Capcom will never make a Nintendo MH game ever again
Capcom will never make a Nintendo MH game ever again
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They're cheap enough to make and sell well enough on toddler tablet that they'll keep putting them out.
It still sold millions and it was probably cheaper to make than World.
I think they're satisfied and would probably make it for nintendo consoles again considering the huge numbers of consoles sold.
Thought of buying one for me and my sister, but apparently multiplayer isn't that good? She doesn't like playing by herself so she would only play with me, but I heard you can't advance the story through multiplayer?
Why not? 7 million sales and counting on a single platform is pretty good
Nintendo game
Yeah lets just make less money because on Steamspy more people are playing World
Nice business strategy.
>7 million sales and counting on a single platform is pretty good
World made that in 3 days
You're force to watch some shitty cutscene before playing multiplayer
Money talks, and World spoke louder
>but I heard you can't advance the story through multiplayer?
That's for World specifically. You'll be fine in Rise and older titles
I just want world 2 to have wirebugs and no other shitty gimmicks. Wirebugs are actually fantastic, and anyone who cries about them is a contrarian faggot.
That said, all of the content and setup shit in world was better than Rise, and it was more fun to grind in.
The clutch claw was gay, though.
Everyone bought world because it looked pretty, was on multiple systems at launch, and was advertised everywhere. Rise doesn’t have any of that and I highly doubt the next MH will do World numbers
No, it didn't. World came out in multiple systems from day one. Why are you lying?
>World made that in 3 days
On which platform?
Did it now? then how come leaks show it took 3 years to reach 8M sales on just ps4?
Oh, then we can play Rise
>World will become the new standard for MH while Rise is left off as spin-off trash like GU
all's well in god's green earth
It's a good time to pick Rise up as Sunbreak is coming in two months. G-Rank is the real meat of the games.
how are people still mad to this day that the definitive experience of Rise came out on switch, and months ahead of pc?
>25 FPS lightshow mess
what the fuck lmao
No way they bring back wirebugs. I agree that flying around the world like spiderman was pretty cool but that seemed more like a gimmick and drastically reduced the difficulty of the hunts. Forcing you to go around collecting powerups on the map was fucking stupid though. First, you didn't really need them but there was always a quick route to buff up enough to make it even easier.
Clutch claw was a good addition imo but it only really mattered in MP unless your weapon type could wall bang them. There's a lot of down time in hunts for a lot of weapons so it just gave shitters somethign to do that was worthwhile instead of running away and picking berries.
>Forced to buy another computer to play a game at release
Why are you not upset?
It was the same shit with World, too. And MH4, and MH3U. I wouldn't have bought a console past the Wii if not for MH.
I'm really glad we're finally getting MH for PC as the rule, rather than the exception. The future is bright.
MH World is so fucking good bros.
I wouldn't mind another nintendo MH, just get ichinose to fuck the fuck off. Literally capcom's nomura.
That’s like saying Nintendo shouldn’t make fire emblem because Zelda sells better. Nintendo/PC and PS/Xbox/PC are for (mostly) different install bases, so they make games for both, simultaneously to some extent, to maximize the number of customers they can sell to. As long as Nintendo has a console that’s selling well, I think we’ll continue to see a pattern of PS game then Nintendo game
I haven't read the entire thread but the premise is kind of silly to me, presumably Rise cost a lot less to develop than World, so I imagine they made plenty of money off it, especially because we know Nintendo paid part of the marketing bill and it was made by a different team somewhat in tandem with World's development.
Why exactly wouldn't they do another one? I say that as someone with 1200 hours in World and 1/10th that in Rise. From a business perspective I'd be very shocked if Rise wasn't a very profitable game.
i wish world had good gameplay, i prefer everything it does over rise but holy fuck it has unplayable maps and the clutch claw is pure cancer.
>PC release doesn't do as well as an older game that has been on sale multiple times that also had heavy advertisement means company won't make the game for a console anymore even though the console release was a strong success
Console war faggots truly are the biggest retards.
World was made for a more mature, adult audience unlike the Nintendo release which was explicitly designed for younger teens and kids. This is why World takes a lot of design cues from Sony's finest, it has a lot of similarties with the Last of Us, God of War, Uncharted etc. It's a more mature game about stalking your prey and what it means to be a hunter maintaining an ecosystem while Rise is a glorified boss rush arcade game. I much prefer the immersion and character building, relationships etc in World.
>drastically reduced the difficulty of the hunts
God anyone who parrots this is in for a rude fucking awakening in Sunbreak.
sunbreak isn't even out yet and no one has played it.
>Forcing you to go around collecting powerups on the map was fucking stupid though.
>and drastically reduced the difficulty of the hunts
>Clutch claw was a good addition imo
Yes user and Rise already has multiple wirebug checks that fuck you if you spam wirefall or don't maintain your bugs.
You really don't think Sunbreak isn't going to hard double down on that?
I’ve had to reinstall World to play with bros but it’s kinda a slog to return to. Everything is so fucking slow and there’s no mobility options and every monster runs away after 30 seconds and wastes time, every hunt takes like 20 minutes because of that shit.
Rise was super fuckin fun and I’m not sure why people didn’t like it, my dipshit friends skipped it because the graphics weren’t shiny enough
What does the PC version of Rise have to do with Nintendo?
Keep shill till sunbreak big brain
world (base) and rise aren't even that different in difficulty, except that village in rise is easier but who cares it's village. world peaks a little bit higher due to shit like extremoth/ancient leshen and maybe at nerg and lunastra but event valstrax, emergency apexes (especially zinogre) etc are all harder than the tempered monsters available in world.
i really feel people are thinking about iceborne difficulty when they describe world or world was their first MH game and they just fucking sucked ass, which is fine, and thought the base game was harder than rise because of that. world's high rank is really, really easy too. reminder that game had unnerfed flash pods.
I will never apologize, stop to reconsider and or ever feel bad about simply telling Nintendo consumers "World was just better" ever again.
Its just a fucking fact at this point.
Because he's retarded and larping
>pretty good
it's already their 7th best selling game of all time in less than a year, that's not "pretty good" it's an amazing result
it's snoyggers starting shit like usual, tradition at this point
Popularity is a poor metric to base your tastes on, otherwise you would think avengers endgame is the greatest film ever made
Muh graphics
Game is too easy (t. Dumb Fivers not understanding that the first monhun they play is always the hardest and likely never touched past Narwa)
What do steam negroes having shit taste has anything to do with that? the game flopped on steam. It sold bazillions on switch. Cope, trannygro
Rise is such a step down from World. That's not to say World was flawless because it wasn't, but it doesn't really fix anything and instead tries to fill the game with a million new gimmicks none of which I found enjoyable, while also somehow being even easier.
t. Fiver
Yeah I'm a fiver
five fingers in your mom's pussy
it's the second best selling vanilla MH. If anything their tactic is working like a charm. Release the big game for the strongest consoles and pc, then develop a lower scale game with less expensive production values while developing the next big MH.
Both sold extraordinarily well for Capcom's standards.
No one cares about Apex monsters since they are just ports of Deviants without their gears.
I think it's a step up in every way but visuals and music.
It's okay to be wrong
Maybe they’ll get a clue and not make and release braindead dumbed down cazzy bullshit
>silkbinds are broken flashy anime "press button to awesome" garbage, like hunter arts but worse
>switch skills for the most part just nerf base movesets and take away some attacks with an option to only get one back, just to encourage silkbind spam
>wirebug lets you instantly recover from any attack among other bullshit, and charges come back quickly it so quickly that it doesn't matter
>wyvern riding is clunky and overly strong, able to do tons of damage or get free bonks, and makes monsters shit out materials
>graphics are somehow even more washed out than World and every map looks identical outside of the fire one
>palamute is a cool concept but was made too strong by being a swiss army knife and a free get away to heal, sharpen, etc on demand
>permanent psychoserum
>every weapon gets a counter silkbind so Lance is pointless
>Gunlance is shit again
>the gap between Longsword and every other weapon is astronomical
>Hunting Horn butchered to appeal to shitters
>Greatsword no longer a risk-reward weapon thanks to silkbinds
>Rampages are terrible yet are heavily prevalent in endgame and are forced on you a couple of times
>Rampages are hot garbage
>Sunbreak adding shit like marionette spiders
b-but at least it doesn't have clutch claw and mantles, right?
Considering they'll never make another good monhun I guess it doesn't matter.
>the gap between Longsword and every other weapon is astronomical
posts like this just make me think you have less than 1000 hours in world and less than 200 in rise. possibly less than 10000 in MH in general. it just makes your post seem completely retarded and like a bot wrote it
I think if World has better maps and less intrusive invaders/less running around it would have been my favorite MH overall (so base game, NOT Iceborne which introduces the clutch claw which means it's impossible to be good).
It's just impossible to have a fun, uninterrupted hunt in world. The only saving grace is it's extraordinarily fast hunts which let you generally kill the monster before the turf wars and Ancient Forest/Elder's Recess/slippery slope sliding comes into play but it feels like a bandaid.
That's a lot of projection and non-arguments you got there.
Even most fans of Rise can admit the Longsword was made broken as fuck where other weapons were gimped, prolly to appeal to the same people the game's overall aesthetic was meant for. It's even the starting weapon now.
it's the fourth strongest weapon in rise, and not the easiest either. thinking LS is extremely broken is, unironically, a reddit complaint. (search for "longsword/ls" on the mh subreddit or whatever)
While half of what he said is bullshit, it is pretty fucked that longsword has more I frame's than any other weapon on top of doing big pp damage. You can ask anyone e that speed runs with CB hoe shitty it is and they'll tell you. Silkbind counter SAED spam but no i frames after the initial silk bind guard and the only weapons on par with LS are bow guns as far as damage and I frames go
>half of what he said is bullshit
loving every laugh
Turn your effects off retard
I have my qualms with Rise but claiming the balance is worse than base World is just straight up false.
you can't turn off most of that. Every single attack having over-exaggerated anime effects is one of the biggest issues with Rise, copied from Generations.
A classic liepost response.
don't think there has ever been a bigger gap between the melee weapons in the series so far tho
Vertical movement makes the meme open maps actually not a chore to traverse
GS/SA/DB are all somewhat close. Yeah LS is too good but this idea it's some absurdly broken weapon is beyond outdated and just not accurate, always just separating melee and ranged lets Capcom get away with ranged perpetually being obscenely broken.
>implying anyone is going to remember marionette spiders
reninder that puppet spiders exist and literally force monsters into the wyvernride state yet nobody fucking remembers or uses them, marionette spiders are nothing compared to that
Seethe harder snoy
this video starts off wrong immediately and is using extremely outdated data. LS is a little bit stronger than GS and CB were in base World (compared to other melee weapons), maybe a little weaker than base-World CB at it's most powerful actually.
It would be a safe bet to say that he has less than 0 hours in both games because he obviously spends all his time optimizing shitposts.
Bigger budget original MH games and smaller budget remixed MH games that experiment more have been happening since second gen. We'll get MH6 in 2023/4 and MH6 portable in 2025 and people will console war about those two games as well (even though both will be on Steam). Such is the way of the world.
>you're a shitposter if you don't like Rise
peak delusion
I can't believe this actually happened, imagine being the rock asking to do this shit.
Who the fuck even cares about time attack stats?
I doubt anyone here even plays at a level where a hunt being 15 seconds longer is some huge impact.
>be longsword player
>take no chip damage
>highest dose
>No build critical skills required
>be lance player
>entire build requires 4 skills
>still take chip damage regardless because fuck you
>be cb player
>require specific load out
>get instantly carted because entire move set is based on spamming one move that has no I frames after usage
>be hammer player
>enemies so fast only one of your moves is viable
>whiff constantly regardless
I know you're going full on defense force but come the fuck on user if you don't see it you're complacent
peak obsessed
If you're not time attacking LBG pulls ahead even further and LS actually gets worse in in difficult hunts because as much as people like to pretend you can't lose with LS it does get a bit more risky when Apex Zinogre one shots you if you mess up iai timing. I'm not arguing it isn't a powerful weapon, I'm just saying this narrative that LS is some almighty, extremely overpowered weapon that towers above all is incorrect.
>Capcom Team Xeta makes World 2 for multiple platforms.
>Capcom Team Jelta makes more "traditional" Monster Hunter for Nintendo with later PC port.
>Capcom double dips and makes two piles of money because Nippon will choose their portable "traditional" Monster Hunter every time.
OP, like always, is a faggot.
Fuck off snoy
>What fanboys think
>what Capcom actually thinks
Bothu geemu sorudo good, letsu makeu more monhan foru more consore
What is even the point of all this shit flinging?