Do you like ralsei as a character?

Do you like ralsei as a character?

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His personality is boring and he was better when he was black.

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what makes you say that about his personality user

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kemoshota peepee!


No because he's a jew

I have never played these games lol

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wtf i love ralsei now

Not that user but he's the serious character out of the main group. Sure its good to have one but ultimately when its a game that's generally driven by humor he doesn't provide much outside of being eye-candy for the people who post in these threads. I think the story will start picking up and he'll be more interesting soon

Ralsei is a femmy fag and that's alright.

A cute I love him
Nevermind the pic is ruined

Ralsei is cute and I like him
He's not for sexual though

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I thought he was kind of annoying, but the idea of him potentially being based on some dead kid that killed himself kinda makes it a bit more interesting.

Compared to the other party members and even some of the side characters, he just seems very very plain like he's just "there". He's shown some cracks near the end of chapter 2 when he explained the roaring which is making me think it's just all a facade and he'll show his true colors sooner or later.

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THIS CHARACTER IS A PSYOP TO TURN PEOPLE GAY. And im tired of pretending he's not! Toby fox is a lunatic and a madman who makes these games to unwittingly trick people into have homosexual thoughts.

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that's just you man

No it isnt! there's literal swathes of homosexual fan "art" of this character, folders full of it! it literally cant be just me

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Honestly it's kinda weird that you want to bone what's essentially some dead undertale fan.

This is unironically fucking true.

I wasn't a sexual weirdo until this character came out and then as soon as I started seeing images of him I started looking up and drawing pseudo gay shit and it's slowly gotten worse overtime.

Fuck you toby, I'm not playing chapter 2 and ralsei sucked when he took his hat off.

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You're retarded.
THANK YOU. Jeez. This character seriously fucks with peoples brains, im convinced its a literal like, engineered psyop to control peoples minds, there is no way that a normal person should be thinking or feeling or even making these images about a GUY.

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>ralsei sucked when he took his hat off
Chapter 2 pulls the exact same CIA psyop with white Ralsei
It turns out that making characters cute and likable also makes them attractive

Ralsei feet

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I agree with both of you anons, when the story starts picking up in the later chapters that's when things should definitely get interesting with him (at least I hope it doesn't take too long)

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>humanoid goat with no hooves
absolutely ruined

>The people only people who wanted to fuck the goat were insane degenerates
>Deltarune comes out
>The goat is now drawn better, and in a better outfit, more of a presence in the story, and more likable
>Now want to fuck the goat, but only with the hat on
>Chapter 2 comes out
>He's even better, and now has makeup
>Now want to fuck the goat without the hat on
It's like it's a skill he's actively honing with each release

hoove moment

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It's not gay if it's a goat
Ralsei did something to me too, but bizarrely it hasn't spread to any other characters. I really, really like Ralsei and think homo things about him but even other short furry male characters don't do anything to me
There's nothing wrong with being gay, but honestly if you're only a LITTLE bit gay you don't need to think of yourself as gay. Sexuality is a spectrum and you can round to whatever label is closest if it makes you feel more comfortable

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Is the user who asked for a cum vid here

Boss monsters are more like goat/rabbit hybrids and I don't mind them having paws
Hooves are cool too though
Humanoid feet are the worst

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NTA but i wanna see it

What is with some of you? I just like giving him hugs. I don’t have any impure thoughts towards ralsei like some of you.

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Love turns to lust all the time

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>fluffy crotch bulge
No. Stop.

Before i finished undertale, people told me i was like flowey because i was super abrasive, i think i might've been 17 or 18, which made me think do they mean im like asriel too, which i assume so, and then further on as time went, i felt closer and closer to the character, and then deltarune came out and i couldnt stop thinking about doing things, being close to him, cuddling and then one night it turned into kissing, and i couldnt stop the thoughts of him just being ontop of me, our hearts racing, even things like a trail of saliva between our lips. Im 23 now, i havent played chapter 2 of deltarune because i've seen pictures of him and i feel like i like him /too/ much.

post more cute ralsei's anons, white or black it doesn't matter

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Well, it's working, I love him.

never played deltarune but he seems like generic cute femmy sissy healer

also christ the undertale fanbase is full of coomers and furries. i know it's to be expected but damn

im a susiefag anyway

Correct and based

I don't trust him


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Dude I want to kiss anthro goats. Toby made the snouts of these goats very kissable.

white ralsei fucking sucks


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A very cute and kissable one.

Ralsei represents everything wrong with our society right now.

You're just jealous because you can't get any bitches on your dick.

something something yee yee ass haircut

I spent the whole kf the first game thinking Ralsei was for some reason a girl and black


Hung Kemoshota

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>literally identifies himself as the dark prince
>multiple times

>think undertale is cringy tumblr shit
>want to fuck the little effeminate goats boys until they are reduced to an orgasming mess
Why must I be cursed as so?

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I fear for the internet when ralsei eventually goes edge goat

Same. They're adorable. Furry or not I just think the character design is lovely.

user, I hate to tell you this, but you are more cringy tumblr shit than the game is

If he was a Dad, what kind of Dad would he be?

Ralsei was never black you tard

Can twinks be daddies?

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everyone says undertale is "tumblr" but they can never explain what exactly makes it "tumblr"
it's literally just a buzzword for "thing I don't like"

Someone's gotta provide the semen