why are white men like this?
Why are white men like this?
>order her to do something
>it doesn't work
>try to inspire jealousy
>it doesn't work
wow its like hes just going down a checklist
I don’t understand.
everyone who is scared of talking to women, know that 90% of the dudes that do talk to them act like this. the bar is so low. if you can avoid texting them in the middle of the night with, "ayy gurl want some fuck? i broke into your car last night."
sounds like an awful videogame
Would have been cringe if she hadn't posted this online. But the fact that she did to "embarrass" they guy she was talking to means he got to her, so based.
The "white" factor wouldn't come into play if this was a white man. Why bring race into an already white relationship? Therefore the dude isn't white.
>it's okay when women are ultra selective
>when men do it it's bad
Fuck off
user, it means the woman isn’t white
The last couple times I downloaded an app I just got so insufferably bored trying to talk to them. I would literally rather play vidya, jerk off and have a nice meal even if it means being alone.
hahahaha based
>The "white" factor wouldn't come into play if this was a white man.
and yet he is clearly talking about himself in the text. referring to yourself as a white boy is a classic move when talking to black chicks.
Ew, negress
I just got my 26 year old wife pregnant. If I had to go through the usual 2-3 years of minimum dating before getting married this 27 year old would be a 30 year old when giving birth to my child. I don’t want retard babies, sorry hag.
I can't relate to people who want to date that much younger. They're generations behind in experience and maturity.
I kneel
give it to me straight /ad/v/
>text hot indian girl and ask her if she wants to get something to eat with me sometime
>she invites me to eat with her and her friend next week (another indian guy (gay but cool) in our program)
is that just her """subtle""" way of saying she's not interested in me romantically at all but doesn't want to be rude
I mean I'll go anyway
but I assumed it was pretty clear how I meant it
They just want to fuck, not have a relationship
You get to mold and shape them, perhaps groom them a bit. Also that fresh young cunny.
Dude is clearly a white urbanite who likes that the black chick screamed “white boys is dah best dick” when they fucked once. He is now fetishizes himself in the same way black men who date white women can’t shut up about muh dick. Dude is acting like a nigger and it’s pathetic.
>legal virgin
I've been single for 11 years
do i have a stroke?
user that's bad people stuff
If you're entertaining enough in this group date you could try to invite just the two of you again and see what happens
She's testing the waters
Hey if women can be picky so can men that's how it works sweety
Pray to Ganesh to be reborn as an American instead of being born as a stinky Indian.
Gay guy might be there as her wingman, don't count yourself out just yet.
It might just be feeling the waters with someone she considers "safe", aka her gay friend. A lot of women are anxious about meeting new people and try to bring another female friend, or gay guy in this case, as a safety blanket.
Why are block women like this?
Do I look like a good guy?
It's her way of not getting murdered or raped in her female dog brain she thinks she needs another dude around because she probably doesn't go on dates much and she consumes alot of propaganda and true crime stories about murder and rape.
>do as i say
>i'm sexy
>btw i'm fucking someone else
he's a class act
This is 100% fake
I am an American
you fucking fool
It's only okay when they do it chudlord
Just fuck her and leave her.
Why is okay for mass media to shape someone but bad for their life partner to?
kill yourself faggot
Men gain dating value into their 30s(making more money than before, has had enough sex that their skills in bed are good and they aren’t just fumbling around trying to figure it out, most friends are married so more free time, not getting drunk all the time like a retard, actually looking for a relationship and not just to bang). Problem is that women lose value as they get into their 30s(looks are fading, if they make a lot of money they almost never want to date someone that makes less or the guy doesn’t want to date a girl that makes more than then, fertility is dropping fast, desperate to get married right away because the clock is ticking, has taken so many dicks she doesn’t “want to talk about the past but it was a great learning experience and she wouldn’t trade it for anything, doesn’t want to “mess around and have a good time” is “looking for something series and is tired of all the games” meaning dating isn’t fun or relaxed it’s just a chore to get closer to marriage).
There is a reason a bunch of 30 year old men are starting to date early 20 somethings.
i never said it was ok for the media to do. why would you assume i'd think that?
wat. who's the man?
We're entering a golden age of /ss/ soon. Or roastie suicide. Both are great.
This is some real shit, a good portion of men with a high body count are incredibly pathetic and manipulate equally pathetic women for sex and every time I've seen any of their messages to these women they're like OPs image
Holy shit, when you put a sentence in parentheses, you make it a short clause, not a fucking massive run on sentence. Esl spic
Because that is the current alternative.
why does Yea Forums have by far the most off-topic threads?
More men need to do this. Women take male attention for granted.
When online dating became the normal way of meeting people I didn't like it, because I'm terrible at text conversations. Then a friend told me women don't like it either, the texts are literally just to check if you're a serial killer.
Who the fuck wants to talk about video games?
Next time you plan on a date, just ask her if it's ok if it's just the both of you and if she keeps insisting on having other people tag along, then she might not be into you.
It's very simple and if she gives you the feeling that she's wasting your time, theb move on. It's incredible how hard people on this board overthink everything.
It's fascinating how women are always "um sweaty it's like no big deal when 10000000 women reject you males, just man up lol!" but god forbid they get rejected by a single guy then all hell breaks loose.
Modern games are boring now
I don't speak... whatever that is. What does it say?
What the fuck is this ooga booga language
This guy is right I should have put in green text. I fucked up and didn’t want to make reformat the post because I’m a fucking lazy.
It’s my first day
probably javanese or malay
it says indonesia at the top
I'm 30. Where do I find early 20s women? I had only one gf in my life but now I just play vidya and do sports. would be nice to put the dick in a vagina too.
>It’s my first day
Never post on your first day
>text back and forth with my partner
>they stop responding
>instantly think I said something wrong when they probably just got occupied with something
the ability to recognize the contradiction yet being utterly helpless in managing my emotions has to be autism
definitely is
pretend to be mormon and go to their churches, for some reason there's a lot of tradwife christmas cake material
gay or tranny?
reminder that using they to refer to a single person is fucking retarded and makes one sound like a moron
Hate the game not the player, faggo
Lmao roastie getting toasty
That was a joke. I’ve been her for 14 years. I was just retarded.