You didn't beat the game

>You didn't beat the game
How do you respond without sounding like a total casual?

Attached: elden-ring-mimic-tear.jpg (1920x1080, 84.3K)

100% achievements. Used Mimic Tear for everything.

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I only used it to clear out bosses I already beat before but didn't want stress and malenia.

Everyone uses bullshit against malenia anyway

my achievement says otherwise :D

i unironically found malenia to be one of the easier bosses, i beat her way faster than mohg and radahn

You're right. WE beat the game.

Sick of seeing this shit. From what I've gathered it makes the game much easier.
You beat the game on easy, those that didn't use the item beat the game on normal.
Pussy gen pushed devs into removing "easy mode" so this is the work around. Enjoy never being able to discuss the same triumphs with others without checking if they used the easy mode item.

As far as I know there isn't a no death run. So nobody did.

Guarantee that most people that beat Malenia solo did it with some variation of the bleed/frost katana build, which isn't that much harder than summoning.

im doing a solo run now just so these bullies will stop hurting my feelings

That doesn't sounds like an easy mode item, that sounds like a strong weapon/taking advantage of a weakness. Even if the strongest weapon is used, it's different from an easy mode item.

Anybody who used summons knows deep down inside that they did not beat the game, and it claws at them

there are no hit runs

as someone who beat all the bosses with this summon, no, it is not "easy mode."
It is blatant cheating. Robbing yourself of satisfaction from properly learning a boss.
If your only goal is simply seeing the credits, it does the job. But using magic is gay, and you need to accept your own faggotry like I have.

i found the mimicc tear and thought it was cool as hell so i used it. only afterwards did i find out it's apparently a cheese item. i dont particularly care because playing with a clone of me was very fun

>stealing other people's comebacks
You didn't beat the game


I have over 200 hours and I’ve never used the mimic tear because I’m not a journalist.

>equip terra magica and adula's moonblade
>summon mimic and set up my buffs while boss slowly walks toward me
>boss gets bombared by super powered high range aoe swords that deal 5k to 10k damage depending on the resistances and size of the boss, getting obliterated in seconds
you did not beat the game as efficiently as i did

>didn't use all the features of the game

You are a journalist.

I don't hang around retards so I would never have to respond to something so ludicrous.

Preemptively chadpost while claiming you summoned everytime the blue summoning icon came up. Anons will reply with" based" which counteracts any meme criticism. To be fair some of the bosses aren't real fromsoft bosses, so it doesn't matter how you beat them. Go ahead, name one and I'll tell you it doesn't count.

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>he cares if Yea Forums thinks he didn't beat the game
pathetic tbqh, explain yourself

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The game is so full of cheap tricks you can use it's really hard to play through the game blind without accidentally using one of them. I had no idea frostbite was busted so I used Hoarfrost Stomp to deal with groups of smaller enemies.

You do a second playthrough without any summons or over leveling.

using OP cancer like bleeding or frost katanas just because FROM can’t / doesn’t want to balance their games and cheesing a boss that way is way worse than using the mimic tear or a summon

>He doesn't use all the tools given to him to experience the developers's intentions fully
You didn't beat the game

>You didn't beat the game

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Shrug and say that I had a good time

I don't care.

Your still a complete shitter if you used mimic tear. Its not as bad using actual summons but thats not saying much. You did beat the game but so would hacking to give yourself invincibility.

By posting the ending credits

I've been playing through at a bit of a casual pace since launch day, and got the mimic tear last night, and I'm fighting Captain Naill (Castle Sol version) and my mimic tear seems to just...not fight? Admittedly, it's only upgraded to +3, because that's all I have ingredients to upgrade it to, but even if I take off everything but my weapon, trying to make it "do anything", it just two hands the weapon, stands there and blocks, and dies in two seconds. Any pro tips to make the mimic tear less horrible, am I using "not compatible with your pawn" equipment, just getting unlucky RNG with the AI, something else? I fought Naill for like an hour last night with my mimic tear, and didn't see the mimic tear attempt to attack once.

>FROM can’t / doesn’t want to balance their games
Which is why people use bleed and frost, who the fuck wants to fight some health sponge that shits out nuclear damage and gives you 200 runes? Doesn't matter though because PvP fags will just whine until they balance the game so they can't die like a shitter.

If it's a feature, it's intended to be used. People who say things like that are only limiting themselves.

>Entire series revolves around summoning npcs or other players
>Askually that was never the case!
This will never not be funny

>I saw the end credits by using the tools the game provided, therefore I beat the game

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Considering resorting to Mimic Tear for the Death Rite Bird fight. Someone talk me out of it.

>Fighting enemies
You didn't beat the game

Ashes in general are buggy as fuck and either don’t get targeted by enemies or just fuck around and do nothing. I remember summoning the headless knight after reading that he’s completely broken, for him to just stand there and get stunlocked to death by a boss

I think is impossible to do a no hit all bosses run because of mhog and his blood stacks that you can only prevent by doing a online only side quest and most people that do challenges runs play offline

I play until I beat the game.

how come only souls games have this crippling autism problem


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>Ashes in general are buggy as fuck
I noticed that when summons are input reading the boss and the boss is input reading you it bugs the ai. What's funny though is that if you die or the boss dies it fixes the ai and it comes back to normal.

What happened? Yea Forums was sucking this item's dick during the first week of release??

I did.

>merely considering kosher options robs me of the worthiness of Elder Ring Valhalla
Fuck bros this is not fair

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People who think abusing invincibility means skill are the real losers.

Reminder that if you rolled YOU DID NOT BEAT THE GAME

I didn't even buy it lol

>How do you respond without sounding like a total casual?
*Ding ding*

Use whatever you want my man, there's tons of other ash summon options.

>buggy piece of shit
>input reading
>zips, wrongwarps shiggity diggity do

Fromsoft didn't finish their game

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It was nerfed in patch 1.03 actually, it deals easy less damage.
Tyche is the queen now

Based, the true Elden Ring was the pokemen we trained along the way.

You can be extremely overleved + hard respec to use a bloody weapon. He theorically can die before the first circle of dead.

>using the latest shitpost instead of coming up with your own
You lost Yea Forums(nel).

Distortion 2 literally beat the game in sub 9 min in Any% without fighting a single dude, which technically makes it a no death, no hit run.

Would you say the same for using ring the bell parry the spell?

uuuh more of this?

I wonder if from will ever patch the teleporters

Entry level “hardcore” games for casuals. Other games would just have you called a shitter and end it there.

I don't get it aren't you supposed to use the tools at your disposal?
You could build full dex then equip 2 shields and im pretty sure you're at a tighter autoimposed handicap too but no one really does it
It is also not a hard game without mimic tear, I never used it most bosses you can just grind if they are too hard

I think so. You can keep wrong warping and its ok (the game is even better with those, since it lets you use the belfries and some other stuff to get into places early, giving them functionality beyond showcasing future areas), it can’t randomly shoot you through the air at a thousand miles an hour randomly as you traverse the world like zips do.

>which technically makes it a no death, no hit run.
all cheese run which is stupid. I was hoping for all bosses no hit.

I don't care about the opinions of random people on the internet about my video gamer skillz

Nah, I think I'll just ding ding and have fun

You used the tools in the game
Everytime you beat a boss it said great enemy felled and got souls

Fuck fromfags, do what you want OP

Same here. 100%d it. You didn’t beat it will be a meme for a year, and my achievements will be there as long as Xbox and PlayStation lets me view them.