Attached: nintendokyotolandbuy.png (1383x1026, 819.76K)

Kirby and the acquired land

That's what you're SUPPOSED TO DO. Buying out dev companies does not guarantee you get the employee skills you want.

They will literally hire developers to work there OP.

buying out dev companies is not about getting employees. it's to get their ips and whatever reputation the studio has amongst noobs on Yea Forums and twitter. they probably just fire most of the people in behind the curtains

This is how they avoid hiring or accidentally bringing on more Western developers. Just hire directly out of Kyoto.

They will work for NATO

Their IPs are shit. Every single western franchise has been destroyed by GAS.

That building is basically identical to their current hq. Why wouldn’t they at least try to make something different?

Attached: C2E22361-BEAD-42AA-8A88-3AD7FE35CE71.jpg (1200x800, 141.23K)

>Sony sold his $1 billion tranny executives building in ugly and rat smelling New York to escape bankrupcy
>Nintendo it's going to build a kick ass new building for his developers and engineers for only $40 million in the clean and traditional Kyoto
Nintendo is just laughing at them at this point.

Stop sucking NATO's dick FInland

Buy land, it's the one thing they're not making any more of.

Buildings are designed the way they are for a reason. Gray commieblocks are cheap and efficient office buildings.

Its actually the same building its just moving so quickly between the two land plots as t create the illusion of two buildings.

That building is ugly af.

But what kind of speedrun is the building on?

to confuse godzilla.

underrated kek

>Making something different
oh no no no...

How many white Nintendo cubes will there be in Kyoto when I die 50 years from now? More than 6?

Hey, as long as it works.

Attached: latest[1].png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

What do you want? Taisho-inspired art deco?


Nintendo are hiring devs, they're not going to buy studios when they already have some of the biggest IPs in gaming. They have more IPs than they could support which is why they have so many dead ones.

Wait, hasn't Nintendo relied on exactly 4 R&D groups since like the 80's? They're must be planning something big.

More room to keep making games and learning how to make their games better. Seems like a win to me.

Ya other companies try to buy success while nintendo tries to build it.
Pajeetsoft has a trillion dollar valuation and what games has it managed to produce?

Nintendo already owns the most popular gaming IPs and people will care about any new franchise they make with a Nintendo logo next to it. It's the right way to build a long term sustainable business.

MS is taking a gamble that gaming will become netflix with no ownership and is racing to outspend everyone else to become the netflix.

They already have R&D1/2 became Nintendo SPD, and R&D4 became Nintendo EAD. Before the Switch came out they merged into Nintendo EPD.

They merged into the single shittiest studio in existence? How's that happen?

Attached: Nintendo EPD.png (1072x651, 86.41K)

I wouldn't read too much into it. Most of what you think of as "Nintendo R&D" because that was their official name along with being numbered 1-4 were actually software teams, i.e. game developers in spite of their name who were folded with Nintendo EAD to become EPD, basically Iwata fusing console and handheld developers into big teams focused exclusively on Switch.
There were actual research and development teams like Nintendo RED(handhelds), IRD(consoles) and SDD(service stuff like Nintendo Network and SDKs), who do the stuff you were thinking of, and they were all consolidated into Nintendo PTD who continue that basic job of developing console technology and services, like whatever succeeds the Switch.

To that end, the land grab and HQ construction is meant to house the massive hiring spree they've been going on for over a decade at this point, so yes, things are happening but they've always been happening and Nintendo needs to grow to meet the demands of HD development and onwards.

>conveniently cutting off all of 2017 when Switch games start launching

Gee I wonder what early 2017 game is right under 1-2 Switch in that list.

It's not like Miyamoto's first 5 video games developed was Gone Home, Angry Birds and Battlefield 2042.

In what universe is CoD and candy crush a gamble? Those print money 24/7/365, not to mention all the people who will come to PC/Xbox when they can no longer get CoD on PS5 but it's free on gamepass

Hopefully more games can be pumped out. I feel like i never get into any new Nintendo game

I bet they want to make games that meet the current standards instead of always lagging a generation behind.

buying "devs" is a shit tier, short sighted impulse move, whenever you aquire a good studio, the first thing that happen is half the creative people leaving to get their freedom back, and you are left with IPs and half a company worth of parasites that want a secure salary with no efforts.

Nintendo doesn’t need to buy developers. They’re best buds with Bandai Namco and Koei Tecmo. They’re on better terms with Sega/Altus and Capcom than Sony or MS. Even if they don’t get all their games due to the hardware restraints. Buying any of these companies wouldn’t get them anything they don’t already have. Buying western companies is foolish but Western companies under their direction have put out some good games. They don’t need to buy them though.

The reason why MS bought all those publishers is an investment in gaming and also to acquire IPs and monetize properties like Fallout with TV and movies. An investment that they’re hoping their current services evolve into Netflix of gaming. Nintendo doesn’t directly compete with them but there is an overlap and no doubt MS and Sony see Nintendo’s success as a nuisance. One thing at a time though, MS needs to kill off Sony first

Beyond that, Nintendo just obviously loves the dynamic of having some external developers on a short leash that they can embed their own teams in to work really closely with. Like would Metroid Dread have been any better had it been developed by a completely internal team? I really kind of doubt it.

That said, the biggest reason to buy developers right now is that a lot of developers themselves are interested in cashing out, just because all the prospective buyers are cash rich and cash is a depreciating asset, so these smaller devs can sell their studios for basically way more than they're actually worth. Like, it's a seller's market. So potentially Nintendo might not be able to sit on the fence when it comes to some of them and will have to decide to buy or let them go. But Nintendo is so autistic and arrogant when it comes to that kind of thing, that I'm not sure if they're capable of moving fast enough to outbid Sony/Microsoft/Epic if they were about to lose someone like Grezzo or Good-Feel.

And would losing some of these devs even move the needle that much for Nintendo right now? I'm not sure if it would.

>What is the reason to acquire new land and build a second Nintendo HQ?
>Are there any other reasons?

How much does an animation studio cost?
Can they make one for their franchises, so they can make their own media without relying on illumination or netflix?

they could make it look like the first Nintendo HQ

Attached: 8998130D-504E-40CA-ABB7-384F00FFE495.jpg (440x329, 36.94K)

Kirby: Nightmare in Acquired Land

Yeah, user, Nintendo just needs land, it has nothing to do with their business expansion.

It's something outside of their field of expertise. You can't solve everything by just throwing money at it. It's easier to simply contract people to create this sort of stuff for you. Love or hate Illumination, there is no studio in Japan capable of doing what they do. Even technically simpler stuff like anime would require too much specialised know-how, it's too much of a pain in the ass to just create rather than contract, and this isn't even to mention extremely idiosyncratic studios like Ghibli which do not work in a corporate environment and who are much too dependent on the style and expertise of one single artist.

>They merged into the single shittiest studio in existence? How's that happen?
They all work in the same building user.

>Love or hate Illumination, there is no studio in Japan capable of doing what they do.

They could've gotten Marza, who did the 3D work for the Sonic movies, as well as a shitload of video game cutscenes and 3D work including stuff for Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon.

Of course, I'd say the real highlight of their portfolio is Lupin III The First, which translated Lupin's manic energy into 3D extremely well. And Resident Evil Vendetta if you want more violent fare.

This isn't hurrdurr muh minions shitting on Illumination for no real reason but there is burgeoning growth in Japan's 3D space, at least on the high end and not budget TV anime shit.

Attached: Lupin-iii-the-first-featured.jpg (1200x676, 188.86K)

Not sure how much one would cost but they would probably be better off in the short run if they bought out an anime studio instead of growing one in house. Japan isn’t well known for its cgi mastery.

Yeah, I forgot about Marza. You're right.

Western devs sell out because the current model and burn rate of employees is unbearable. Japanese studios are much less likely to give up like that and even then they wouldn't be likely to sell to foreign companies like Microsft and Sony probably wouldn't want them.

It works for them too because Japanese universities now have courses specifically centered around getting hired at Nintendo.

Then explain Nintendo's aquisition of Monolith Soft and 1up Studio.

Take your meds, they just bought a second western studio last year, on top of how closely NST associates with game development education programs like Digipen over in Redmond.

Gray soulless commieblocks have infected architectural design and I could slap the nimrod who said "genius this is the next big thing!"

Prestige and the willingness to let them work on the new IPs that they want to. And particularly in the case of Monolith Soft, because they were being assfucked by Square's corporate mismanagement and were failing to live up to their potential. The purchase netted Nintendo a neat new IP to develop.

Have you seen Capcpom and Square Enix doubling salaries of their employees recently? They're dead scared of them leaving for Nintendo.
And that's already after they complained it's very hard to find young developers in Japan. With the death of Playstation, more and more children grow up not even knowing what Final Fantasy and Resident Evil are.

Don't know about the latter, but the former's dev offices weren't too far from nintendo's dev teams anyway, so they could (and have since) call in Monolithsoft devs to assist with Nintendo game projects. A prime example of this is BotW, where around 100 Monolithsoft development staff were acquired for the project. It's generally assumed this number is around the same for BotW 2 as well.

Architecture is no longer about being aesthetic. It hasn't been for hundreds of years.

brb gonna watch that music video again


well they destroyed Zelda with the ubishit formula.

Activision is in a dire state, MS knows this and still took a gamble acquiring them knowing full well that most of the company needs a corporate restructuring that'll cost a substantial sum and new talent to fill it. Talent that MS doesn't necessarily have from the buyout but probably already has in another sector since they have so many developers/programmers already. Still, it's interesting to see how different Microsoft's and Nintendo's strategies are in regards to acquisitions: Microsoft buys IPs and brands, Nintendo buys employee talent.


Nintendo building mandate

You will NEVER be a woman, tranny

Smartest move in ages desu. Land is some of the constant increasing values

>snoys have resorted to shitposting about a building to get their kicks
I knew they were pathetic but this is just sad

Top tier post