Wake up, fromsuckers, y'all lost and GOTY is ours

Wake up, fromsuckers, y'all lost and GOTY is ours

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I didn't think they'd be able to force a character cringier than Claptrap, sad to see I was wrong.

Ashley Burch is like 26 years old but looks 50.
What happened in their childhood that made their entire family so fucked up.

God she's so ugly

Zanziburch...forgive me...

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>EGS exclusive
lol, lmao

Shut up, nonce
You too, slim shady
Fuck off with that joke, its about ER, not Tina


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U crazy ese?

I saw this shit in a store and it was 80 bucks iirc. What were they thinking?

The loathsome Gearbox consumer...

*The loathsome fromsoft fan

I miss claptrap’s og VA.
Man, gearbox fucked up wonderland’s Tina face more than they fucked up 3’s Tannis.
80 bucks?

What the fuck
All that for a glorified dlc that just rehashes the same gimmick from the 2nd game? Fuck these guys

>review score
sounds about right

this has to be a troll

You could just say dungeater. its still the same

I've been liking it.
I haven't got the "I don't want to play" feeling I got with Borderland 3

No pirate no buy

please quirky western female....
I don't want to read the communist manifesto again, I just want to play a video game....

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Borderlands was never good

>Friends beg me to fomo into this, but I refuse.
>They claim it's a lot of fun and the best borderlands since 2
>Fast forward not even a week and they don't even mention the game anymore, much less play it.
Massive bullet dodged. I'm glad an actual good game like Elden ring was out or I may have actually bought this garbage.

she's 31 going on 45 and maybe the most overrated voice actress in the industry.

maybe they're not playing it because they never had you to play with user

We already saw how much damage EGS can do to a games first year with Hades.

I don't know. They don't seem to mind playing other shit like LoL or warframe without me.

I would mind, I wouldn't want to spend a day without you, user.

Wasn’t borderlands a massive failure the franchise ever since 2?

Tbf you sound like an autist who tries to hard to prove that you aren't like those other girls (male) irl.

Are you gonna kill yourself when this gets completely ignored at the Game Awards

The presequel was a failure that closed a studio.
3 got by on the laurels of 2, but showed the writing wasn't going to get any better.
Wonderlands is a resounding meh if not a potential failure cause even in their own self-awareness, the writing still isn't good and their humor is trying hard to be so non-offensive that just comes off as unbearable and offensive in how terrible it is.

>"Fuck, our Borderlands IP is fucked into the ground but we desperately want to put out some easily re-skinned trash to collect some quick bucks. How do we market it?"
>"Make it about Tiny Tina"
>"Isnt that the character who is universally reviled by everyone on all sides?"
>"Yes, but people have heard of her"
Gearbox. Not even once.

I honestly can't think of a character whose reception has soured so thoroughly over time; on BL2s release there were a sizeable number of people who liked - or at least tolerated - Tina.
I have no idea how they couldn't read the room well enough to realize that reception to her was a decade old and based on her having a small role instead of a narrator sized one.

I'm not fond of people who shittalk their profession colleagues. If they do it, they need to be at least MUCH more successful , and that's still not cool. Gearbox tried a swing at From without releasing a single good game in God knows how many years. This new one was rightfully humiliated by Elden Ring in the sales chart.

Everyone talked up the DLC she narrated in BL2 when it came out, and then again when BL3 came out and nobody liked it

Oh yeah, the dlc.
I got like 85% of the way through it and admittedly it was pretty good, but the base they were working with was pretty good so that's to be expected. I never understood the comments - and occasionally I'll still hear this - saying that dlc was one of the best dlcs ever released, though.

>saying that dlc was one of the best dlcs ever released,
There is no way they are being serious. They cant be.

But I play apex and minecraft with them among other things user. Sorry I don't care for boringlands

>*taps mic*
that is all

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Do fags actually play this garbage?


I guess looking at it through a decade old lens I could MAYBE see that argument being made? On the other hand Ashly Burch seems to attract fans that overrate her work than anyone else I can think of, I still can't believe she won awards for her Life is Strange performance.

kys randy

torrent where? I'm not paying for gearbox trash

I honestly don't get the hate for the presequel

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Maps were too open and empty, characters were grating even by borderlands standards. Player characters were some of the best in the franchise though

Imagime simping for a Borderlands game

I'll simp for your mom's nuts

For a second I thought the game released, but it hasn't on steam yet. Elden shite is almost done and I want to get off this terrible ride..

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not going to buy

>GOTY is ours
uhh ok take it then if you really need it for your game to be respected pfft

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Jack-sama...I kneel

Stop lying, everybody is buying Borderlands. Its TinaSweep april after all

good game tbqhwy


Fuck off, nonce
Learn to respect women.

>Maps were too open and empty
I didn't get that feeling at all, I drove everywhere on big maps shooting whatever the fuck it was in my way until I got where I needed to go. My biggest gripe with the game is that there wasn't enough (or any) rewards for trying to explore, many times I felt I was trolled into thinking I should jump to a platform that had nothing on it. Hell even sometimes the platform didn't have an actual floor and I just fell to my death.

These posts are fucking pathetic Randy. Seriously. Give the money you stole from Sega back to Sega then fuck off.

my friends had to pirate Bl3 after buying it because I refused to buy it

Dude, shut up, take meds. I think you need them, idiot

Even if you thought you had GOTY, you still have to deal with Kirbychads mogging Borderfaggots like you

>GOTY is ours
lmao no

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