Mass Effect thread

thoughts on Javik?

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Him dunking on Liara every 10 minutes made ME3 bearable.

were they space africans?

>be Prothean
>Liara spent her entire life researching Prothean culture
>nearly worshipped it as the progenitor race of the galaxy
>find a real life Prothean
>turns out to be a space nigger that's into genocide and slavery
he had no respect for Liara's delusion

javik is based

Do we really need daily Mass Effect threads on Yea Forums?

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Yes, Thane.

Reminder that q*rians shit their pants on the first sign of trouble.

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literally me

One of the most important characters in the story locked behind DLC.

>fake DLC

>Best new character
>Day 1 dlc
Fuck ea, fuck bioware, etc.

Zaeed > Javik

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>poor man's Canderous

Based and redpilled on nearly everything, funny watching Liara having a mental breakdown.

I loved how he just shit a big fat shit all over Asari culture and history.

>Hidden behind 1KB update

The only companion to outright approve of giving the Krogan what they fucking deserve for being backwards, violent savages. He also comments that the Krogan should be thankful the Salarians and Turians were so merciful, if they were dealing with the Protheans, the Krogan would've simply been wiped out entirely. Of course this was all written to show how wrong and vile imperialism is, but instead, as usual, Javik just comes off as the only reasonable and intelligent character in the galaxy, and right about everything.


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>that one log entry on Liara's computer where she slowly realizes she wasted her life trying to study the Protheans

>Javik dunks on her so hard that she rethinks her whole life

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>The only companion to outright approve of giving the Krogan what they fucking deserve for being backwards
Garrus did it first, in one of ME1 elevator dialogues.

Nice GameStop exclusive dlc

Poor man's HK-47

Garrus says that both in 1 and 3. He even comments that if it were up to him, he would never cure the Genophage and would lie to the Krogan. He even compliments your tactics if you do in fact lie to the Krogan in ME3.

Non canon

Javik was wrong about everything. If he had been right the Protheans wouldn't have been genocided.


Renegade or Paragon?

Would smash.

I wanted Zaeed to rail my shep

>literal Prothean next to the clearly Prothean statue of your false god
>”no uh Javik dats deh goddess, not proten>:(“
Fuck asari, and fuck asari apologists

The default save for 2 has dead Wrex, it is in fact canon.

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Hated that they basically used him to create a thinly veiled "diversity good" message.

He's an example of what a renegade Shepard would be like years into the war. Dude was born centuries into his cycle's harvesting, no wonder he's bitter as hell. I really like the truth bombs he drops on Liara and paragon Shepard
>"Those who share my purpose become allies. Those who do not become casualties"
>"Nothing in our fight against the Reapers has been that cut-and-dried"
>"That's because you still have hope that this war will end with your honor intact"

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No, they'd just be genocided with no trace remaining of them

The entire point of the Protheans were that they were vastly superior in every way to current galactic civilization, and they fought back the Reapers for centuries despite getting caught by the Citadel trap. Meanwhile, current galactic civilization would've gotten wiped in a few years at best, and only survived because the Protheans sabotaged the Citadel trap as a dying "fuck you" to the Reapers and their beacon warning the new galactic civilization of the Reapers and their impending doom. The Protheans are the real heroes of the story of Mass Effect, they are the ones who truly stopped the Reapers after perhaps millions of years of their cyclic exterminations. Even the device used to destroy the Reapers in the end was simply something designed and created by the Protheans.

Yeah that was definitely the intention but Javik was so charismatic and well done that he comes off as being right.

To be fair Javik was just a soldier after all. It would be like finding a real life Ancient Greek soldier or mercenary and complaining that he isn’t some wise philosopher. Not to mention that Javik had all the more reason to be pissed at everything.

>designed and created by the Protheans


Yes? The fact it was attempted multiple times by previous species is irrelevant, the Protheans were the only ones who constructed a working, viable design and actually saw it to conclusion. The races afterwards simply copied that design, they did nothing on their own.

You were so right until that last sentence, user

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Renegade has funnier dialogue and Shepard shoots anyone he doesn't like. It might not be canon but I prefer him that way.

>a thinly veiled "diversity good" message.
>thinly veiled
Man, ME was full of that preachy shit right from the start.
ME2 has the least amount of it, close to 0, which is a part of what makes it the best out of the whole franchise.

Zaeed is trying way too hard. Javik is perfect

Diversity is good, all the alien races are by far the best part of the Mass Effect series, including Javik dunking on all of them. That too is diversity

Nope the Protheans fucked up. They should have educated the Asari, their favourite pets, on the Reapers from the beginning. The Prothean VI on Tessia comes online and immediately detects invading Reapers. They knew all along. Why hide it from the Asari? Because Protheans were morons.

The other species were morons too.
Quarians were morons to be defeated by Geth
Krogans were morons to nuke themselves back into stone age
Salarians and Turians were morons to try to enslave Krogans

But everything gets fixed as soon as humans get involved. It's a common scifi trope, because we are oh so resourceful.

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The protheans literally never finished the crucible

Humans literally became Collector 2.0 and half the battles in 3 are against indoctrinated human forces. It has nothing to do with humanity and everything to do with Shepard being space Jesus

Yeah, Vendetta tells you how each cycle has a turncoat faction that screws things up for the survivors. For protheans it was the Collectors, for this cycle it was Cerberus.

What did Kaidan mean by this?

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They hate you because you tell the truth

Ghost gun
Biden wil stop this.

>Why hide it from the Asari

Yeah about that, nobody hid shit from the asari. The asari had all the relevant information from the very start, THEY are the ones who hid that information from the rest of the galaxy, while simultaneously making doing exactly that a crime.

The collectors are Protheans 20,000 years later dumb ass

The protheans never constructed a working Crucible, and they just copy/pasted designs of the previous cycles too.

He was already coded into the game when it came out but they made him paid DLC. I will not forgive them ever for that. I never played it again.

Diversity in the new sense, not the classical.

Grunt > Wrex

He could use an extra gun.

You colossal fucking retard

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Reasonable, but they're both lovely people

>The collectors are Protheans 20,000 years later
First, it's 50,000*
Second, the Collectors were already a thing during prothean times as proved by Javik's flashback

>did you know salarians used to eat flies and lick their eyeballs?

I admit Wrex's a charmer, but I've always considered him to be bit of a dick compared to Grunt who comes to respect Shepard bit by bit. Still like his dialogue in Citadel DLC, though.

Based as fuck, one of my favorite ME characters. The fact that he's also really strong makes him even better