/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Request Anchor
New art anchor
Sunken anchor
Where's the retard jar when you need it?
Weekly reminder that Xbone is fat
tfw no E3
Friendly reminder to not actually buy a Tiger-tan system. They were shit and I'm glad they're mostly gone
I remember having one back in the day at Kmart but I can't remember what game. I also got a Game.com because it had Duke Nukem.
Does noh do commissions?
this is not 2008 anymore why do you keep postin this brony tier cringe
>niche fetish artist
He'd be a fool if he didn't.
Glad you could join us.
nothing is as low as brony-tier
/vt/ exists.
i stand corrected
That's a big 2DS.
Unfortunately yes, Ms. XDS, no Game Pass
God damn, why is this goo bitch so hot?
Queen Pussy
I require more clown vita.
Good goo!
Time to stuff them back in
i require more thicc console shortstacks
Man, I miss Soulja-tan.
Sorry, guys, I lost it
I'm sure Switch-tan doesn't
I've been waiting for this.
*Heavy™ from Team Fortress 2® voice* NO
/r/ NES-tan dressing up as Lady Liberty
Post the cutest Bone you've got.
Well go find it
My cute wife!
doodling something for easter
Looking tasty
Do they have to eat all of the eggs?
Thank you.
oh no
oh no?
y'know, there ought to be an ouya version of this meme if there isn't already
No, they have to be the eggs
That's happened already.
that vita clussy hits hard
can't. too lewd.
Requesting some console tan bunny girls except they’re completely nude outside of the bunny ears and completely covered in chocolate sauce like it’s bodypaint, need me some chocolate bunnies
Meant for the anchor
They can be peeps then, and get shoved into a microwave
Autism general.