What went wrong with SCP Foundation?

What went wrong with SCP Foundation?

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russians claimed it and it became centralized bullshit

Pozzed as always. Lost its charm when newer stories were a slog to read through. Remember when it was short and simple with creepy anomalies that made you question how spooky it was? That's probably when it was at least fun to look at.


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Not enough gatekeeping. As for the games, the threads were killed for no good reason.

Anime tier power creep bullshit.

I want to say it lowered its standards but, really, it didn't; a lot of even the early SCPs are just trash. Gaining broader appeal did strangle it, though, whoever made the Fate Gilgamesh SCP needs beaten and whoever put fucking Fallout references into the multiversal vending-machine SCP needs castrated. What actually changed over the years was the style of garbage that you have to filter through to get to interesting SCPs, and especially so because part of that style of garbage is power fantasies, apocalypse scenarios, OC do-not-steal factions with or against the Foundation, and, well, Deviantart OCs.

Lack of gatekeeping

Unironically, trannies.

early scps
>wow cool its like a creepypasta but less shitty
>wow this one is pretty good actually
>haha that's creative and fairly creepy
modern scps
>oh, it's another unkillable apollythaumisupernovextremeketeroid class god that destroys the universe, except this one triggers upon sneezing 3 times in rapid succession on the peak of mount everest while it's raining in timbuktu on friday the 13th

Not enough gatekeeping against subversive lefties.
There should have been a purge of powerlevel faggotry that started with 682.

What other anons said, wasn't gatekept enough. Maybe an SCP that specifically hunted black people would've worked

This, older story had a feeling of mystery and unknown, newer ones are the author explains everything do such depth it becomes boring. Moreover, newer stories lack in creativity, it's always weird humanoid, weird places weird events and they don't feel creepy like the older ones.
Also unironically SJW

That was in an X-Files episode.


Fucking this. Shit like TheVolgun is a good example. Dude used to do videos on simple as fuck SCP's with a creep factor. Now all he covers is XK or deep lore bullshit that you have to read the actual page to understand and even then its still convoluted bullshit. Its not his fault, but it shows how it went from simple fuck shit living among humans to gods and demons waging fucking cultists wars with different items.

It died as soon as they introduced more classes instead of keeping it to Safe/Euclid/Keter.

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>it wasn't gatekept enough!!!!!!!!!!
They already foretold their own doom with SCP-682, they were very aware of power wank and retarded unkillable SCPs. Even making a parody of one was the shart that filled the diaper. You don't let retards think they're in good company. You DON'T let retards think they're in good company.

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Faggot shit like the scarlet king and church of the broken god is some of the most retarded shit ive read from there.

>They already foretold their own doom with SCP-682, they were very aware of power wank and retarded unkillable SCPs

need to write a redditor scp that cries about minorities on the internet all day and goes to anime imageboards to do it


>look up scps one day
>sees shit like Thamuiel, XKV, and subversions of Keter

Burn it all down

yes, you are, else you wouldn't be crying about trannies all day on an anime imageboard

When they allowed Tales. Then every entry became part of some author's personal wankverse

>yes, you are, else you wouldn't be crying about trannies all day on an anime imageboard

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i accept your concession

Redditors love trannies though

Zoomies and trannies.
Kek oh what the american govt has done to you

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have we really already memory-holed the neo-conservative donald trump subreddit

Kill yourself election tourist

Scp was good when it was a small ish community. When redditors started powertripping and huge namefags with a lot of pull became a thing the cancer was already terminal. The massive popularity it got through 2015-2017-ish was the internet equivalent of puppeteering a corpse and making it dance around so zoomers can watch stupid streamers make mad buxx by screaming into a camera. Now it's just dead, a wasteland of the few big namefags that havent moved on descecrating that corpse and bickering amongst eachother and nothing can bring it back, probably for the best.

>thread already derailed to shit
Fuck you

>Kill yourself election tourist
Someone is a little spicy today uh?

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The moment "Dr. Bright" or whatever faggy nigger anime characters were introduced. Fuck everyone who tried to humanize the O5 council

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This. O5 used to be this mysterious entity that oversaw everything, but they decided to ruin it by adding a QUIRKY FUNNY LE MEME character that does LE MEME things like hahaha what if he tried to FUCK the scps?? xDdd

Early scp was garbage but the kind of charming amateur mid/ late 2000's internet garbage. I wanna say it's just nostalgia but it was different from 2010's garbage. It felt more earnest.

This, why the fuck do so many of them revolve around 1 fucking doctor.

>why the fuck do so many of them revolve around 1 fucking doctor.
Self insert shit

I like Bright as a vehicle to explore apocalyptic scenarios, but little else.

Yeah it was more exploration of a new idea and all the resultant crap from it, rather than crap built on established crap.

Thats fucking retarded. Do these people insert themselves as Dr Bright whenever they insert him in some shit that has nothing to do with him? Pissed me off to hell when succubus girl was changed to gaia and Bright was suddenly the faggot who found her and takes care of her.

JonArbucle: red, where were you when we were doing reactor?

SCP-5167: Where was I?

SCP-5167: I was there when the mountains were newborn, and the oceans virginal.

SCP-5167: I was there when gods walked among men, and their wisdom was cast down like sunlight.

SCP-5167: I was there when mankind was capable of legends.

SCP-5167: And now?

SCP-5167: I find myself in a world that has forgotten even the taste of life, even the very concept of life beyond existing from one day to the next. Mere continuance. Where all the world is wasted away in idle play of emotions that once rang true.

SCP-5167: I am in a world where even the gods are forgotten, their bones washed away by time. A world where man has moved on, where all the legacy I have left are three fucking sentences on Wikipedia.

SCP-5167: I thought my time had come again. I thought this could be the new me. But this is nothing. Let me stay dead this time.

SCP-5167: I'm tired.

(No activity for twelve seconds.)

your mom: red is sus

xg1200: yeah, vote red

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Normalfags and faggots with their stupid idelogical shit.

SCP was stupid lame shit from the beginning. It took charming and organic creepiness generated for shits and giggles, and tried to index and catalog it...and we all know that explaining things tends to, more often than not, remove fear from a thing.

Then people made the mistake of taking this stupid shit seriously and act like academic custodians, which turned it even more gay, and actively obnoxious. After that came the trouble that monetizing this shit invites. The russians buttfucking the whole project was probably the best thing that could have happened.

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qrd on the russians

guy sues scp site

the clinical approach to and cataloging otherworldly phenomena was the whole selling point

obsessed and rent free.
Cope or kys.

Horror stops being scary when you show too much, and a series with no limits on contributions will eventually show too much.

How do you define horror, user?

>was the whole selling point
Exactly why it was shit. And to be clear, you CAN do the whole clinical disambiguation thing with spooky shit, and have it work....even enhance it, but it's one of the more difficult ways to go about it, and it just doesn't work for everything. Having that be the defacto, and expecting internet randos to do it well, was always a bad idea. Then it became a popular "thing", and it was doomed forever.

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Literally trannies.

what's a trannies?

it jumped to tumblr and extremely low quality scps like the homestuck satellite were defended by mods despite the extremely poor reception it got from normal people

Popularity legitimately ruins everything. Also I remember this one interesting SCP story about a fly that grants wishes but also lays maggots in you. I can't remember its name.

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>a single outlier that was walled off and kicked off the site somehow represents the entire site instead of being what it was, an outlier
You're really not going to gaslight anyone, you know that right?

You won't believe it but... They cut their own cock off. And you ahve to pretend it's normal. That's trannies.

The SCP foundation is now being run by the actual real keter SCPs known as trannies.

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