here is your vampire, bro.
Here is your vampire, bro
looks pretty cool bro
>bestial nature
What are they trying to say?
Really looking forward to Swansong. My main design concern is length. They've claimed it's about 20 hours long, but devs tend to be optimistic. A game like this absolutely needs to be meaty and substantial so that the branching, overlapping narrative feels like it pays off.
Also the plot of The Council got kind of retarded, and the final episode was almost "why does this even exist?"-tier. So I really hope that they've learned from their mistakes and Swansong becomes the ultimate vampire RPG.
Thanks bro looks sweet
why are they making so many shitty vampire games?
Olivier Deriviere is doing the music. He generally does top-notch work and this seems to be no exception.
Achievements are up, also. Some might wanna be careful because there seem to be substantial spoilers about certain characters and the underlying conspiracy.
she cute
What do you mean? There's Swansong, Bloodhunt, and Bloodlines 2 which is never coming out and people need to get over it. Vampire games are pretty rare.
There's a Jessica Chobot DLC. Seems like only 10 years ago that fat, sexless nerds were seething about her being in Mass Effect 3.
Thanks for letting me know shes in it, I'll be sure to skip this trash
Why would you want an e-whore in your game?
niggers? jews? faggots? trannies? pass.
More excited for bloodhunt since im looking for a new online game to play anyway, swansong looks great aswell though.
Chobot is associated with pretty much all VTM media because she played Victoria Ash in the L.A. By Night web series, which AFAIK is air quotes "canon" VTM.
I wouldn't be surprised if she has some role in the rebooted version of Bloodlines 2 as well.
>Harlem Hell fighters
There's no doubt a quest where having that badge proves useful. Same with the cloth. I can imagine some people being annoyed that quest items are DLC. I know the game is inspired by Deus Ex and Hitman, but it's a little Augment Your Pre-Order-esque.
>Harlem Hellfighters
uh oh
Who tf is Chobot
Kindred are driven in part by the Beast, an aspect of their natures that is inclined to the extremes of frenzy and fear.
Journalist, voice actor, actress. Gaming fan.
Was a huge Mass Effect fan, and got a minor role in Mass Effect 3 as a result, and for some inexplicably reason nerds were mad because... uh... Probably the same reason Star Trek's retard fanbase got mad about that black female politician playing president of Earth in ST: Discovery or whatever it's called.
I miss when vamprie stories was allowed to be about sexy woman and cool looking white guys
It's gonna be hilarious when the insecure race-cucks discover that the only white male playable character, Galeb, is played by a black French actor named Alex Martin.
I've seen jilted Slavs seething on twitter that Swansong isn't immersive because they're forced to play as characters that aren't white men.
If you think anything nu-WOD will be fun then you are mistaken. The story will likely be about hidden black people somewhere
What's wrong with that?
Actual fan or just a woman taking advantage like the usual twitch thot?
im sorry about your autism diagnosis user
Anyone got a fuckheug pastebin where I can download all the lorebooks for Vampire and maybe other WOD stuff? I lost my PDF files with my iphone
More mixed than black, I'd say, but a lot of people have a one drop mindset.
I must admit I laughed when, in the gameplay demo, Galeb goes around introducing himself as Special Agent Smith. I'm easily amused.
sounds like you're seething that they're not going to buy it.
Thanks, looks based to me and I will enjoy watching people seethe about it
It's actually about an invasion of British vampires, looking at the achievements.
I'm a bit of a lorelet on WoD but her hand's look like they're fucking gold,
Is that normal?
Unless that's a bad attempt at scales. I honestly can't tell.
>wow i can't believe people were mad that a journo got a modelled and voice-acted part in a video game
you're an actual mong if you can't figure out why
Tzimizce maybe?
What does that even mean? Someone's a fan of a game or a movie, they're a public figure, they get a small role in the sequel. This shit happens all the time. Why do you think Zachary Levi is in Fallout New Vegas? Same reason he wakes up in Big Momma's House 2 with a Fallout magazine next to his bed.
You're the actual mong
Who gives a shit
They were a famous black US military unit. I assume it's some racism thing.
You have to go back.
I miss White Wolf.
WoD is so shit it's not even funny.
I feel like an RPG like this is going to have somewhat limited appeal anyway. You don't want Halo kiddies buying an obviously low budget vampire RPG because they'll just whine about the graphics and the animation and the fact the game has endless talking with dialogue dice rolls and shit. You wanna pre-filter the audience a bit.
Just play CYOA
>dice based dialog
Absolutely fucking retarded game design
What exactly is supposed to be the problem again? Do you also think that Tarantino shouldn't have been allowed to make movies because he was just a fan of movies who wrote about them and recommended them to people?
What exactly is the problem in plain English?
>reddit spacing
if you can't figure out why giving a game journo a fully modelled and voice acted part in a video game is dodgy as fuck, i cannot possibly explain it to you
i know you're probably some they/them twitter tourist mongoloid as well so i'll give you this for free: in the same game, they revealed the face of a party member who had been in all three games in the series and it wasn't modelled, it was just a photoshop of a random stock image they found somewhere
the journo gets a full model though, nothing strange or untoward here
neck yourself and go back
It's a trope thing actually. It's very tiresome.
Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, and Gene Hackman all majored in journalism. I don't remember anyone getting upset that Gene Hackman was cast in a supporting role in the film Behind Enemy Lines just because his background was in journalism in addition to acting. Seems like a daft complaint, but I don't expect anything better from gamers -- they're retarded.
>resetera tranny whining about gamers
Who saw that one coming
it's a pretty big leap from "journalist currently, and as a career, for a major publication which will review your product, and which derives all of its income from said reviews" to "b-but gene hackman studied journalism at uni before abandoning it forever"
this argument would work if chobot was pursuing a career as a video game character at the time, but she wasn't
actually fuck off back to where you came from
What CYOA have RPG mechanics like this?
That's no vampire. That's a nigger.
>reddit spacing
Stop being a retard. you're right about the scummy bioware shit but you're detracting from your argument
It's based on a pen and paper RPG. If your stats are superior, you'll win the confrontation, but if you're evenly matched it boils down to dice rolls and stuff.
Stunt casting E-Celebs and Videogames journalists is a cardinal sin in my opinion. It's usually a good barometer for how shit a game will be too, see Cyberpunk and Mass Effect 3. You can choose not to interact with them, but they are there all the same.
>if you can't figure out why giving a game journo
Is this some retarded anti-journalist sentiment I'm too thick to understand? Because you might be a complete retard but you do understand that Jessica Chobot is just a voice actor and journalist. In fact, hiring a journalist to play a journalist in the game absolutely made sense.
You need to explain how this is any different to Zachary Levi being in New Vegas. And no, you being a retard with some weird hate boner for journalists doesn't count.
wtf is Swansong? what happened to vtmb 2?
looks like that Pasha girl in the basement
i've already explained it twice to you, so yeah, gonna conclude you are too thick to understand it, sorry mate
>defending a negress anti white sheboon in Star Trek on 4channel
Jesus fuck, go back you niggerlover