Yea Forums humor thread


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I'm 22 years old and my dad makes fun of me for being a virgin.

call him a boomer, look how he recoils.

Me too hehe

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fuck me that's a good metajoke

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>tfw virgin at 26
>never had a dad so he never made fun of me

I've always found the idea of parents being invested in their childrens sex lives fucking weird.

Just leave them alone, virgin or not it's none of your fucking business pops.

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Me playing Fallout

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Sexy Zelda fangirl.
I think we can all relate to this.

I like when trannies kill themselves

tell your dad he's based as fuck

I'm 23 and my parents are quite literally the reason I'm still a virgin

I'm 32 and I'm the reason my parents are dead.


if he real

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Suicide or drunk driving accident?


she is literally me

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They care about having grandchildren a lot. You just disappoint them

Mother disappeared on one of our family boating accidents and is presumed drowned. Father similarly died from a spontaneous accidental harpoon discharge on the subsequent year’s trip.

I’ve blown most of the inheritance money on vidya and Asian rub-n-tugs. It was only $150k but I moved to Vietnam to make it last longer.

The only thing worse than people who insist on having children is people who insist on other people having them.

Yeah, so your mother died on a boat trip and just father just went to the same boat trip the next year
You did well killing him

Can somebody post that WEG meme of the poorly drawn woman and boy looking at the tits?

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so how is any of this your fault again?


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I lost my virginity, but everyone in my family thinks Im a virgin.

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Sonic? Yeah, he had a rough transiton.

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Hi virgie

She should get some pants that fit


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imagine saying that while he looks like an elder scrolls npc

Why did you need harpoons on a boat trip?

I miss these edits. :MikuStare:

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Actually kek. It's bretty good.

Kee no

That's because losing virginty doesn't mean jack shit if you still not married and don't have children.

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>looks like an elder scrolls npc
I thought the exact same thing lmao

Based boomer remover

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god this was so fucking funny

I always found it weird when couples told their friends and family they were trying for children

you sound genuinely autistic


Imagine being this gay

>Haha so am I

>t. Cringe Breeder

>t. incel

You're an unnatural freak kek

Just tell them you are gay

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I wish my mom was like this bros...

not the same without his laughter

I wish I could fuck your mom.

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I still remember this image very well, and how it got all kinds of rightful scorn. And now, years later, people are trying to stop a law to prevent this kind of grooming in schools. Fucked up.

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Nope, just enjoying giving my sterile wife creampies daily, without having to worry that one of those might turn into a lifelong financial burden.

What's funny about it is that the law doesn't even target faggots specifically, but they immediately went "THIS IS ABOUT ME" and revealed their true intentions on their own.


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Yep, an unnatural freak

i dont really care about children but the financial argument is cringe af
>i wont have kids so i can keep consooming

Damn I love that pic; never saw it after years of playing DD, dunno why

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I want to fuck white Korra.

Oh God, that's really hot