>From creates a cool new ability named Carian Retaliation
>for the first time in the series you can now party spells
>faggots abuse this ability using glitches
>it’s gonna get nerfed to shit
It’s this happens I’ll never forgive you faggots
From creates a cool new ability named Carian Retaliation
>using creative techs is "abusing glitches"
There is literally no logical reason why throwing down a glintstone and parrying the bullets shouldn't work
>For the first time you can parry spells
You could parry spells in DS2 and 3.
>Abusing glitches
It's not their fault Fromsoft can't code. They're invisible and deal 4.5k damage when built for.
>It's gonna get nerfed to shit
Because it's broken. Good riddance.
This is why Souls is a normie series, and why it will always be a lesser monhun. Even with Rise there's more mechanical complexity to the game than anything FROMsoft will LET its community have.
The most annoying part of this is the actual spell version is piss-weak compared to the ash of war.
Right, so I invest heavily into a dedicated sorcerer build with 80 INT and all the right talismans and whatnot to make this work, but instead any retard can just slap this spell on their shield as a weapon art. And not only can they use it, but it'll do like 10x as much damage as the proper spell version. Gee, thanks.
also it should actually reflect spells back, not just absorb whatever magic it touches and then put up some glintblades.
That’s fine but it shouldn’t be invisible or able to one shot. I also think interrupting incantations is fine
Fuck off fag I’m not here to discuss monster hunter
It should be nerfed. I've been using it from the start (no, no glitching) and it just shits out damage like you wouldn't believe. It has been for the entire game. I killed the godskin fatty in three parries, would've been two if I dropped terra magica, and I think my shield is only at like +20. It does more damage than a riposte, and a charged attack on wakeup, and about a charge attack or two more. It's ridiculous. And that's with having to parry bosses three times to get an actual riposte. It shouldn't be that strong.
It's also not as cool as I'd hoped. Just standing there while someone flings a great magic at you and just poofing it out of existence has its charm, but with the delay it doesn't end up feeling like much of a parry. The tree sentinel shield is cooler desu.
Also, it shouldn't have better parry frames than the fucking buckler while costing no FP in melee. What the fuck is even the point of small shields then?
>for the first time in the series you can now party spells
You didn't play the games
What do you mean? All you have to do is patch it so players themselves cannot trigger it with their own shit. That is the whole issue. Its a obvious oversight like the whole Tree Sentinel shield burning yourself nonsense. Or the curse shit. Just need to patch out this shit that interacts with the player doing it to themselves.
>mechanical complexity
Every Monhun speedrun I look at is just the monster falling over for three minutes. It's like Comet Azure cheese but slower
>What the fuck is even the point of small shields then?
Early game option.
Just make it bounce the spell back to the caster...
Wah lah, solved.
That's stupid. Also, bring back magic shield being a flat boost. This % shit that makes it useless unless you're stacking the talisman on a heavy medium shield, or outright using greatshields is dumb, imbalanced, and doesn't fit the aesthetic of a spellsword at all. Much cooler to magick up a dainty little buckler to stare down giants with.
Or even better, make it have inverse scaling with stability so it gives small shields a massive boost without breaking the balance by boosting heavier ones close to 100.
No one used the bloom shield my guy
Im starting to use it but sometimes the blades do no damage is that normal?
Nearly everything can spell parry in DS2 with the ring. Plus there's a ton of normal ass shields with spell parry.
You didn't play the games.
>Wah lah
>use it legit in a 3v1 invasion with non upgraded shield
>deals only 300 damage to his tank mage friend but helps me manage things
>host disconnects likely thinking it's a glitch I'm doing
Unless they fixed the servers you probably just got disconnected. Half of my invasions fail as soon as combat starts. I see the same shit happening to streamers/my friends so it's a pretty widespread issue.
If only I knew for sure. DCs are too common
From has been pretty good about not overnerfing stuff so far. SoNaF is still really fucking good even though all the NPCs abandoned it for the latest youtube trends and the only thing they even touched on Moonveil was the poise damage on the beam. Even Hoarfrost Stomp is still pretty useful for the AoE, stagger and frostbite buildup even if it's 20x worse than it was.
spell parry has been around since ds2
you are a newfag and have never played dark souls
just patch it so you can't get the effect from projectiles you made and nobody will use it ever again
>for the first time in the series you can now party spells
Partying aside, there was a while set of armor themed around a shield that could reflect spells back at the caster.
Souls is a containment series, its meant to hold the players that are too shit for other genres
They just need to make it so your own spells can't be parried and fix whatever is making them hit like nukes. Everything else is fine.
Why shouldn't they be invisible?
>only 50% chance of deflecting
Yea totally
This is exactly how the parry should work though. What's the issue? This guy was at like 2/3 health, so even if they fixed the one-shot, having your spell get parried and result in you dying from 2/3 health seems fine.
Why should they? How are invisible projectiles fair
it would still be very, very good even if you couldn't parry your own projectiles. As long as they don't make it do like 40 damage it'll be worth using.
Because they have graphics and it's blatantly a bug.
I can swear I saw this shitty ability somewhere ellse.
Vergil's summoned swords from DMC3/4/5 desu.
The game has like a dozen invisible spells. It's a perfectly normal mechanic in the game. In this case, the game puts the successful parry at an advantage by making it invisible, rather than stunning the enemy as a physical parry would. That's the point. If you couldn't setup the Parry in advance the way it's working now, it would be a mid-battle event that makes it difficult for other players to react.
I'm agreeing with you, I think. It should remain worth using, just have its damage tuned down to a reasonable (but not shit) level and make it so you can't set it up in advance of a fight.
See above. Invisible projectiles are always very visible for the caster and nearly invisible for the recipients.
PvP fags should be ignored. Crying for things to be balanced makes Souls a no fun allowed zone.
And this isn't one of them.
Ah, yes. So From is now ripping off that shitty franchise? Sasuga.
>so I invest heavily into a dedicated sorcerer build with 80 INT
is that the norm in this game? I've seen more and more people mentioning investing more than 50 levels into a stat
There are no invisible spells.
The ones that say they're invisible just mean the npcs don't dodge them.
its a glitch retard. if you do the retalliation and an invader isnt in your world yet theyre completely invisible to them. if you do it during an invasion it appears just fine
It's also been in since like DS1 with the all the persistent homing spells.
It's called homage bro. The entire Souls franchise is basically not-Berserk.
>There is literally no logical reason why throwing down a glintstone and parrying the bullets shouldn't work
Because they're a friendly projectile that has no risk of damaging you? You can't just stab yourself and parry that to get a free riposte on an enemy you retard.
It's called uncreative hackery that Fromtards eat up and call ingenious when in reality everything this franchise does is just a rip off from other Japanese medias. It's even ripping off itself by reusing its unused enemies.
Do different weapons deal more parry damage like the other games or is it just whatever has the highest damage stat
>think up great idea for a previous video game
>can't use it in new game now because it will be ripping off unused concepts
Do you realize how retarded you are?
Yes. Stop thinking that caps are the same as in Souls.
there's a critical boost stat next to all the damage types
Read, nigga, read
>mechanical complexity
pressing one button for a buff or homing summon missile is about the least mechanically complex a video game gets, user. you can't be serious. you gave up the prospect of fully useful movesets and more unique movesets per weapon type for this? a weapon art that just does a lot of damage at the press of a button? soulsniggers consider that gameplay?
Yeah, depends on crit bonus and weapon type.
if it gets nerfed it won't be because of the exploit dipshit. right now it's doing crazy numbers because I think the scaling is incorrect. I I love what it does but I can understand how stupid it is to be 1-shot just because somebody parried your spell with a 14-frame parry. it's kind of bullshit. I don't think it should be nerfed into the ground but maybe a minor decrease in damage
Berserk that this shitty franchise rips the living hell of wasn't the thing Miyazaki came up with first, pal.
Neither is shitty not-DMC magical blue swords.
As for the things he did come up with, it's not just reuse of unused bosses, but reuse of shit from previous games in general. Fags be making fun of COD, AC, and other games for being same-y. Yet this shit is just Demon Souls redone gazillion of times. The only one that felt somewhat innovative was Sekiro, but its formula clearly didn't come to pass in the slightest in new Demon Souls- Pardon! Elden Ring*
they're also lighter. i agree buckler parry should be better, but with golden parry as yet another parry crutch I think they're saving the buckler as the patrician choice when you want to look cool
devil may cry invented blue swords? I didn't even know DMC came out before king's field
Souls has very little on a conceptual/lore level and character arc level compared to Berserk, this meme is mostly done by actual faggots who only see the UGS as enough rendition because they either don't understand souls don't understand berserk, and they also don't understand western lore