subtle vidya apparel thread
Subtle vidya apparel thread
hella based
I'm, like, 80% sure it says, "nigga," under that little color smudge...
He's a ninja
Don't be raysis it could say Niagra
How could you tell? Also if anyone is wonder for me, it's Leon's RE4 jacket everyday
no it cant be, he'd get banned if he uttered that word, gosh
based as fuck. hope he noshed on some prime lobster that day, tranny taking the picture probably couldnt keep HIS eyes off, face mangled with tranny anger
I always get chuckles and knowing nods/grinds as I rock this on campus.
Having zero self awareness seems cozy. I'm a bit jeal
so subtle you'll never guess where its from
Remove the fucking retarded N7 emblem and this would be a pretty cool jacket to go with a crotch rocket.
Autism is a dangerous drug.
I have her cloak irl
are you saying you dont include your mom in your fetish gallery? wtf is wrong with you? hasnt your mom ever loved you?
>hasnt your mom ever loved you?
Why are video game jackets so much cash? Still ordering however
You are literally obsessed with trannies. Seek help.
Check my drip out
Unless you are being ironic you answered your own question.
$185 indicates an abysmal quality leather jacket outside of impoverished countries like Vietnam.
A good one runs $500+
>thumbnail made me think it was an UUOOOOH cosplay
You should never spend over $60-80 on a pice of clothing
Perhaps if you're poor.
>why yes, im a virgin, how could you tell?
Money wasted on trash is money that could have went towards buying land. You're not wealthy, you're a fucking idiot. Don't LARP, everyone can see through it.
You don't own any land; stop pretending. If people want to spend half a grand on a jacket, that's their prerogative. This idea that everyone should live how you wish you lived is insane.
What's the point of accumulating wealth if you don't indulge in luxuries?
This nigga never bought a nice pair of shoes that lasted more than a few years
Post your farmstead with timestamp right fucking now.
A good woolen coat that actually keeps you warm in subzero temperatures can not be had for $60.
>rags on your skin
Come back when you're wealthy enough to snort coke off a 13 year old girl's chest before breaking her hymen on your private island like the rest of the financial elite.
>wasting money on clothing
yea, I wouldn't take financial advice from any of these people
Stop&Shop was one of my first jobs and this is pretty par for the course on what kinds of people shop there.
I remember one of the regulars was some drunk who always came in with a coonskin cap, animal fur boots, and miscellaneous raggy jackets from there, an elk horn, and a banjo
Several times he would play the banjo and drunkenly ramble out some nonsense at the front of the store but the managers were too much of pussies to do anything.
There was also another guy whose mind was destroyed on benadryl who'd always come in rambling to himself with his ass half out
Worst grocery store ever do not go there
>some drunk who always came in with a coonskin cap, animal fur boots, and miscellaneous raggy jackets from there, an elk horn, and a banjo
>Several times he would play the banjo
Wait, this guy sounds based
>buying land
*renting land from the government
based hyperfaggot
>not pirating clothing
Holy shit I cannot stop laughing at "me eating kai" holy fuck.
How delusional a nigga has to be to wear vidya clothes in public as a grown ass man?
There's a chance you are 60 years old
only poor people buy expensive clothes. do you see what zuck wears? walmart clothes. you dumbass spics
Cloaks are just fucking, the coolest things.
Less than half of that. What a weird guesstimate to make.
Dude just let the nigger buy his nikes he's made it, don't mess with his delusion
>his shitbox
>furry smut
>photos of his dead mom
>furry vore
they truly are incapable of understanding decency
They hated him because he spoke the truth
Walmart clothes won't stop you from freezing to death. You need to go to like, Burlignton Coat Factory at least.
If only I had the balls to walk around strapped with mega buster. I'd clean the world of gays and trannies with it.
I wear this in summer sometimes.
but I don't want to do that. I'd rather have a nice jacket, frankly.
>censoring nigga
in 10 years the letter N will be banned
not everyone lives in a frozen wasteland ivan lmao
besides, walmart sells jackets and sweaters. parents never taught you how to wear layers??
How the fuck is this "subtle"? Do you understand the meaning of the words you use?
He is playing dead rising
the amount of obese black women ive seen walking around a grocery store in flip flops, pajama pants, and one of those shower caps is staggering
thats nothing
zoomies are a lost cause.
where did you get this picture of me
Is it too subtle?
There is a zero percent chance you're right-leaning.
>being subtle
beta cuck shit
how to wear cloak in public and not look like fag?
>implying it's actually leather
>but I don't want to do that
And that is why you'll always be a poorfag trying to flex on other poorfags by buying overpriced clothes like some sort of hood rat.
I had a monster hunter shirt for years without knowing what the hell kind of bird feet were scribbled on the front until I played MHW, so I guess it was actually subtle
Be hot. Like get fucking shredded and no one will care how you dress
be in the Italian Gendarmerie
Anyone wearing this has eaten a hell of a lot more than 9.5 pizzas in their lifetime.
wow, neo-nazis looking cheap these days
snorting coke, wearing a jacket, what's the difference?
this. but if you're on the spectrum being shredded won't fix anything
this is just an image of a normal man. Check what you post next time, user.
Anos please, am still feel like fag
That's per day, dumbass.
you cant. you'll look more like a retard than a fag. give it up
Why the first thing that came to mind was transsexuals?
to out "people" like you. its just too easy
The way he moves so much like an actual ape unnerves me.
>walmart sells jackets and sweaters
Made out of polyester. Inferior material.
>not everyone lives in a frozen wasteland
But some people do, and user said you should never spend money on good clothes.
I'm not disappointed anymore, just jealous. I will never be this happy about anything in my life again.
>R.I.P mom
>Hyper cock!
you buy fleece shirt and pants from walmart
couple sweaters on top
i forget like 98% of you guys dont work outdoors
You don't. You just be happy that it happened.
He's saying 'Nilla, like vanilla.
>laughing at all the degeneracy
>see "RIP mom"
now I'm genuinely sad
Honestly I feel the same. Good for him if he's able to achieve such a level of joy from something so fucking basic.
I achieved a dream of mine not too long back, and while it feels nice, I wasn't nearly as excited as this guy
people like this exist?
I think it says Nina? As in he knows her and is proud of her clothing choices today :)
>has the balls to wear what he wants
>some beta cuck hides and snaps a photo to "make fun of him "
whos thereal loser here(not only that)but the guy taking the pic knows everything the guys wesring so hes also a nerd just that hes afraid of showing off what he likes