What's happening with Horizon Forbidden West?

Sales expert mentions that by now Sony would've usually released the copies sold of their AAA games, yet there isn't anything to be found about Horizon Forbidden West?

Why is Sony delaying/hiding these sale figures? Are they waiting for PS5's to get in stock so they can bundle the game with the console so timmy who only cares about FIFA and buys one has official bought "a copy"?

What's happening??

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The game is also on the PS4.

it's not even in the top 10 of PS Store March 2022 downloads in Europe because they thought they could get people to pay nearly 90$ for it here in Europe

full list: blog.playstation.com/2022/04/07/playstation-store-march-2022s-top-downloads/

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>Why is Sony delaying/hiding these sale figures?
Because they're bad. If they were good, Sony would be screaming about it to every news source that would listen.

Because ugly female protagonists don't sell when they're not bundled with Uncharted and God of War.

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Sony has lied about sales figures since the PS2, not shocking

Probably didn't sell that well.
I would have bought it if it was a dry season but Elden Ring was coming out and I only have time for one open world snoozefest at a time.

Game is so shit they've been giving it out for free if you buy the console or even a controller.
Go woke go broke.

sony still haven't released tlou2 sales

Do they count people who redeem the game from PS+ as well as a "copy sold"?

I could be wrong but no, but they definitely count bundles. Which to some extent everyone does but no one relies on it like Sony

They do, lmao
They even counted all downloads from when they made the game free for everyone as "sales".

yes. a digital download is a digital download even if it´s for "free".

I'll play the game when it's free on epic, like the first one was.

absolutely pathetic, even with the bundling i was wondering how it could've "outsold" God of War but this explains everything

People only “buy” this game because it’s too hard to get a ps5 without a bundle including it lol

Reminds me about how Tim Schafer used to brag about how many people bought Psychonauts when it was on sale for like $5 for a decade plus

I don't think an official answer to that exists, people are going to chime in and say yes for the sake of shitting on Sony, but I don't think we know for sure.

they released to compete with elden ring, that's what happened

Sony will use this to justify increasing the price of games again and will use some bullshit excuse claiming its because of inflation but in reality its because most of their biggest games have been flops like TLOU2 and this game and they need to recoup that money

PS4 didn't have many exclusives. Neither did PS5.
But that doesn't mean just because there aren't any games that the exclusives will sell well, that's never been the case

Massive development budget and time spent, around 4 years. Massive marketing budget, gets completely mogged by Elden ring

Yet it won’t matter that this game is a massive financial failure since it’s essentially a “blackrock” game

They're not recouping anything, from now onwards it'll only get worse. Once Microsoft officially own Activision, it's unironically over for PlayStation. That's probably why they're already going all in on GAAS trash.

They don’t have an impressive enough number to put out for PR, Horizon’s sales got eaten by Elden Ring. That’s it.

PS5 has zero exclusives, and at the rate Jim Ryan is destroying the PlayStation brand, the same will be true for PS4.

As someone in the thread yesterday said, this is 100% an astroturfed franchise, and it crashed and burned the moment that they moved it from the passenger's seat to the pilot's seat. It's hilarious to see them grandstand, rig the game, and spend so much money on it only for it to embarrass them like this, but moreso than that, it's frustrating that the entertainment industry seems to prefer suicide over firing all woke employees, spitting on them when they accuse them of being istaphobes, and returning to sanity.

>nobody bought our game for $60 surely they will buy it for $90
thats fucking retarded but i have no problem with sony destroying itself lmao

>this is 100% an astroturfed franchise
What you know as reality is 100% astroturfing

The difference is that Schafer was clearly joking when he said that but the Sony marketing team (or whatever team) is not when they talk about sales.

Good, Guerilla is shit. I'll care when Wolverine is out or Sucker Punch makes a new Sushi Ghost.

>Arkham Knight on top of FBW
>GT7 is PS5 exclusive best seller

Well that's what they're doing with games now going from €60 to €80

release the sales figures then looool

Unfortunately this, free market has largely been subverted I wonder how long they can keep up this facade though? Like even total normalfags are playing Dark Souls to get away from it

exclusives were a mistake, and will soon be a thing of the past
while nintendo, stuck in the psat, stills chases pirates with a butterfly net, of course

kek, the absolute state of snoys.
PlayStation is dead, little nigga.
CoD being Microsoft exclusive will be the final nail in its coffin. Not to mention everything else that comes with Activision's acquisition.
Enjoy your $70 "exclusives"*
*Also available on PC at a later date

He means theyll make other games that do sell at $60 cost more to make up for the cost of the dogshit not selling to anyone outside of journos, casuals etc.

My dyslexia made me read this as forza horizon and I was very confused as to why sony had anything to do with forza.

>PS fan
>Calling anyone else a tranny

ofc it doesn´t and guess why.
there are only two possibilities and if would be a "no" we all would know for sure.

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Imagine still defending snoy in 2000 + 22
It's like you enjoy getting fucked in the ass. No wonder Jim Ryan is still in charge.

Why Xcucks so obsessed with this game? You should be more worried about Halo Infinite's declining playerbase and lack of updates.

It's nothing to do with console warring. It's about HFW being a shit game. I've been a Sonyfag for decades but that doesn't mean I'll put up with every bit of shit they push on me. The Horizon games are painfully generic and I'm sick of these open world meme games.

>Arkham Knight at #9

>we'll be saved this time sirs!!!!
Back to Twitter, ESL.

New Batman movie, probably made a bunch of normalfags buy the game.

Yes, Xtranny.

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Declining playerbase? It's got more players right now than minecraft, madden, gta online and cod vanguard. 11th most played game on xbox


>Thinks anyone shitting on Sony is an Xcuck
Youre literally just as obsessed.

Look at all the Xcucks in this thread RIGHT NOW you retarded fucking nigger.

I dont even own an Xbox you retard, I happily shit on both dogshit companies. Xbox is living rent free in your head.

I don't go on these shitholes filled with faggots such as yourself. You don't belong here. That's right, I speak multiple languages, I'm not a retarded lowlife like you. Imagine being proud of being such a low IQ brainlet you can't speak more languages other than your native one.
Keep coping while you can, pussy. (You)r seething will be glorious once all Activision Blizzard games are only on Xbox/PC.
Fuck outta this thread, samefagging nigger.

>Has no proof that theyre Xcucks when theyre vastly more likely to be PC players given Yea Forums's demographic
>still seethes about Xcucks
Classic SOnY retard.

The PS4 version looks pretty shit, to be honest.
I literally had to wait weeks to get a PS5 to be able to play Horizon in the first place because I didn't want the garbage PS4 experience.

>gets btfo'd
>"I-I don't even own a Cuckbox, heh"


It's always telling that in these shitpost threads, any post saying they're an actual part of the group that they have a problem with gets ignored completely.

It's just a coping (You) baiting faggot. You have them in every "PlayStation is dying" thread.

Where the fuck did I get BTFO you retarded (You) farmer?

>You should be more worried about Halo Infinite's declining playerbase

The only "declining playerbase" anyone quotes for Halo on here is fucking Steam numbers for an xbox game.
People who bought Halo on Steam are probably 1% of the entire playerbase, which makes those stats fucking worthless.

This. I plan to buy it eventually but the Elden Ring hype train secured my purchase. Which is a shame because Elden Ring mostly sucks.

Westoid holywood sisters..?!?! how come no one wants our games!?

It sold terrible.
Partly because it competed with Elden Ring. Zero Dawn also kinda had to compete with BotW. But not really since that wasn’t on PlayStation. If anything I wouldn’t be surprised if the hype for BotW pushed Zero Dawns sales a little, since it’s kinda similar.
With Elden Ring being on PS4/5 and obviously being the superior game it made no sense for anyone to buy Forbidden West unless the reeeaaally loved Zero Dawn.
However, I think a bigger reason it that people are slowly but surely getting tired of the “Sony Cinematic Experience”. They were exciting for a good while, but I think people are realising that they’re not the most ideal way to make a video games. And sales are probably reflecting that. There’s a reason Sony still hasn’t published the numbers for Last Of Us 2, it probably underperformed aswell. I guess we’ll see if that theory is true when the new GoW comes out.
Days Gone was probably the breaking point.

I really like how the devs acting like children either stalled their careers or already ended it.
Imagine going scorched earth like that over another game selling better.

Forza Horizon 5 is available on PC as well, dumbass.

Instead you chose the garbage PS5 experience and are now $400 poorer. Congrats.

I would guess it got its initial success simply out of intrigue because it was a time where sony was flying high and it was a new IP that got a lot of publicity in gaming media. When I got my ps4 it was the 2nd game I bought on it and I didn't really know much about it just that it was supposed to be a new single player open world RPG and so I bought it in 2017. It wasn't a very good game and I still haven't finished it but they got their sale from my intrigue. I have no motivation to play the sequel though evidently like most other people. What's even more interesting is that the complete edition was given away for free during covid so tons of players would have tried it that might not have otherwise, but even then it wasn't good enough for them to consider purchasing this sequel which goes back to what I said initially with it selling based on intrigue rather than being considered a good game.

>not a single mistake in his post
It doesn't work like that. The snoy cope is on a whole other level these days. PlayStation is the one selling in shitskin countries by the way (not for long), you baiting faggot.

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Yes, why wouldn't it? It's PC, the platform Microsoft basically owns as well. Sony isn't Microsoft and never will be.

"snoy" immediately means ESL. I don't make the rules. Kinda sad that Cuckbox is flopping everywhere though LMAO

No it was always propped up from day 1. They practically gave the game away for years and counted it all as sales.
Its just dishonest and people can see through it.
There's 0 organic interest in this series. None, zilch.

I own a PS5 but I'm never going to buy HFW

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>not a single mistake

>Not to mention everything else that comes with Activision's acquisition.

That's a sentence fragment.

If you get offended by words, regardless of whether you're someone advocating the use of these gender terms or someone against it, you have bigger problems in life that you should worry about. That one off choice doesn't even define the user experience. It's a driving game not a narrative based action game like TLOU 2 or similar.

I think it's because around 2017 was the big "games as a service" push. So any solid single player game without micro transactions got a huge sympathy bonus from players. Spiderman, GoW, Horizon, Outer Worlds, Jedi: Fallen Order. All fairly mediocre games, but they came out during a time where games like Battlefield 2, Fallout 76 and Anthem were making a lot of people angry.

>Instead you chose the garbage PS5 experience and are now $400 poorer. Congrats.

I'm 30+ hours into the game, and I'm having tons of fun, thanks.
Looks pretty great, and plays great in the Performance Mode at 60fps, and having to wait a few weeks means they'd already patched it pretty well, haven't really had any issues so far.

>defending wokeshit because (insert favorite brand here) is doing it
The absolute state of Xcuckolds.

In some regard I'm happy there's been no PS5 or Next Box games worth getting yet as I can hold off buying them until next year and possibly 2024 when a slim or pro model comes out. Are there even any games supposed to be coming to PS5 and Next Box in 2023? I know Skyrim in Space is this year but that will probably run on my laptop

Jim The Fat Fuck Ryan needs to resign already