So no new structure decks?
Master Duel
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I fucking love Synchros.
explain this
Imagine the smell
>synchro event is either sit through dragon solitaire or get fucked in the ass by true draco
I hate it here
>go first
>turn one Barkion
>it was lure, I actually run 3 royal decree
Konami should actually start banning entire archetypes from the event. Anything unrelated to the theme needs to be gone.
is that way, faggots
witch crafters is very funny this event since Aruru completely cucks the opponent after he spent all his resources
I hate this event and anyone who plays it, the deck
take it up with the fire emblem and genshin threads turbo faggot
How bad is the event in Platinum?
Is he sneezing or inhaling?
>normal summion ash blossom
>synchro with hayne
>pump barrone in field
yup. im playing the event i swear
Pot of greed is American.
He's oyveying
inhaling, the card is "Counter Cleaner"
This has got to be the worst event yet.
what's on the synchro ticket booster?
This was a close one.
whatever useless synchro cards are in the legacy tickets
Are you building anything with the event gems, or are you saving?
This event is so fucking stupid lol. Synchro decks are all so fragile that you basically just win automatically if you go first. Aside from the guys playing True Draco or whatever, there's no challenge at all.
Rolling for Magical Muskets and finishing my Plunder Patroll deck.
I'm having people just quit when going second and I activate this
>ultra rare
maju bros its not fucking fair
Nibiru in hand is also a free win
u dont rly need him for maju anyway
The moment I play through these my opponents RQ
How do you win with this deck?
By bullying your rival into surrendering?
i haven't run into a draco yet
There aren't even any missions for winning this time, just play decks that let you summon/special summon and then pass turn
I'm having fun, but I'm also planning VW
Best deck/way to do this mission?
Or just pray to have raigeki/lighnting in hand
I got one from a random pack a while ago
Don't play anything that can accommodate them but fuck this event
Is by battle
true draco or stun sadly
its brainless and gets u fast wins
I love using toons I love using toons I love using toons I love using toons I love using toons I love using toons I love using toons I love using toons I love using toons I love using toons ITS SO MUCH FUN TO USE TOONS!
a predator cornering her prey.
you need to destroy them by battle. Just load up on 4 star beaters and hope for the best.
>Fought one toon boy
>Beat the shit out of him.
Sorry toon bro. I need these gems.
okay pegasus relax man.
So, any unga bunga deck that might work?
fuck man, im having trouble too. everyone scoops as soon as i battle.
Everyone surrender before the battle phase
I might actually pull out a Dark Scorpion Beatdown deck for this. They're pretty good at destroying things by battle and I doubt anyone will surrender against fucking Dark Scorpions.
I'm rolling for Ice Barriers to give them the respect they deserve
These scum don't deserve the gemmies from events like these.
I breezed through the event, got it done in several hours going 22-3 with Adamancipator. Gonna stop for now until they add more missions so I can get them done as well as the normal summon one, the destroy monsters one can suck on my rock hard dick.
Rolled trickstar 10 packs twice got 11 ur with all the UR i need for a future deck, plat1 btw
I had fun playing VW, True Draco fears the Shenshen
>not tricking your opponent that they have a chance to win so they don't instantly scoop after your turn
Building cubic and might aswell predaplant since they share pack
Cubic is my priority right now, hope i get predaplant done by the time we get a fusion festival
I think im going to roll whatever pack i already have to dust the S/URs for a witchcrafter deck im making
>He's not running Meklords
Drown in zetsubo, synchro scum
I'm a gacha addict, I roll as soon as I hit that 1000 number.
Post a list and I will.
No secret packs? :(
congrats.. it took me7 packs because i had nothing. and didnt want to scrap anything..
I would if I had gems to spare
I need a bunch of their UR for a degenerate burn deck when they add that new Machina boss
True Draco players are the biggest fags in ANY event, why is this?
different archetype user
True draco players are fags period.
They dont event have cool looking cards, just that ugly dude in armar making a dumb pose and thinking is top shit hidden behind 130 flodgates
>True Draco
>Stuns decks
Man this even sucks
is there more?
It's the go-to deck for people like Eldlichfags if their main deck is unplayable thanks to the banlist.
Just take VW pill user
Because they just want easy gems. They don't care about having fun
If I wanted to become an even more metafag, I would have crafted Adamancipators
True. I hate having fun but I love getting gems