morning radio talk show guys talking about how much time they've invested into it. Not unwelcome, but still eerie.
Pretty much. They want you to feel stupid for liking old thing instead of buying new thing.
People want jkr to shut the fuck up because she's a huge dumbass on top of being an everything-phobe. You retards think she's "le heckin epic BASED girlboss!" now when just a few years back you were endlessly making fun of her for tweeting stuff like "canonically wizards used to shit themselves and then teleport the shit away" but now her arrowbrain coincides with your arrowbrain so you like her. Fuck off, dumbass.
*e-pozzes your e-neghole*
You seem lost, please return to
Theyre right though
Yes, everyone should impale NuLara's head on a spike
Tomb Raider has always sucked, the only reason people liked it was because of Lara's low-poly tits. Fuckin' janky-ass tank controls on a platformer...
But anyways, yeah, gatekeeping is fine.
? I never said she was perfect, but wanting to remove her from her work because she doesn't like faggots that ruin female safespaces isn't wrong. Everyone has good and bad points. A few years ago, I like Call of Duty. Now I think its the stupidest game in the whole fucking world. Shit changes my dude. Doesn't mean I should not work as an engineer. Doesn't mean I should get my name pulled off my github. I don't like what either political following does. If JKR said the world was flat and all black people should get reparations to afford abortions, I wouldn't hate Harry Potter. Its her opinion, not anyone elses. No one cancelled Biden for his use of the N-Word or his child sniffing. Social political fags ruin everything they touch.
There is literally no way to gatekeep anything so long as the internet exists.
set 4 is mon hun 3 ult/4ult.
set 5 is mon hun gens.
set 6 is world.
You can not argue against this.
this is what happens when you make gameplay for "everyone"
what they really mean is it's for retards but you cant complain about it
What prevents the OG 2 members from just continuing to play the game between each other? They created the game.
Its every hobby and gaming circle. Warhammer, Crusader Kings, Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Cyberpunk TableTop, you can apply it to anything. Even Yea Forums.
>you didn't beat the campaign if you used feats!
>Should gate keeping be allowed
If you care about what you're defending, yeah. If you don't, then yes, everything should be for everyone and then it will be for no one, because we're all different and care about different things.
I can't be more autistic than these people pretending mean words on the internet are stopping them from enjoying a hobby.
It's almost like they never actually wanted to participate in the hobby and just seek some kind of membership in some kind of group.
If that's the case, people can rightfully tell them to fuck off, because who wants a retard that just want to talk about what he thinks on a topic that he only has opinions about.
Especially for fucking video games, where the barrier of entry is extremely fucking low.
It's impossible to gatekeep in the age of the internet.
You can only ignore.
gatekeeping should be a requirement. nobody should be allowed in any hobby without doing their part to help gatekeep it.
Unironically that's what Ryozo has kept doing. He keeps making monster hunter and it keeps getting more popular. Every single game has improved mobility and made things more spectacular. Nothing has changed in the design philosophy monster hunter, World just looked really appealing for finally crossing that threshold that normalfags thought they would like it. World has unquestionably the absolute best fights in the entire series in Alatreon and Fatalis.
And? It was their own choice to let the first members in, they can always just leave and keep doing the hobby between each other, now that they know a bigger group won't make it better. You make it sound like there is literally nothing you can do against social media, when it's pretty fucking easy to separate yourself from it.
Yeah, but now Monster Hunter had become popular, which means Yea Forums can't like it anymore.
>muh jkr is a [insert antiwhite slur
Kill yourself tranny.
People want her dead because she is a terf.
She hates trannies and finds them an abomination.
>yuh bu
I don't fucking care about jkr. AT. ALL. But you don't get to wiggle out of facts.
Your kin despises her because while she is antiwhite enough to state hermione is actually black, so suck it. She is't antiwhite enough to say trannies are real women.
Rot in hell.
All of you cunts are worthless fucking trash and deserve to be flayed then salted together.
>dumbass is antiwhite slur
That's a new one.
t. some faggot who only LIKES it because it's new
Kill yourself nigtron.
Absolutely full of shit.
Yes I'm aware. Deeply aware.
I'm just saying what bits specifically apply to mon hun.
Fucking this, and copypaste it whenever some normalfag says someone only dislikes it because it's popular.
>being so retarded you take it as dumbass
>not homophobe/islamaphobe/etc etc
Antiwhites are the dumbest, most dishonest cunts on the planet.
How on earth would homophobe be an antiwhite slur?
That's a whole different issue. Its good to be nice to people. I'm not against anyone as an individual and really do enjoy when they show interest in the things that I enjoy, and love to share my hobbies with them. But its when these people make a good hobby about themselves that they ruin any fun associated with it, and finding a "non-narcissist" is rare in the "information-age". Hobbies need real people, to make them grow, but often what we have on social media, are people that get into things so they can "larp as a nerd", which is really fucking common these days for some reason because "being a normie is so uncool" or what ever. Luckily my local Table Top Emporium is very much based so normies can't get into it. Its weird when a store in an outlet has to gatekeep, but online, its fucking terrible.
gate keeping should be encouraged and taught in school.
it keeps the unwanted human garbage at bay.
Yes only the strong should thrive
Probably but it's too late for the shit I play like Monster Hunter and Harvest Moon/SoS which have all gone to shit to appeal to everyone
Yes. Gatekeeping is good.
>franchise went from cool puzzle platformers to generic cinematic 3rd person shooter in order to appeal to more people at the expense of the original fanbase
This is exactly why gatekeeping is important
Absolutely. The people who complain about gatekeeping are the ones meant to be gatekept.
>This is exactly why gatekeeping is important
Unless you own the franchise, there's no realistic way to gatekeep anything. That fight was lost when gaming was pushed into the mainstream, no amount of gatekeeping would have prevented the game from being made.
You can't say these thing about nonwhites, they always get a pass
Gatekeeping should always be allowed and encouraged.