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>the one ps4 players can enjoy the most
Damn really jogs your noggin

Dark Souls 3 is a bad game.

>I’m a special boy the tier list

swap Bloodborne with DS1 and we're cooking

Nah. The glaring issues with 1 are way to noticeable compared to kinoborne.

Not quite.

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I can't think of a "glaring issue" with 1 while with Bloodborne there's obviously the input buffering and framerate issues. And I think both are on the same tier.

>input buffering
>framerate issues
This is due to console limitations. Take those away and from a game standpoint it is marginally better. Way more interesting lore, gameplay mechanics, bosses, and weapons to boot.

How does the eternal DS2 apologist tolerate having to put his favorite game in second place to not be immediately exposed as a troll?

>DS2 apologist

All these tier lists say to me is that you people haven't played Dark Souls 1 or 2 since release.
Go back and play them now and I'd love to see you honestly say they're better than recent FROM games.

switch DaS and DeS and it's spot on

Cope cope nigger nigger cope..........cope cope nigger cope nigger...

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Exploration > Combat

I've played all of them except Dark Souls 3 and I'd say this is accurate.

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>S tier
correct. the best from softgay video game

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>DS1 that high slightly above bloodborne of all games
Fucking die

reddit/bad player

Not a bad list I'll say. Move DS2 down and swap DeS and DS3 and it'll be mine pretty much.

Swap Eldin Ring with Sekirp and DeS with DaS2 and it's correct

I can accept this

you didn't play dark souls 1 when it released

Its world design and characters will forever be referenced, which does not take away from bloodborne being a masterpiece too.

Imagine being this triggered by playstation exclusives lmao.

>has reddit opinion
>claims that opposite is reddit
based retard

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Elden Ring at its best is a worse dark souls 3

this is accurate

S Tier: Literally all of them.

Elden Ring is the best game From ever made.

>3 armor sets and 1 cannon
>21 fps at best
maybe in the 60 fps remaster when they add more cut content

Everyone can see you

I disagree

Bandwagoners shit on 3 too much

they are all fun and you are all spoiled bitches. one day from won't be making games anymore and might dawn on you how good you had it back then, that there was 1 consistent studio with a consistent style that made reliably cool shit with fun worlds to explore. and you spent the whole fucking time complaining.

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Bandwagoners started with DS3, zoomer.

>Only 4 players

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Sekiro isn't a souls game so take it off.
Swap ER and DaS2 with BB.

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Underage post

>Sekiro isn't a so-
>*hide post*

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Dark Souls = Elden Ring > Sekiro > Bloodborne > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2
All of them are good videogames except Dark Souls 2, I have no idea what people see in it, the levels are uninspired corridors, the encounter design settles for rooms full of copy pasted AI that isn't designed for group combat, like fully half of the bosses are based around adds, and all of them have halfbaked movesets and lackluster presentation (that stupid bloodshot camera effect everytime one is introduced is a perfect symbol for how artless the game is) and the art direction is vastly worse than every other major Fromsoft release. I could accept some of these flaws individually- certainly most demon's souls bosses are dull, and likewise Dark Souls 3 has pretty simplistic levels. But all together is just unbearable

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>2 isnt dead last
opinion discarded
no one cares that youre a contrarian, tranny

I wonder if bloodborn will stop being so good if it comes to the pc

Bloodborne would be even more beloved since a PC port could mean it runs at higher than 15fps.

>can't deal with the truth so he hides it


>swap two trash games with the actual GOAT masterpiece

What did you say? I can't read this it's just blank

Do snoys really?
>literally pretending the truth doesn't exist

Both deserves more shit and more praise than it gets. Level design is top notch for the first half, only to give way to BUDGET later on.

Gets more shit than it deserves, but rightfully deserves a lot of it. Enemy design and placement is baffling.

Gets more shit than it deserves. A product of From trying to deal with pace changes introduced with Bloodborne.

People either seem to love it or hate it. One of the most mechanically sound and wholly formed Souls games. Can suffer from lack of build variety.

People either seem to love it or hate it. Tightest Souls combat to date and serves as proof, along side BB, that moving away from traditional Souls mechanics is the way forward for From. Also lacks build variety.

Contrarians shit on it because it's popular, whereas new arrivals to the series see it as fresh and exciting. An impressive attempt to take Souls formula into an open world, but ultimately suffers from the scale of its ambition and a dogged adherence to the traditional Souls combat mechanics.

still blank, sorry if something is going bad on your end user. BRB gonna do another charmless demon bell run on Sekiro

GJ op, that’s the worst list I’ve seen so far.

What a retarded post. Stopped reading there

Sekiro >>> DS1 > DS3 > Elden Ring > Demon's Souls = BB > DS2

I wish Sekiro had more variety

Funny sword games

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>>People either seem to love it or hate it
It's hard to tell just how many BB haters have even played it.


You don't even use real words anymore jesus christ

>using the Lord's name in vain

This list is atrocious
>ds1r D despite being the same game
Nigga wut?

What kind of religious hypocrite peruses a website frequented by trannies, gays, racists, and pedophiles?