This speaks to me on a spiritual level. It's so meta ironic, its transcendent

This speaks to me on a spiritual level. It's so meta ironic, its transcendent

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very strange that they're making another one. I might play the first one when it's 5 bucks but it looks terrible.

>haha we got nothing to show and we're making fun of ourselves for showing a trailer that has nothing to show, aren't we meta
Someone invent a time machine so I can kill whoever started this cancerous trend.

It's not terrible, it's just the very definition of mediocre and forgettable. Arguably that's worse though.

I might play it if Microsoft is giving it away on gamepass again, otherwise meh.

i pirated the first game and the only good thing about it was killing off all the awful companions and making the epic wacky doctor who frees you kill himself

>giving it away

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It had its moments but it's a mediocre game overall. Just pirate it if you're curious about it.

is this being made by a majority of women again? i'll pass if so

What's your favourite Rick and Morty episode?

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>Severely reduced in cost
There does that sound better

That one where Dan Harmon lets his real life issues creep into the episode, turning it into an uncomfortable experience to watch.

The one where they were all Australian

>it's just the very definition of mediocre and forgettable.
This. One day I just decided I had played enough and uninstalled it and never touched it again.

The game is an entry-level RPG in every way. Mediocre is the perfect word for it and that's being generous.

Literally who asked for this?

So, all of them?

I was specifically thinking of the Unity episode which was a clear metaphor for his own failing marriage, but you're not wrong I suppose.

>It's not terrible, it's just the very definition of mediocre and forgettable. Arguably that's worse though.
I actually feel bad that the brilliance of the self-depreciating trailer is attached to a property that was so forgettable.

In full disclosure I didn't play the game but I was just looking at it and it felt so plain. All it needed was a monster or character design that was memorable and I would have tried but it felt like every single aesthetic decision was purposely the most boring shit imaginable. I get that they brought aboard a lot of Fallout talent but let's be completely real here, Fallout was fucking ugly, it was always ugly. And just because Outer Worlds was definitely better than Fallout it still lacked the charm necessary to sell a game.

All they had to do was hit one high-note on the aesthetics: the Space Marines should look at least as cool as the Master Chief, the monsters should look at least as cool as something from Monster Hunter, and at least one female character should look conventionally attractive. And while they obviously had the budget to do any of those three things they just didn't.

It's just weird that something that appears to be better than Fallout and Borderlands in several categories just overall didn't look to be better. Cyberpunk felt the same way, obviously well-made, but nothing truly inspiring.

Apparently it sold "well" and M$ is desperate for something they can call exclusive, even if it's only timed.

I played the whole thing and it is fairly short, maybe 40 hours. Doesn't help that the game is broken down into small areas across several planets and stations, and then those areas are further broken down into linear spaces that you don't want to backtrack through a second time because you'll see or do everything of worth the first time around.
Really though, the actual issue was that all of Obsidian's actual writers pulled out of the project early on and so everything after the first planet was written by some untalented fucks who just did whatever. Pavarti becomes a completely different character once she steps foot on your ship, and you're just supposed to believe it.

It's a first party game so they're permanent to gamepass. Unless you meant games with gold, I don't think it was ever offered on that.

>I get that they brought aboard a lot of Fallout talent
They brought on *some* talent. A lot of the New Vegas devs either left or didn't work on The Outer Worlds. Gonzalez left, Avellone left, Sawyer only did some minor balancing... Oh and Tim Cain directed, but honestly I wouldn't be able to tell if I didn't know that beforehand considering how bad the character building is.

>That spoiler
Jesus fuck.

I'm glad you shared that fact, because I don't know how else I would have found it and It's just so fucking hard tracking who worked on what and for how long because information is just impossible to come by in video games. Dodged a bullet but I am much happier knowing there is a solid reason why it was worth avoiding.

Just fucking awful. Affirms that it's more important to follow people than it is to follow company names.

>Affirms that it's more important to follow people than it is to follow company names
Hundred percent truth. Western companies still haven't figured out yet that good writers/artists/etc aren't easily replaceable, especially not if you're trying to imitate something else like when you're making a sequel or spiritual successor. You can absolutely tell almost nobody from NV worked on The Outer Worlds even if you didn't compare the credits like only huge aspies like me do.

>This speaks to me on a spiritual level. It's so meta ironic, its transcendent

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it didn't sell well enough to get a "all dlc + game" edition plus i'm p sure this time it will be exclusive

The problem with following people is that it's impossible to put the name to the quality. There's always going to be landmines like Tim Schafer, Inafune and Koijima who obviously by now should not be associated with any quality but have made millions cashing in on marketing their name and the projects they've worked on.

I have a few names like Avellone that I know are reliable but my library of names is incredibly slim. The entertainment industry shines the spotlight on all the wrong characters and neglects to give the spotlight to the most deserving people. It's especially like that in film with so much effort focused on actors and likewise in video games when people are fucking interviewing/hiring voice actors to sell a video game.

God, media feels so fucking dead to me. When you put the onus on having quality workers it kills all sense of excitement when the first thing you do is perform background checks on everyone in the credits just to. Like what the fuck are you supposed to look forward to when all you see is people who've made crap and continue making crap. Because I'll tell you right now I'm done with video games until the video game industry starts elevating proper names and talent. I felt like CDPR could do no wrong or Larian because there was enough overlap in talent with their previous titles but it turns out all the good talent left.

Why is it very strange? You haven't even played the first so why the fuck are you even voicing a concern you goddamn retard lol.

You're right that it's hard to figure out this shit which is why I usually don't bother. I've stopped paying attention to the vast majority of AAA games like a decade ago.

gib Ellie gf

nigger what? it does have that

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had to turn of the sound, super cringe.
also the first game was woke, with every white male character being depicted as evil, weak stupid and effeminate while women are all "tough", "smart" and "heroic"

oh i missed it lol

wtf I love The Outer Worlds now

>Xbox console exclusive

So does that mean for PC it's on some gay MS storefront?
Pass if so


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You don't need to play a game to know it's bad.

i'm sure its just on pc like all the other xbox exclusive

>This speaks to me on a spiritual level. It's so meta ironic, its transcendent
No it's just shit and you're advertising it.

all xbox games come out on steam

It's good to know you feel it is as frustrating to research as I do.

Cyberpunk broke my ability to hope. I think what actually hurt the most about Cyberpunk was that nobody criticizing the game could actually identify what was wrong or cite positive past examples in games. All they did was bandwagon, nobody criticizing the game demonstrated an understanding of video games to attack Cyberpunk with they just bitched in a manner as mediocre as the game itself.

I don't throw this word around carelessly, but The Outer Worlds was the definition of "soulless"

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Me in the right.

Honestly, I didn't like OWorlds at all. I got it for "free" with my ayymd CPU, bit the bullet and installed EGS to play it and I don't think I can recall a single positive about it.
It's ugly, it plays like shit, it's obnoxious and I'm saying this as someone who's playing and enjoyng Borderlands 3 atm. This game was the last nail in the coffin of "from the creators of..." shilling point.

About sums up current Yea Forums I guess.

They would have to make a LOT of core improvements for me to get excited.

The story quest choices sucked and everything that's wrong with them is encapsuled in the very first one.
On the first planet you have to choose a new leader for this factory. Neither of them are good options and both characters are annoying.
There's no hidden better solutions you can take to solve the situation. The company that owns the factory doesn't seem to care at all what you decided to do and the planet isn't changed at all as a result of your actions. Even what little consequences there might be, they're locked away on that planet and no NPC will ever bring those events up later on a different planet.

The npc quests also suck and your party is very one dimensional. The priest going on a vision quest removes anything interesting about his character by the end of it. Parvati's asexual lesbian fetch quest gives you no deeper understanding of the game's world and as a romance story you're doing all of the work with no payoff. You also get no insight into what it's like to be asexual other than "feelings are difficult" so this doesn't even work as the author's mouthpiece. Nyoka's only character is that she's black and "funny" alcoholic. I thought Ellie was cool until I did her quest and it was just; "I ran from home because my parent are lame. I'm a rich kid who wants to be poor because it's so urban and exciting." Fuck off.

Tim Cain's newfound obsession with simplicity also made me not care about stats at all. You're always going to end up making a character who's pretty good at everything so you will never miss anything and there's no reason to replay the game with a different build since there are no builds. The permanent buff/debuff roleplay stuff is also very basic. Sure, I want to do 25% more damage to enemies that are in every map even if I take more damage from enemies that are barely ever present.

Also the world was like 80% women for some reason and everyone had short hair.

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Its no terrible its just meeiocre. The world isnt particularly big so you will have seen most of it by the time youre halfway through. The combat is okay but enemies are either complete pushovers or bullet sponges. The companions are all fairly forgettable.

I played the first one a bit and did the starting planet where the corporations are le bad but got bored because it was too easy. Should I give it another go? Also any tips to make it actually enjoyable to play?

This actually makes so much sense the first world was the best one and had an actual hard choices to make and neat small details like wearing the raider outfit and the npc at the door commenting about it

If you didn't like the starting planet you're sure as fuck not gonna like the rest.

I actually bought the first one at full price. Most regretful purchase of my life, even more than the fleshlight

It's gonna be so bad I'm happy you're wasting your money

The writing was good, but the game mechanics sucked. It's a shame.

>It's so meta ironic
stop using this term you heard once without knowing what it means

Such a shitty game with boring gameplay and ZERO attractive female npc, not even kidding.

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the pickle rick one, because it showed how full of themselves retarded hollywood writers are

log off, esl

the starting planet is the best part of the game

best post in this thread

God dammit this game looked so promising but ended up being so soulless. Now I watch on painfully as they focus on their "niche" humour aspect and have to watch this turn into the Borderlands series

I dropped it as soon as I saw the character creator defaulted to a black female

I completed Outer Worlds and pretty much forgot about it right away. New Vegas in space it aint.